
  1. Talk to him about it. Be calm collected, write down what you want to say in advance. If he gets angry, flips it on you, or refuses to see how it could hurt you that’s a red flag. If he gets angry or doesn’t stop he’s doing it on purpose and that’s emotionally abusive

  2. Tbh I’d check to see if he follows any like OF models or a bunch of cosplayers, or bikini girl. Might sounds toxic. But if he’s actively liking that type of content, I’d look at it with skepticism. My ex did this stuff all the time. Luck enough tho I’m now with a man who shuts anything down and talks about me a lot. I found out the other guy just said he did to keep me from worrying. It might not be that. But if you find anything. Write it down, write down your feelings a couple times, and then approach him about it when you know you can keep a level head. But stand your ground, and not let questions be pushed aside, or topics be changed.

  3. To me it sounds like he’s trying to groom you into using your body to make money. He’s being demanding and very specific with what he wants even now kinda sounds like he may already be selling stuff. Run please run.

  4. For me. “You’re always complaining about something.” Or “you always think you have something.” When I almost always do caused by one of my many illnesses.

  5. When people imply that our chronic illness has made us complain too much or be negative it feels like they’re saying “you’re hard to be around” “your suffering makes you unlikeable”…. I’m sorry you know what that feels like. It’s changed me a lot as a person. They should’ve said to you “you have so much to complain about. I’m glad you trust me to listen.” And “I’m sorry you’re worried about how you feel again. I’ll sit with you until it passes and make sure you feel better.” “I’ll check in on you later and make sure you’re okay. If you’re still feeling bad, I’ll help take care of you until you’re better.”

  6. Exactly it’s not our fault we’re ill, they don’t get it because they are abled bodied and don’t understand what it’s like for almost anything to cause you pain. it also hurts when your always there for that person but after a while all they say is “im sorry.” To any issue you have like they’re over you talking about any issue but still expect you to be there for them lol.

  7. My GP didn’t give me any advice besides no phone, no computer, no tv, don’t stress out your brain. I’ve googled it but a lot of the activities I find require me to be in lighting I can’t handle (all our lights are yellow.)

  8. I will! I see my hospitals sports medicine guy as soon as we’re able to get an appointment. Thank you so much for the article and advice!

  9. I have a pretty bad quality of life and not a lot of hope I'll ever be able to have anything close to a normal life.   Adjusting my expectations is key, but not all at once.  I think if I had to realize I'll never have a career,  family,  or travel all at once,  it would have broken me.  But I've slowly accepted it over time.  I live in the moment and fill my life with things I can do like online classes.  I get really into random things,  like right now it's watching Disney vlogs.  I find reasons to be excited to wake up each morning even if they are kind of silly.  

  10. That’s not silly at all!! I fall down rabbit holes of styles, or art or crafts I want to learn to do to occupy myself. I get obsessed with random yt niches and they really help me cope with everything.

  11. My family dog Raggea he’s a wack ball with high anxiety and behavioral issues. Everyone else sees him as a bad dog but i can tell he’s traumatized (he’s a rescue) he had a hard life, and his little brother my parents got (a pitbull) bullies him but everyone but me takes his brothers side bc his brother is a “good dog.” My parents want him gone so I’m taking him when I move out. It might sound dumb but the little guy needs me. I’m the one person he’ll come to if he’s scared, or after a fight with his brother, he needs me In a way no person does bc I’ve had to fight for him on many occasions and since then he’s doing better once they listened. They’re both good dogs I love them both equally. But he needs me and that’s my motivation

  12. Could it be a bruised, or cracked, tail bone? I had one through freshman and sophomore year. I had a similar feeling from what I remember.

  13. I’m not sure if this helps but. I got my diagnoses young (I was diagnosed as a infant because my mother had Eds) And her and I have both found the easiest way we’ve learned to get people to take us seriously with our conditions has been to learn the medical terminology. And how it affects us so we can advocate for ourselves with the medical science backing us up. So we can explain and “prove” why we need it. Since most people we’ve met don’t even know what eds is (If this makes no sense i apologize, I have a concussion currently so apologies if this doesn’t make much sense)

  14. It was 100 for me when I got my baby cremated. That’s how I’d go personally

  15. That’s when you start blaring anime hentai at all hours of the day and night. Start tweeting it and photos of her. Invite people over to make remarks that’ll hurt. Don’t buy food, actually destroy it all infront of her, take away the toilets ability to function. Shut off all the water, remove the toilet seat.

  16. If you left it at “it’s just my choice” many less would bother. But to create a whole movement that counters someone else’s..?

  17. This movement is kept on this thread I had too look for it too find it. It’s not even a big one. Also to comment on so many of the comments in here you gotta be a little pressed. It’s their choice 💗

  18. It’s not a tick it’s part of his actual skin. We’re worried it may be a tumor

  19. He could of deleted or taken down those pics especially after getting with you. Kinda sounds like Something else is going on and there’s a reason he can’t take them down or risk you following the account

  20. Yeah it’s a shame women can get BBLs and implants, but men can only get some botched implant that make our dicks look like a sock stuffed with popcorn

  21. I mean bbls used too end up super botched a lot of the time same with lots of other things till more people wanted it and they put more time/effort/actually knew what they were doing.

  22. Okay I feel like it’s something like “baddie on a laddie” or something that doesn’t even rhyme

  23. I’d say go for it but be aware that you may not get it back. Ghosting will end the relationship fs, but bringing it to her attention will give you a chance. But bring it to her in a mature

  24. Give her space. Or your gonna end up stuck in this limbo. She needs to know what she wants, and if that’s you. Without the commitment she could be taking too anyone. I’ve been in that situation

  25. Once read a story about this guy who dumped his ex for their weight. She lost it all too get him back but he also got really into chubspo porn and then gained a interest in only larger body types. Do with said info what you will

  26. Don't worry about it, odds are your parents don't want to bring it up again either.

  27. I hope they just go with the delusion I’m always gonna be there sweet baby girl

  28. Pls turn on the TV next time lol but it happens. If you need to hide stuff I would like hide it in my pad box in the bathroom bc I'm the only one who used them.

  29. I’m in the basement 1 floor and a house stretch away like wtf how did they hear me

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