
  1. Except for the drink one I think all of these are ....fine?

  2. Even the drink one.. iirc, that is required in the state of Washington. I want to say a law was passed for that in the last .. two, or three years maybe? But i've not even looked at the specifics of it, i drink anyway lol.

  3. "Beat this in my head over 45 years." Kinda says it all right there. You're broken. Clearly not a public defender among your acquaintances. If you did happen to know any of these wonderful people, you would realize how hard some people work to maintain justice for the poorest and most in need. Clearly you've only seen the one side of it and think that you have a grasp on reality.

  4. No, it's the rule that everyone is entitled to representation. I didn't imply otherwise. The "some people" that I'm referring to includes anyone who becomes a public defender or chooses to work for CYFD or a similar agency dedicated to applying the law to the helpless.

  5. Yea i guess i'm just far more pessimistic. America has a lot of good laws/rules/etc that feel like window dressing.

  6. "Did you see the way he dressed? He was just asking to get stabbed"

  7. They said it was a dig, not a joke though.. no? Ie it was a criticism, in their eyes. At least that's what dig means to me in this context.

  8. Yeah it's just an overwhelming pattern of behavior.

  9. Interestingly, what would you have liked this video to look like? I imagine you wanted individual accounts of each attack/incident?

  10. Interesting, i would think we'd want them to report it and listen to them. His account of what "really happened" i would think to be less useful, as it gives the attacker the option to spin the narrative via their influence and larger follower base.

  11. I appreciate that. I’m on the journo hub and drama is our bread n butter. Plus being unable to quote tweet leaves you feeling sus on shit people promote

  12. Okay can i ask a dumb question? Wtf is the distinction around quote tweet? I keep hearing it in context of Twitter, but given that i was never on Twitter i don't understand what is missing or etc.

  13. One of the biggest changes, in my opinion, is when twitter allowed the QT a decade ago. Instead of a retweet, you can retweet a tweet and add your commentary to it. So it allows for dunks and jokes, but also a way of adding to a tweet without simply endorsing it. I’d say it’s the key aspect of Twitter discourse, responding to something but not simply replying to it. Politicians loooooove to quote tweet (the entire Andrew Tate, Greta Thunberg thing was through quote tweets because it’s going out to their respective audiences)

  14. If that's the case, then why use Satan at all & not some other mythical creature? Would it not have the same effect?

  15. I imagine the less counter it is to Christians the more okay it would be. Ie imagine a law that makes mandatory teaching about the Flying Spaghetti Monster okay in school. Hypothetically Christians will be far less reactive to that then teaching about TST in school.

  16. Out of curiosity, is there a subsect that agree on all points but don't adopt the hostile or whatever religious visuals?

  17. I'm an old Millennial and I find myself moving more and more to the left the older I get.

  18. Old Millennial checking in. I make a very good wage, my wife makes decent, and we're DINK. We're about as good for middle class as i imagine you could be today, in an ideal world.. and we are rich compared to the "normal" we see today.

  19. Karen was literally made specifically for white women just like how they call minorities Shaniqua, Ling Ling or shit like consuela

  20. .. are you saying Karen is a bigoted term? I have used it regardless of race, but i would never call some random black Shaniqua because that seems racist af.. or at least ignorant af.

  21. Nah. He just does not need to part of a place that happily houses nazis.

  22. Not just happily houses them, but purposefully welcomes them back. Yikes

  23. This! I was a server while I was in school, 5 tables an hour, average tip was 20 depending on the bill, 75% was cash tip I averaged 50-60 an hour cash under the table the only issue is it wasn't consistent, I could make 500 one day and 50 the next.

  24. As someone who tips 25-30%, you make a good argument to not tip or perhaps tip much less than i do.

  25. I think it can be both, right? The God just knows that the children are going to die.

  26. If a being literally knows everything that will happen… literally every “choice” you’ll ever make then you have no free will.

  27. They had the votes in 2009. They had a bill called the Freedom of Choice Act and a promise from Obama that signing it would be his "first act as President."

  28. Back in 2009 it wasn't believed we'd regress so badly on the GOP side. Suddenly now though the GOP is trying to strip large portions of women and body autonomy, so.. yea, it's now a voting issue.

  29. The MAGA right will say that AOC wants 12 year olds to have their gender irreversibly mutilated.

  30. Also they claim that any abortion is murdering children. Not that i agree, but in their words AOC votes for murdering children.

