
  1. I hate this guy so much. So much unhistorical nonsense, and his fans on Reddit are exactly the same way

  2. I love Rudyard, he's an absolute riot in his insanity. And his name is fucking Rudyard of all things.

  3. Relationship with wömen(the mеn of woe)? Girly and no enough masculinity! Relationship with men? Masculinity x 2

  4. The US public schools used to show propaganda films in the 1950's and 1960's of various political and civic topics. You know, commie-behind-every-bush, cold war era stuff. But I remember seeing clips of one propaganda film warning teenage boys about 'homosexuals'. The villain was comically portrayed - overcoat and dark glasses. The narrator ominously warns "remember, the homosexual can appear normal...".

  5. I don't wish the best for idiots. Idiots are destroying the world.

  6. I wish the best for idiots, that being they stop being idiots and start being not-idiots

  7. Why are they shocked? When did immigration become a right? Can I just go to any country I want and demand entrance? Can I go up to a stranger's house and demand entrance? It would be absurd.

  8. The difference between a house and a country is substantial, don't you think?

  9. The livery looks a lot like the VR blue & gold livery

  10. All rights are infringed, the interpretation is by how much, otherwise there wouldn’t be any prisons. Inmates aren't allowed to bare arms, are they?

  11. How tf are Québécois fucking pro monarchy?😭 They hate the British and they’re french

  12. There’s such a weird romanticization of monarchism by the modern right. “We’ve steered the ship generation to generation to the best of our abilities”…only when it comes to Kings and Emperors do they think it’s not weird to absolutely love the government and lick the boot.

  13. Æthelred II, Stephen, John, Edward II, Richard II, Henry VI, Richard III, and that's just England, and somehow people still think royal blood is a measure of competence

  14. Couldn't Scotland apply to the EU after breaking off from the UK? Sure, hypothetically they would take an economic hit in the short term but would be able to regain ground if allowed to rejoin.

  15. Spain would never let them in, unless Catalonia gets really chill all of a sudden

  16. That depends what the middle ground is. Israel's ratio of combatant to civilian is pretty much the average ratio in modern wars, and that's in extremely difficult terrain with lots of tunnels and what is essentially an urban jungle.

  17. So how does this end? When does Israel stop? What circumstances can they provide that will prevent this happening again?

  18. They stop when Hamas is no longer the governor of Gaza. And certainly they will not leave until they have returned their hostages.

  19. Didn't they correct it? They just forgot? Am I missing something, seems like a fine (one-time) mistake.

  20. Completely fair! S2 just so happened to hit all my guilty pleasure buttons, so I really loved it, but I completely understand the mixed feelings

  21. Reddit, Twitter, and the news are filled with the vocal minority willing to sacrifice the future to be "right" in the moment. The sad part is the same people also tend to be elected.

  22. So you would be OK with someone being allowed to run even if their explicit goal was to dismantle the democratic system?

  23. ... First off this is the primary so no official nomination

  24. Imo, it's completely fine to have teenage characters in your book have sex, namely because that is something that teenagers do quite often. It gets weirder and more uncomfortable if it's super graphic and on-screen and meant as porn, but just having it as a plot point or emotional beat isn't an issue at all.

  25. Unless Ncuti Gatwa has vertiligo, probably as dark as he is currently.

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