
  1. Congratulations on your job starting helicopters manually, titless bowling pin.

  2. Holy shit! Looking at your profile, I didn't know that Stay-Puft and MGK were making porn together now? Inflation is a bitch, huh?

  3. You're plump. He's white trash and looks like MGK.... Didn't know you were on the spectrum.

  4. No matter which bathroom you go in, Republicans are gonna flip out that you're in the wrong one.

  5. Imagine transitioning into something a human would want to be around.

  6. How to tell which friend is finally having sex on the daily.

  7. Oh no, 115 PSI, that would've smashed a car or shattered some windows. It's literally the force of a small bomb blast

  8. My coworker just had a full size 295/75 blow up in his face last week letting some air OUT. He was maybe 2 feet away and he's fine. Loud as fuck though, but not the force of a bomb sir. He also wears regular glasses, nothing happens other than poo in his pants.

  9. These are unsecured tires not bolted to the hub. God only knows what shape those third world rims were in.

  10. This is why pro-choice exists. The parents should've been aborted before they could fuck these kids up.

  11. "Help yourself" is what she says to make herself feel better as men help themselves out the door.

  12. Cooked so good it changed from a Jeep to a Chrysler! Some shit spices going on here.

  13. Wait ✋️ people masturbate to this deflated Bratz doll?

  14. '23F' means dyslexic fatty who failed to transition properly. Your whole family tree looks like it can be described as bamboo. Very nice of you to say 'yes' to your blind fiancé though.

  15. The person in this video is receiving that “treatment,” and it has just led to them spiting the world around them, constantly waiting for the next perceived slight so they can get angry and get someone in trouble/fired/etc., to such an extent that they film themselves eating in order to document these “aggressions.”

  16. 'Tell me how far you tuck without telling me how far you tuck' come to life.

  17. Emphasis on dropping. No point wasting time landing for such folks.

  18. "No brother, they expect one of our bodies in the wreckage. "

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