
  1. Welcome back to rs :D Hope you're having fun!

  2. I am! People are pretty nice to lower levels. ( My main was locked forever, I guess because I didnt log in to it for a few years). I managed to rope a friend into my return so I'm exploring all the new stuff with him at the same time :)

  3. You should look into your main, an account doesn't just get "locked forever" even if you don't login for 15 years. It was most likely hacked and thus perma banned, maybe you can recover it.

  4. I tried appealing twice, but I have no idea why it's not working. Maybe I'm not precise enough about first passwords and my exact start date, but who remembers that stuff over 5-7years ago.

  5. There are also USB WiFi dongles you just plug in and maybe install a driver. They are cheap, and tiny so it is good if they have a pretty easy path to the router.

  6. Laptops and Desktops both use M.2 WiFi modules.

  7. Sweet, thank you very much for the reply, I'll look into it!

  8. That circle infront of the enemy plane tells you where to aim btw

  9. My brain knows it, but my hands still aim off target šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø only a few days in though

  10. Do the prime version exalted weapons have better stats?

  11. If you don't mind farming Duviri resources needed again, you can just put it on normal Latron in the meanwhile.

  12. Sweet thank you! I didn't know you could take the adaptors off. Good info

  13. Best route of action is to probably Make console Next gen only and put old gen to sleep. Then make it all platforms on all servers?

  14. The amount of times Iā€™ve had teammates who canā€™t call simple missings is insane. Or majority of my games we get queued in, we get the bottom of the barrel players that go 0-12 with no starter item.

  15. Do you call missing the moment he leaves LoS or do you wait a tiny bit to see if he went for buff?

  16. I usually wait a tiny bit if he went for buff unless he has been constantly rotating around. It never hurts to be cautious and do it everytime tho. If you see him leave you can always call an ā€œenemy in right/left jungleā€.

  17. Sweet, I'm usually jungle so I haven't gotten into the habit of it, but I'll try to focus more on that when I inevitably go mid. Thanks!

  18. Damn, this is an excellent response - thank you for all the explanations! Iā€™ll try these settings out. Iā€™ve always been dismissive of exponential ramp since it feels inconsistent, but maybe some time in the practice range will help with that.

  19. Is it just me, or are the colors brighter in this than other clips/when I play?

  20. Your point is good, BUT healing is also part of being a support. I mostly play qp so whenever I see one of the supports, (that isn't moira) have 6k damage but 1k heals, I get tilted because they aren't even trying to support anyone. Like, just queue dps at that point.

  21. Doom fisting other heroes out of the highlight frame

  22. Sombra, verticality, control engagement and be a pest just like Genji

  23. I can't aim for my life with sombra, something about how surprised players move makes it so hard for me to hit my shots

  24. I basically like to follow a triangle approach as itā€™s common when playing overwatch.

  25. From the suggestions here, I think I'd play junkrat as up close and personal, and Pharah for longer range. I guess that'd cover everything and could start playing ranked without having to one trick genji :) thanks

  26. Started playing genji a week ago, I was REALLY hoping for this to happen

  27. With the 4k he did, I wouldn't be surprised if he did it on purpose. Either way, him being forced to be a spectator in all this was pretty amusing

  28. You can sym tp out of Mauga's ult, but I haven't found any other ways. Maybe Kiriko cleanse?

  29. Kiriko can't tp out of the cage and her suzu doesn't work for this situation.

  30. DPS : Sombra can work really well with a coordinated dive, but any dive character like Genji, Tracer Echo can work well or someone providing firepower from range liks Widow, Ashe

  31. Ana and LW are my go to supports for him. Ana helps with long range heals + nadeā€™s bonus healing/anti for targeted enemies. LW helps give high ground/bursty heals and has a get out of jail free card for dooms who go too deep or get CCed

  32. I wish I was good at ana, it'd be so much fun, but I do like half my normal heals with her conpared to lw and kiriko

  33. Highschool of God. I had read the manga up until main character awakens and I really enjoyed. Then my friend told me that they had adapted it to anime and recommended it.. I'm still asking myself how they could screw up the anime that bad. Sure, kicks and punches = cool, but ALL the rest is just confusing and I had to check if I had skipped entire episodes because of how much important stuff they skipped from manga.

  34. This is the first I hear about rune quality, and haven't found much info on it. Do you mind elaborating a bit?

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