  31. Let's also not pretend that the worst the GOP has to say about AOC is anywhere near a valid or reasonable take.

  32. Lol sorry, i should amend that... to... "the not insane worst...?" jesus, it's hard to describe.

  33. Aw man, that's when it starts getting really good for me! I love the added complexity of the later tiers.

  34. I enjoy the later tiers.. kinda, but what i don't enjoy is repeating myself heavily. Honestly, it feels like i'm doing something wrong. Here's my pattern in this game:

  35. if I saw a pic like this of my mom I would find it super funny but I guess everyone's different lmaoooo

  36. Yeah, all of it up until that point was great, and then it completely fucking ruined it. It was like that M Night Shamalamamalon movie where the aliens invade and it is freaky and amazing and so cool and you wonder how they're going to get out of it all and then... the substance that covers 80% of our planet, comprises 70% of the bodies of all indigenous species and literally falls from the sky is so caustic to these aliens that it melts them like the fucking Wicked Witch - and somehow we're supposed to believe that these beings that have interstellar travel capability came here and landed on this toxic planet and didn't run any kind of compositional analysis, didn't bring any weaponry, and just plopped down here fucking naked to run around and kill humans by hand.

  37. Man, you really misunderstood everything after the black hole. Tars literally explains it.

  38. Fetterman can just be another Biden. "He didn't say that, that's not the state's official stance." Walkbacks galore. I wish I could say Dr Oz would have been better, but they were about the same. Still, John is a stroke victim, not yet recovered. I hope his health improves, truly.

  39. I’m enjoying it personally. Luckily haven’t been effected by the bugs others have reported nor have my five friends who play as well. There’s that one map with seven billion exploding cars which I have a gripe with but aside from that I’m having a good time. Ground War is a great change of pace too

  40. Same, as a BF 2042 refugee i play Ground War exclusively and quite enjoy it. ~40h in so far, which is quite a lot for me.

  41. People are just going to unlock everything and then we’ll be right back to where we started.

  42. It's what i'm doing. Granted, i'll still pick what i find fun.. whatever the definition of that is. Holy fuck though, i encountered that gun when doing my unlock grind and it was obscene how quickly it felt OP.

  43. For the non-cod plebs, what's HC? How does it affect this problem?

  44. One who has so little in life that they take pride in something dumb like this. The irony is that while they think they're winning by upsetting people, they're not. Everyone is just looking at them weird.

  45. Core MP gameplay is fun but the progression feels like even more of a grind due to how gated the new weapon unlock system is. Now weapons have less overall levels and many of the attachments are universal (things like sights, foregrips, muzzles, etc.) so they only need to be unlocked once then any gun can use them from the jump. This seems like a generous concept, but the catch is that each universal attachment is tied to the level progression of a specific gun. Also, most weapons can't be used until you to reach a high level on another gun in the same family. For example, to even get access to the Bizon smg, you need to level up a total of 4 other guns in the AK platform. Gating the entire attachment library of weapons behind the progression of other guns means the gun customization starts off at a really slow pace as even reaching max level on your starter guns won't provide you with enough attachments to tune them exactly as you want. This was probably done in reaction to MW2019 where people only used the M4 and nothing else, but for people who don't have a lot of time and just want to use the handful of guns they like, this system is going to be a pretty big pain as getting every common attachment is going to mean leveling up every single gun. The last time I could do that was when I was 13 years old.

  46. Is there more in game guidance on how to unlock certain things? In beta i found it confusing as hell. I'd see a gun, an attachment locked.. and that's it. I had no understanding how the hell to unlock that attachment.

  47. The store page of the MWII beta (that is now deleted and unsearchable) had at least 50 of these types of reviews.

  48. Strangely i had no problems in beta, but now i get some pretty nasty texture flickering lol. Kinda rough tbh (PC, 3080TI)

  49. Yeah so you can larp as a cool looking assault team. But god forbid any of that money went to actual training. Training sounds a lot like work and work is no fun.

  50. You think it's that binary? That there's no middle ground between movement tech and sitting in place?

  51. That's not directly related to an immutable OS because this works with Fedora Silverblue (I cannot attest to telegram but other applications).

  52. I'm on NixOS (semi immutable?) and it doesn't work. Though i never cared enough to look into why lol

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