
  1. Can you be pregnant and breastfeed? I’m not sure if you can if so then either she wasn’t pregnant or was faking the breastfeeding?

  2. You can. Some people also start leaking milk at the start of their pregnancies too lol

  3. I wasn’t sure two of my cousins and aunt told me they weren’t able to and they looked confused at me like it was common knowledge. I do have a friend who was told to stop breastfeeding when she was pregnant with her second child. Maybe it’s a case by case basis

  4. Most likely misinformation tbh. There isn’t anything about pregnancy specifically that makes people not able to nurse. But maybe they had other things that affected it that coincided with their pregnancies.

  5. Wait did you actually pay someone to decorate this cake??? Holy cow it’s awful. You did a great job with the correction though, you’d never know it said nason

  6. I thought they were not whole peanuts, they were chopped. That scene reminded me of the time my coworker lectured me about eating peanut butter while pregnant. She claimed that eating peanut butter while pregnant caused her son to be extremely allergic. I ate a whole peanut butter and jelly sandwich while she droned on. Then came her conclusion - her son’s father is also extremely allergic to peanuts. I said, “Ok, there you go! My and my husband’s immediate families have no history of food allergies. Buh bye.”

  7. Apparently “groundnuts” is the name for peanuts in Cameroon. So he was giving whole peanuts

  8. Can’t take up any room in the fridge. His daughter needs that space for her breast milk. Tell me that isn’t the real reason.

  9. I’m just picturing the classic white refrigerator in a garage full of her milk lmfao

  10. Never said he should act like nothing is wrong, or that things are perfectly ok. I'm getting absolutely slammed in these comments, despite saying over and over that he has a right to be upset. I've been called toxic and sexist, for suggesting that he consider the difference between space and the silent treatment, for suggesting that he find a balance between space and so much space that his wife feels like their marriage is in peril.

  11. It’s not a silent treatment jfc. Also their relationship COULD be in peril. You don’t just kick your partner out from the birthing room without a valid explanation and expect things to be okay. Unless he’s abusive, there isn’t really a valid explanation anyway.

  12. Well he isn’t talking to her and isn’t seeing her because he’s upset about something . . . So what makes this different than the silent treatment? Cause I see nothing different

  13. Silent treatment is to intentionally punish someone when you’re angry at them. Not speaking to someone because you’re incredibly hurt by their actions and need to process them is not it.

  14. She needs to get off TikTok and get a job.

  15. This is the weirdest part… she’s SAHM to an infant and a toddler and hired a nanny to free up moms time to sit around and watch the nanny work. WTF?!

  16. Honestly OP probably has PP anxiety. Manifesting in absolute control issues. She needs to get that addressed before it affects the kids/her marriage.

  17. Why are Z list “celebrities” thinking they can charge almost $50 for cameos… and what idiots are buying these 😭😂

  18. Well in all fairness…Carlos has a “Rollie Fingers” mustache….they are a memorable couple

  19. Tbh I think it suits him though. I’m dying at the Rollie fingers mustache description lol

  20. NTA. A fourteen hour shift with no food and then having your only food at home taken by a dog is NOT funny. Had your BF apologized, as he should have since HIS dog is untrained-which is HIS fault, and then immediately drove somewhere to get you food, it would be an NAH situation. However, his laughing and not making arrears immediately tells me you were very wise to test out moving in with him. Guess what? He failed.

  21. The audacity to tell her she should finish the plate that the dog just went in on… terrifying

  22. You mean like the people in the comments asking what was wrong with what happened?

  23. Why don't you explain how you believe food addiction works, then?

  24. There are multiple comments explaining it to you, you’re just choosing to pay attention to the single one that agreed with you lmao

  25. Why would I reiterate what multiple comments already have? These people have binge eating addictions, meaning they will binge even healthy food to the point that it’s harming them. It’s not the same as alcoholism, as alcoholics will not chug water to death.

  26. To be fair, it’s a tiny house. One of those itty bitty ones built basically on the scale of an RV, but not looking like an RV. Maybe 200-350 square feet or something like that.

  27. How do you plan a birthday surprise then expect them to pay for a large portion of it😂😂😂 the audacity

  28. Imagine being so pressed about being called an asshole for being an asshole online lmao

  29. Should be fine. If you have access to good untreated grass go pluck a bunch out of the yard to last until morning

  30. If you already do, ignore this advice, but I recommend using an anti chafing cream or Vaseline to prevent chafing when you wear shorts/skirts. Preventing chafing helps prevent some of my flares

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