
  1. You may want to actually read the FAQ for starters, it has a whole section on

  2. Not really if you do push/pull/legs.... though I would take a Sunday off to rest as well, but it's not required as 2 days is enough of rest for particular part of the body, and you can also switch up some exercises around if that body part feels tired or to add some variation and variety (probably for legs)!

  3. Instead of doing planks after already doing 8 sets of push ups I think it makes much more sense to do some side delt work. Basically every compound movement involves bracing the core, so why waste limited time doing things like planks or Russian twists? Especially if OP is not doing anything for the biggest (and arguably most visually important) part of their shoulder?

  4. If you are afraid of wasting limited time, then just do an L- hang (or L sit, V-up).... or if it's too hard (build on it by pusshing through even if you can't hold your legs up or straight) you can start with leg or knee raises on the bar! But L hang is 10x better exercise than a plank, and 15 seconds of it is more better than a 2 minute plank! Your core will become a steel! Also Russian twists work sides of the body, same way Bulgarian Split Squat works side of the hips! Both exercises are needed for more rounder workout! Plus 2 days a week of working out is nothing special, at least 4 days is doable.... so he can throw some different exercises/variations on different days for better rounder workout! Push up variations are the must inmo, finger, knuckle, archer, cobra (Hindu) push ups are amazing, and if he can do it, a one hand push up is great for a core and stability, as well as a Pistol squat, both can be build up with a help of a chair or a box!

  5. You're missing the point. I skimmed both. I have extensively worked with chat GPT to see what it can do in the training space, and it routinely makes huge mistakes that make it an incapable software for anyone other than a beginner.

  6. Well I again dissagree, I never ever wanted me, you or anyone go with any internet or app workout, only with your personal one, from ideas that GPT gave or any other app or a YouTube video! Why would you even follow unindivulized plan? For me, if you are at least in intermediate level, you should be able to understand how working out works and what plan and exercises will fit your individual goals! GPT from all the apps I went through, seems to offer the best ideas, some of those ideas are to implement into your routine or into the future.... if you been working for couple of years and you can't understand which exercises, workouts, plans, sets, reps aren't good or not for you, then I don't know what to tell you....

  7. This is the last workout in the link I send you, of course this is too much exercises, but if you know how working out works, then you can take exercises that you like and make your plan out of it or add even more exercises by telling it to GPT, till you satisfied with a results, as I said you need to play more around with the order you give to GPT and it will give you some nice responses! It's not perfect, I know, but it's better than all the other apps I came across! And in just 20-30 minutes I was able to come up with this sets of exercises and make GPT make it into a push/pull/leg plan! The idea is for you then to take some ideas and exercises from this and then create your own plan based on your experience and do a further research on YouTube and google!

  8. The best core strength exercise is L-hang! You'll get titanium core after building time on it! 20 seconds of L-hang hold is better than 2 minute plank hold! Plank is kind a waste of time and kind of useless after you can do an L- hang!

  9. Soreness usually comes when you just starting working out that exact muscles and when you do like 6-15 reps and a lot of sets, otherwise you probably won't feel sore!

  10. BSK, RUST, and Seaside. 3 gangs (and for sure 2 of their leaders; Benji hate is day dependent lol) a lot of the redditors here love to hate. There's no surprise tbh

  11. But honestly almost every member in The Company did deserve to get into it, KJ literally was taken only after he showed his worth through weed (took at least month, I think even more).... Cau, Dragon through intern program, as others exs members, Sly is completely new rper.... Perez been hanging around them and been useful... Fiona literally done already more than the majority of assets in just 2 week since she was taken in... so inmo The Company only took the people that deserved it, I don't see any bias hire, the only ones is Mickey and Benji OOC Rae Mond, Ellie hires, let's be honest anyone else would be kicked arleady... but everyone else worked for their spot!

  12. I don't think it is a problem, Mickey provides a nice counter balance, without Mickey it would just be former Seaside, Rust and BSK and Mickey has been responsible for hiring women into what otherwise would be a male dominated company.

