
  1. Can you zoom in on your face more?

  2. Nope. It was just people who were already ruffled about him not being a white president and feeling oppressed by that simple fact.

  3. This is why they’re anti-abortion: to keep the baby plate supply high. Kevlar is expensive!

  4. My first character in Path of Exile. Everything I did was wrong.

  5. Have you tried smoking more than one cigarette at a time?

  6. I’m not sure James Woods was acting.

  7. Probably one of the fans in the stands behind them.

  8. You can still go outside to stare at the sun if you’re sad about your eyes not hurting 😁

  9. This should be the world peace slogan.

  10. I was half expecting the answer to be vaccines and lizard people.

  11. In a former job that I had, you had to write a petition for promotion. I had a lot of experience as a manager writing those petitions and helping others. I had a close friend who wanted to get promoted even though I knew were not ready and in fact should not be promoted. I let that friendship cloud my judgement and helped craft a beautiful write up and that friend ended up being promoted. As expected, they were not ready and others suffered from it. I regret that to this day silently because they are still a close friend.

  12. He’s really just angry about his stolen baseball cards.

  13. I’m sure his sister appreciates

  14. How do you get half a win, do you just walk off the field like antonio brown

  15. Your first mistake was calling it half a win. In Washington we get half a loss.

  16. This is fucking parade territory.

  17. I get this. I live much closer to Baltimore than DC. I cheer for Ravens when not watching Washington. If they play each other I cheer for Washington.

  18. Bruh what I thought you hate them, I’ll never root for the jets.

  19. Ehh, it’s not like I’m a Raven’s fan. I find a team to cheer for in every game. The Raven’s get the nod because they’re right next to me except when playing Washington. They didn’t exist when I grew up.

  20. A moisturizer routine might help, but I would focus on just accepting yourself for who you are.

  21. NY Giants are about to know the answer to this question in their first game.

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