
  1. Scared Of Love. It’s good, but everything else is much better

  2. For me, the included Micro SD card was the issue. First the printer stopped printing at random points. Then i experienced the same as you, print started, after few min the printer "finished", but in reality, the print was ~5% done.

  3. Turns out I had left on an extension to do a pause at a certain height in Cura about 2 years ago, and I completely forgot about it. Thank you for the suggestion, though. I actually did have to get a new Micro SD card a while back because I accidentally killed mine due to impatience haha

  4. If you're using Cura, make sure you don't have a color-change or other Extension enabled.

  5. Yep, that was it. I did a multi-color print about 2 years ago right before I stopped using my printer, and it was still active. Thank you very much for your help!

  6. Which slicer are you using? If it's cura then you probably have a post processing script that's active that pauses at height. Either way, check your slicer for any active post processing scripts.

  7. Bingo. That was it. I do remember doing a multi-color print about 2 years ago right before I stopped using my printer, so it was still active for all the files I sliced. Thank you very much. I was going crazy over this haha

  8. My favorites are he/sos/se/xie (he so sexy), its/sir/se/xie (it’s sir. sexy), se/xier/thon/them (sexier than them), and sir/per/eir (superior)

  9. it might seem insanely rare, but it actually has the same chances as any other combination

  10. That’s true, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still insanely rare. It still has a 1/x chance of happening just like any other combination, but it’s easier to visualize since they’re the same card

  11. I’ve seen the same series drop at once before, but never the same exact card

  12. They’re like “what are you doing under there silly?”

  13. Hey, could you please break down what this means in short? I'm a new card collector and i don't really understans how to read these prices for a card.

  14. Just take the edition of a card and that character’s number of wishlists and divide it by the values in the chart.

  15. Luckily there’s a very easy fix to this that takes about 30 seconds and involves a screwdriver

  16. What is rare is getting black n white + reversed and no difference in morph change, those are very hard to get

  17. I was looking to see how rare this was, as I just got it on my edition 3 Nezuko. Do you know how rare/valuable a black&white + reversed with no color change morph is?

  18. It's really rare, it's not common and can add a good value to ur card, especially nezuko or any high wishlisted card

  19. Good to know! I’m definitely going to keep it on her. Thanks for your help!

  20. The funny thing is that I JUST put a mystic dye on one of my Rems too 😔

  21. Wow that’s incredibly unlucky. Thanks for the info

  22. This post is just incredibly false. Plain and simple.

  23. I’d say anything ice cream- or outdoors-themed!

  24. When does a joke become a dad joke?

  25. Still no fix as of mid-July, 2022. It’s actually crazy how nothing has been done after all this time…

  26. Please send this to me! Thank you!

  27. If you’re a 6, I’m a 3, and I thought I was pretty good! I’d say you’re a solid 7.5 or 8

  28. Absolutely. Gorn and Beat Saber were the first 2 games that caused me to want a Quest in the first place.

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