  13. Not really, the most useful woman in the Company Fiona (Freya is not much behind though) was taken by Ray, it took like a week for Mickey and OTT to take her in... I don't think Ray or Benji are against hiring woman, but they should be hired based on their skills not just because they are women.... Benji though wanted Rae Mond as a board member lol, and she is totally useless and barely in the city)))

  14. Marty fucked up when he shot his best friend cause of his EGO

  15. Bro go watch X pov, he tried to pull a gun in the car but was scuffed, which was prior Marty pulling a gun! stop trying to gaslight people here.... nobody knows what X wanted to do there, he surely wasn't a victim there!

  16. If you actually watched the stream X knew his gun was scuffed from way earlier he pulled it out just to pull it out, literally the gun wouldn’t shoot previously and he knew.

  17. So he couldn't shoot even if he wanted? So as I said before no one knows what X wanted to do there...

  18. Its JUST a coincidence that nobody else has gotten farther and all of a sudden he doesn't know what to do...yeahhhh

  19. Are you stupid??? Cau and Fiona went into the area after CG failed attempts... Cau even took pictures! I'm sorry but Benji and Ray should be the last people to be called on meta! Benji even turns off Buddha clips (his chat sends him to watch) so he figures out in the game what Buddha and his squad is and what they are doing! Also the Company knew about thermite and keycards way before CG first attempt...

  20. You decline his proposal, give him reasons and he insults you? That's bad style. Is that a common phenomenon?

  21. In USA probably yes... the stuff I'm reading on reddit I'd think it's some kind of trolls or desperate people (how people like this even exists and why would you even date such a person?!?), but knowing that there is a country United States of America, I'm not suprised if it's true...

  22. Gotta give em props but Sandy also doesn't have the police presence that Cypress has during most shifts.

  23. Cypress police presence is also due to Langs crew snitching on the Company.... they are the only ones to blame themselves!

  24. April will be good for a girl student, but not sure how her expertise would translate to a guy student?

  25. I honestly think Buddha/Mr Lang: The art of gaslighting.... would be better))) especially a day after Mr.K teaching, as 2 most powerful personas in Los Santos history

  26. Well first there's no pointing or clicking in Grim Fandango, and Secondly GTA is not only a series with about ten entries that play almost identically, but maybe the most copied franchise in history. So no, unless there's some new definition of the word unique that I'm aware of, none of the stuff you said is true. But... Good try champ?

  27. You still didn't answer a simple question, what's unique about Grim Fandango? I'm genuinely curious!!!

  28. So what does the lowest earner/richest person contribute to the crew now that hes not hacking? It would be great if Lang held Yuno accountable and switched things up by making Gigi the hacker.

  29. Bro Lang and Yuno are like brothers.... and even if Lang (which probably won't) will tell Yuno that he is not their hacker anymore , Yuno will just go back to Company.... Benji and Ray already told Yuno that they will take him right away as a board member (same role as theirs)!

  30. I mean, it's hard for Yuno to hide it when Lang announced it to the Company like 3 days after Yuno left the company.

  31. Lang told Ray that both Yuno and Marty is with them (prior the war) and I think he did it couple of times when they jocked with each other on the phone, I don't think though that Ray told anyone about it untill recently when Yuno stopped being secret about it with the Company!

  32. Well I'm kind a person who didn't find most/almost any older (and newer) games funny at all but...

  33. If you want something unique and experimental check out Camellia! Camellia - flamewall, Camellia- m1lli0n pp, Camellia- Crystallize is a great start! That guy has like 10 albums, he is a genius!

  34. Virtual Self is one of Porter's aliases, kinda like a side project. This project focus more on techno inspired by the sounds of late 90s to 2000s than to his usual style. He released an EP under the name "Virtual Self" which contains 5 songs.

