1. Drop rates are just really low but it's up to RNG. You could get one after your 3rd clear or not until your 30th.

  2. Do you remember the spider tank public event

  3. It was in the side mission you could do after collecting all 50 drones. This is how we got Archie, the robo-dog

  4. Have you tried Outriders yet?

  5. I should've played the Beta more than I did... it was beautiful. I loved the story.

  6. You’re gonna get zero oversoul drops till crota and then it will give you 35

  7. I got the last Essence I needed to get Necrocasm and the 35 for the catalyst at the same time 2 days ago.

  8. When you land on the moon by Eris, go around the back of the platform you spawned in on. There is a room where the Jade Rabbit statues are collected.

  9. I wonder why the video cuts before you get across the bridge... oh yeah, about that.

  10. I got a pair of dunemarchers with a similar roll. I put a +10 mobility mod just so it could look stupid sitting in my vault with 40 mobility... then I dismantled it.

  11. It's not just D2 either, trying to goof off in D1 to get my dose of nostalgia and keep getting error coded and constant Attention Contacting Destiny servers.

  12. You can also do a Vex Strike Force on Neptune. They pop up as a public event and drop exotics that you don't have.

  13. Just got hit with this after several rapid fire attention contacting destiny 2 servers and several BEE, Baboon, and a Canary

  14. It's either a nonstop error code issue or "one moment please .."

  15. Interesting choice to use legendary shards on.

  16. I ran 75 strikes and got 6 pieces to drop. That's 0.08%

  17. 2 years ago we got a seasonal artifact mod called Energy Accelerant... when paired with Crownsplitter you could

  18. You ever see pre nerf Year 1

  19. Were you around while this bug was active?

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