
  1. What are you referring to when you speak about Toni ? I wasn't aware of this (I don't even know who Toni is haha 😅) Could you give me a link please ?

  2. Okay...but who's Tomi ? (Sorry, I know I give off the impression that I live under a rock !)

  3. Oh no worries. She was a social media figure from the rise of Trump. She got famous for being an attractive blonde with all the bigoted opinions of your racist grandad, a popular grift in America. But then she got fired from Glenn Becks network for being pro-choice, and while she’s on Fox now and doing quite well for herself, she is no longer a cultural force.

  4. Why do they even have to walk if they can obviously levitate and fly?

  5. Suspensors are battery operated, like shields. Only the rich can have suspensors that’ll last for long on a single charge.

  6. Welcome to the movement buddy. Now let’s see what we can do about the leopard bites on your face.

  7. Did I miss the story where Biden used campaign funds to pay off the prom star he was banging while his wife was pregnant?

  8. Ok, Roko’s Basilisk is real. This reality was fine tuned to torture me specifically.

  9. Man is exhibit A for “What is late stage capitalism?” And exhibits A-D for “Why is late stage capitalism bad

  10. Why is it always, “Read this certain book”, whenever shit like this happens?

  11. There’s always been a religious element to Marxism, I’m not sure how, I’m not sure why, but “read the book” is a very religious response, the atheist version of “go pray on this.”

  12. If it does bad it’s woke, if it does well it’s based, if it does well but the main character is black then it was well directed but strayed from the true roots of the source material. Them’s the rules.

  13. I’d love to make a fun parody of a Anti Woke channel

  14. I don’t think the series will get axed because of JK’s toxicity. It might get axed because she’s controlling and her scripts are bad.

  15. Pretty sure millennials are smart enough to get why the USSR collapsed. It’s not hard. But you start looking into other options when your situation isn’t working.

  16. Absolutely heretical. I must confiscate this all immediately.

  17. No you don’t, any time a Republican says “we need to ban illegal voting” what they mean is “we need to make it harder for blacks and Latinos to vote.”

  18. This is play by play the Stratton Oakmont con but he did it entirely to himself.

  19. You don’t have enough levers. The Nazis did and said some insane shit, but they had lots of little ways of punishing you for not getting in line. And lots of much more unpleasant ways. What are you going to do to get the nation to buy your trans cult thing Charlie? Are you going to do the cat boxes hoax again? Keep questioning the importance of MLK? You’re too weird.

  20. As a former conservative psychopath I can confirm that they actually are deeply afraid of trans people and live their lives with way more fear than normies would ever imagine.

  21. I’ll always remember a boomer posted shit like this all the time and then got a job at kohls where she would “show them how it’s done” and then quit two weeks later because they wouldn’t let her sit down at the registers.

  22. God never had a gender. God is depicted as a man because ‘Father’ was considered the same as ‘creator’ for patriarchal cultures.

  23. It's almost like it's a joke. I don't think most of us believe in a God at all.

  24. No one has to believe in God but this has been a pet peeve of mine since theology class. “Men must lead as our Heavenly Father leads” intones the speaker, as if God is your manager and not a being beyond time space and comprehension.

  25. People often give civil litigators a lot of shit (ambulance chasers, etc.), and often with good reason, but Bankston is a great example of why we need them.

  26. I’m not sure how I feel about him, I can’t tell if he’s brilliant or just competent and dealing with the worst people in the world.

  27. Sure, I guess my comment wasn't exactly about Bankston as a person (even though I did phrase it that way), I just mean there are often very valid civil claims and somebody needs to litigate them.

  28. Yeah reading her essay I was really wondering if she is aware of XY androgen insensitivity (for example) because most of those people have a female gender identity (and sometimes can discover they're intersex later, as teenagers). But to her they were "supposed to produce small gametes" so they're men I guess ? Gross.

  29. That’s one of the weirdest bits of this for me, that terfs are feminists but also a woman is defined as the egg maker… JK calls this “sleight of hand” but it’s the core of the argument.

  30. I suppose it’s easy to be to the left of a fascist.

  31. Mostly, they don’t. I’m sure there are some who believe infanticide is legal, but mostly they don’t. They are the self proclaimed arbiters of truth, therefore they can manifest truth. It’s thought form applied to politics.

  32. In 2023, Musk cowtowed to Erdogan and agreed to block all election coverage in Turkey on the eve of the election.

  33. I’d say you should make that a community note but didn’t he stop anyone from noting him?

  34. This one of my favorite bits they do, where everything has hidden implications and two gay people who love each other can’t get married because it will lead to a breakdown of society over decades like a hairline fracture in an airframe, but also sometimes people just quote Nazis and that’s totally fine why are you upset by it it’s just quoting Nazis, don’t read into it you’re crazy.

  35. One of the things I come back to a lot is “there’s a debate to be had, but we’re not doing it now, and we’re definitely not doing it with you.”

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