  35. It's not techno, more between of Trance, Midtempo (search up artists like Rezz, Akari, Deathpact....) and Hardcore (the end part of Angel Voice and Eon Break)

  36. Doesn’t everyone say you always pay more to be first? Isn’t that like a very common knowledge thing on the server.

  37. Why you should pay to be first though??? It's other way around almost always in real life! Also it's completely different to 3.0, and you also don't lose by being first in 3.0 unless others meta, like CG did, if CG didn't meta they would way behind ! Here you just wasted bttrcoin because devs fucked up a simple logical thing, in 3.0 you used have fun figuring out stuff (while also having free priority bussnesses that brought massive passive income to Lang and CG) and not grind days to build racks while spending fortunes on it, instead lets say buy a good car (The Company)...

  38. In 3.0 everyone spent hundreds of thousands to be first and figure things out. It was always a thing that crimes were willingly losing money to figure things out first. The casino heist cost CB like 13 million to figure out and hit and they only made back like 8 million.

  39. Bro you literally just wrote the same bullshit that I answered already....

  40. So far The Company heist squad is shaping up as:

  41. Fiona is also applied as a heist member, Ray and Benji ready to give her a chance, now Ray gotta show hers resume to Mickey

  42. Mickey just wants a female member of the heist crew, so if Fiona wants in, I'm sure she'll be given the opportunity to become one of the main six. She's also a pretty good hacker and driver which is useful.

  43. Yeah his character can be a little toxic, but I mean he’s a criminal so should be expected

  44. Bro are you just found Xqc??? That guy has been toxic since his pro overwatch days lol...

  45. Probably a unpopular opinion but I think whitelists are fine as long as you rotate ownership every few months (like 4-6) early 3.0 Burguershot was a amazing rp hut, PDM had great roleplay, Roosters had great roleplay.

  46. The Company is a brand new group and Ray, OTT and Mickey were never given any exclusive bench/drug. Only Benji got his bench but that was only through Simone.

  47. And even then, if not by X being Schizo and stupid, CG wouldn't have guns besides PD ones, and new heist unlocks....

  48. Somehow devs managed to implement a worse crime system than 3.0 had. Now they have issues with people just camping houses or jobs like it's rust which wasn't a problem before and will be way more toxic if that meta takes hold.

  49. CG and X... "People".... they are always the ones breaking the rules, both in 3.0 and now!

  50. Marty 3/3 with shooting ppl within 1 second of rp this week.

  51. Bro he got robbed, what else you want? Talk to X to get shot first?

  52. He's going to end up rejoining the company just to do the heist. And they will gladly take him back

  53. Bri they will never let JP back, Mickey already said it.....Yuno will take 2 month (cap, Ray and Benji already told Yuno he will rejoin to board member instantly), Marty several months, JP indefinitely, OTT added never, Ray said yea lol

  54. Mickey's the only guy in the company that gives X any type of push back so that 100% makes sense.

  55. Why Ray is getting so much hate for no reason? If not for Ray X would've shot Lang many times prior that war.... Ray literally told him many times "we not going to shoot Lang" .... go watch X and Ray conversation prior the park meeting with Lang and Tony! That's one of the reasons X left, Ray literally ordered X what to do lol! Mickey and OTT are actually who were more going with him, at least to his face! Behind the back Mickey though didn't!

  56. I mean if you hate a streamer itself, like many here do and make lies about him, like many here do... then it's not a good thing and toxic to streamers....

  57. Yeah, I'm counting pure numbers. If you want to talk about being OP in crime though, OB has probably the best hacker and driver in the whole city. I don't think anyone other than maybe Mary can pull off some of the escapes that Goofy was able to pull off the last few heists.

  58. Tony also has a high escape rate, CB almost always escaped in 3.0, Ray also as a 2nd driver was very good, especially with Yuno, 100% escape rate when together)

  59. I meant caught because of Tony driving, not because of the plans or bad coms.... and Ray and Yuno as a duo were never caught together (when it's only them 2 in the car)

  60. I didn't know that Mexican cartels are in LA 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  61. This is what you typed in one of your comments:

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