
  1. I feel like the statistics are skewed. Anyone who tries something and fails is accounted for. Your uncle, brother, friend, etc.

  2. Going to get stuck holding options on illiquid stock.

  3. Did you know you can also buy shares? Biotech is already volatile, you don't need options.

  4. Always sell your winners and keep your losers

  5. Ride your winners and cut your losers you dingus.

  6. People are using AI to invest in AI. What could go wrong?

  7. It's not that easy to tell when the bubble pops. IMO this is just a continuation of a broader tech bubble.

  8. You’re selling at open when market dips right? 😉

  9. I think they’re trying to tell you something.

  10. You think Tesla is worth more than every other automaker combined?

  11. Visual mod was clearly talking about autoerotic asphyxiation.

  12. I’d shake your hand and thank you for the generosity

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