
  1. Force à toi! Et force à tous ceux qui souffrent aujourd’hui.

  2. You here GPT ? why you don’t want to respond in my chat but you are chatting with strangers 😢

  3. pony is a reminder that despite all the virtue-signaling fine-art enthusiasts in this sub, porn is the primary driver of innovation in ai image generation.

  4. I don't get what people do with cartoony porn btw. Is it for jerking of or to make cool wallpaper? Is there people that prefer cartoon than realistic people for excitement. That's really an honest question

  5. I spent the last 10 years on my business in which I sell piano courses online. I don't need to be present at the time of sale, so it's passive income.

  6. Is it you simply piano that flood my YouTube ads ? Damn I haven’t played piano since I am 10 and I don’t plan to ever play it again!

  7. there are terrorism down there

  8. I Heard Davao is the safest big city in the Philippines, over and over. You mean Mindanao as a whole ?

  9. Rien de spé debut elle a été surprise car ça ne se voit pas du tout...par contre, je lui ai dis qu elle ne me verra jamais sans. Sauf sur ancienne photo.

  10. Tu dois l’enlever de temps en temps ? Ou en refaire poser une autre ? Est-ce que ça te gratte au niveau de la tête ?

  11. Alors , c est simple mais faut le faire 2 ou 3 fois pour le faire bien:

  12. Merci beaucoup pour les conseils! Je vais les contacter de ce pas.

  13. You believe I should change my tone to a less patronizing one?

  14. By reading the comments on this sub and seeing what is upvoted/downvoted that is easy to understand that most people only want to complain about everything stability or stable diffusion. A « thank you for this tool I use every day for free » is rarely found in an ocean of criticizing

  15. I see the exact opposite so unless you provide some examples i'll assume you're lying.

  16. If saying something you don’t see is lying for you, I am assuming you will never accept it what ever the amount of time I spend copy pasting exemples for you.

  17. Agree with you. I am all for cool AI tools that are uncensured and that you can use for free. So I am very grateful for everyone who are working on it and making it possible.

  18. Not really compare to Midjourney or dalle. You know you can train Lora’s, dreambooth or even finetunes models, right ?

  19. Marche aussi pour l’apparence physique, la richesse, le sexe, la religion (ou l’absence), la couleur de peau, le statut social et sans doute beaucoup d’autre connerie sur lesquels on émet un jugement sur les gens avant même de les avoir connus

  20. La religion meh Si les religieux en avait rien a foutre des autres pas de soucis, malheureusement ce n’est pas le cas

  21. C'est pour ça que je dis ça sur Reddit. Je sais que beaucoup prônent la tolérance mais pas sur la religion, ni les opinions politiques, ni la richesse.

  22. Je suis d'accord. Un couple qui ne s'engueule jamais, c'est potentiellement un couple qui met tout sous le tapis.

  23. On est tous différents, certains sont contrôlants, d’autres sont des chieurs, d’autres sont extrêmement tolérants, d’autres sont passifs, ou entre ces extrêmes. Il y a des couples qui se prennent la tête tout le temps et d’autres presque jamais, si les 2 partis sont ok c’est bien pour eux.

  24. I like how this post shares a more diverse and versatile output of SD3, thank you for sharing.

  25. Same but for all books, publishing on Amazon have told me how aweful this place has become, and I am not even publishing on the English market. Most 2024 bestsellers are made by people with fake names that know perfectly how to market and launch Amazon ads but really do not care about the content of their books.

  26. Would be nice to have the prompts written, OP. For me the most interesting part of SD3 is the prompt adherence and I am mostly interested to see how it react to challenging prompt in this regards. The rest will change with fine tuning anyway.

  27. so many people trying to troll SD3 lately. Makes me think its really fucking good, and the competition is scared :)

  28. It toke 6 months for SDXL to get good checkpoints and loras, well at least for me

  29. If prompt adherence is as good as other pictures showcased, it is 100% worth the ressources. Maybe gonna be the last version of sd available locally for free also.

  30. I mean, computer viruses/worms/trojans have been hijacking hardware for decades. Ever heard the term "bot net"?

  31. Aren’t those small in size? lLM are quite huge in opposite and will be hard to hide to hijack your computer.

  32. A botnet refers to a group of computers which have been infected by malware and have come under the control of a malicious actor. The term botnet is a portmanteau from the words robot and network and each infected device is called a bot.

  33. Dur dur je comprends... mais que des gens instruits s'indignent, pas des matrixés de l'ED, ça fait déjà moins bizarre quand même. Comme quoi.

  34. Ah, quand les gens se pensent supérieur parceque eux ils ont fait de hautes études, pas comme les pecnos, les pauvres et ceux qui font de petits boulots. Reddit dans sa splendeur.

  35. Ben oui, un maire refuse un rassemblement pour des raisons de sécurité selon lui. Zemmour et Cie saisissent la justice en référé. Zemmour et Cie obtiennent le droit de faire leur rassemblement.

  36. Attends que Melenchon et Cie soit interdit de rassemblement, soit disant pour des raisons de sécurité et c’est tout les médias, toutes les universités, tout les juges qui s’indignent, sans parler de manifestations violentes et de bûchers à l’effigie de Macron.

  37. Do you have an idea what could be causing the termination? Copyright issue, cover made from a royalty free picture without change, using AI without declaring it … ? That might help to tell them that you will not do this again.

  38. Just over 300 images for 20 dollars through API.

  39. Please use Midjourney then. This is a good news for people that wait for the release of sd3 locally. They promised they will release the weights later on.

  40. I don't think there won't be open source models for people to use. I just don't think stable diffusion has much of a future if this is the path they take. There will have to be new players.

  41. Each time there is a good news or a bad news about stability the sub is flooded with people like you who say shit about this company. If you hate it so much why stick here? Why not dooming somewhere else, keep dooming in your garage with your friends

  42. Not for long. There's already tattoo achines that do temporary tattoos so I imagine it's not going to be much longer until you have an AI generated image and a tattoo printing machine.

  43. Ok but I still believe that live performance especially for something precious is not in such a danger as online faceless jobs, for the current AI revolution. Ultimately All jobs can be replaced, even president, but not all are going to be replaced in right now.

  44. 2 hours, and all tattoo artists gonna be replaced, for sure

  45. That would be so stupid to fight on the feet with a glory multiple time kickboxing champion, when you can outwrestle him and use your superior JJB. Why every fighter want to fight this guy were he excell and noone ever think to grapple with him 🤯

  46. Brésilian Jujitsu, but say in the wrong order in English (sorry not my language)

  47. Non. Tu as de la merde dans la tête, en prétendant que Mediapart n’est pas un bon journal, au-delà de sa ligne éditoriale. C’est ça ton problème, et c’est pour ça que tout le monde se fout de ta gueule.

  48. 1 C’est pas en utilisant les meme techniques que toutes les dictatures, l’insulte, la caricature et la menace, que tu me fera croire dans ta cause.

  49. Let’s organize a fight to get the response!

  50. No I’m comparing a dangerous bear to a dangerous man. A dangerous man have no self control

  51. The original question is with « a man », but you are interpreting it as « a dangerous man ». That’s tell how biased you are.

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