
  1. Sorry, my response is off, it stood unposted for a bit. Love hearing how you're al managing! Pill junkie, makes me laugh!!

  2. Good to hear how it's all doing. How is he managing? I remember, after a month in ICU in an induced coma, they finally released me. I thought I'd just hop out of the car and walk the very small walk up to our house in the woods. All 120 lbs of me stepped out and fell face first into the snow, my pants exposing my derriere to the oxygen man following us in. My son ran yelling "I don't think you know how sick you've been?" I caught on as they carried my little Irish princess self in the house, needing help to climb the one step up to the rest room. Hopefully your dad isn't as stubborn as this mom was, but you have to laugh at what it takes for some of us to say, woops, maybe I'm a bit weak now. Best of luck to you all!

  3. They didn't hurt? I almost grabbed that needle from the doctor and put it in his ... Lab coat. My doc and I have this dance, and I lead this time as he said "never again, biopsies are all to be sedated". A new way to see the Fighting Irish lol. The stomach shots are to prevent blood clots...they didn't hurt at all really, but I am a needle phobic SOOO. Arterial blood gas is from your wrist and pretty deep, I do NOT recommend, as bad as biopsy! I still struggle with needles but managed septic shock induced coma for almost a month pretty well. I think we all have certain pain thresholds for certain things. As long as I'm asleep, it's all good.

  4. Hope you are healing, just thinking of you and your pup i.e. co-worker doggo! What a gift they are!

  5. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know it is similar to losing a limb, and a best friend...even a child in some circumstances. Wishing your pain will begin to wake and beautiful memories replace it.

  6. Thinking of you all. Big hug for your precious son, and you too!

  7. Right? That smile, those eyes, great looking boy! My heart hurts for you all, once the shock passes, there will be a new normal that helps one cope.

  8. Oh man. Malamute/ACD… You’re gonna have hairballs the size tumbleweeds every summer after she grows out of her puppy coat. But, damn, is she cute.

  9. I'm lmao, my carpet isn't shag, it's 99% fur and me and me and my are vacuum exhausted.

  10. I had a little puppy my then husband got me for my birthday, a husky ,ended up at 125 lbs., huge dog the vet thinks was a malamute...akc papers aren't always accurate cuz, dogs love who they love. Anyhoo, named him Hodja, an amazing acapella Todd Rundgren song we loved...any song or poem you relate to, author or composer? I LOVE the roo! My girl has half dozen or so, ok a dozen nic names she answers to all.

  11. We are really chill here, beat up enough by leukemia, so everyone leads with kindness. Is the transplant permanently off the table? I was your age when I had mine, also had some rough goes with chemo, only managing two rounds of it and acquired sepsis (cancer society housing required we eat in a community room, not great for leukemia patients) though I did respond and immediately in remission. Anyway, I did a few months at a time myself, but was 54 then.. .relapsed and then prepped for transplant. I'm glad you found this sweet little group, here to support you whenever you need it.

  12. No, but she’s still adorable!! My pup is half red heeler and half Australian shepherd. We got him at 10 weeks, and one ear was still floppy, but by two weeks (then 12 weeks old) he had two radar ears.

  13. I have a black mix Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler! She has one ear straight up, another bent, but still has that point, like "woops, forgot I should stand tall". I'm just excited to see another Texas Heeler fam. BTW, mine looks like shepherd, acts 100% heeler and built like a brick. Yours? Sorry OP, back to your pup!

  14. That is your lifelong, bark of the bugle hound, little beagle. Mostly beagle anyway. We had one given to my son for his 5th birthday by my exes cousin (I still haven't forgiven her yet lol). I learned our pups grandfather was her father (we had just moved to the country, I had no idea and did some serious pearl clutching at the thought.) Anyway, ours was as dumb as a rock and lived to steal food and hunt. We named her Angelica, from Rugrats fame. You should do better, especially if it's mixed. Those ears are there to stay, BTW. Sorry, had a doggy PTSD flashback lol. Happiness and joy to you and the sweet pup.

  15. I love all of this! I'm happy people can still go camping if they want.

  16. He is happy with casual sex outside of marriage but not an abortion.

  17. This, 100%. I grew up being the accidental child. It was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I think you know what you need to do, you just want permission. Either choice will be painful but you will get thru it. You're doing ok, honey, you know what's best.

  18. Catalina (cattle-ina), lambchop, cookie, peaches, Sweetie, lady, lasso, cowgirl, dolly, rudy

  19. You have some cute ones there! I could only think of Bingo and officially ear wormed myself...the power is out here so I'll be stuck with it all night long...) I love Catt-le-ina!)

  20. I'm still trying to figure out how Sati knows the dinner hour during time change. Beginning to think dogs have been trolling humans for 12k years...

  21. It feels like a troll asking about a scam. Double negative.

  22. Really? Mine just got worse, though I stopped whining about blood draw and belly shots I was terrified beyond measure of the. Biopsy. The first was just as bad as the 7th. I think I scared the doctors tbh . Embarrassing now, but I'd probably be that way again today if anyone wanted to poke me with a giant needle. I did apologize. I'm just a bit of a Heathen Grandma at times.

  23. Ive spent most of my life in stressful situations and think it's possibly affected how my body responded to AML, though I don't believe it was the cause. I was in remission quickly after my first round of chemo as well, both times. I wouldn't bet my life on that result if it returned today.

  24. Makes you wonder ... What exactly does dingo in a dog generally result in trait wise. Apart from super fluff strength. Also, my Sati has 4 dew claws, wonder if that's a dingo trait, or a unusual dog thang.

  25. My girl likes to sit with her butt on cushions, legs "dangling". I guess her version of being hooman.

  26. Lady Radar. We had another pup here with the, um, generous ears, but a girl needs a girly name too, so Lady Radar, or Radar Love, cuz I just ear wormed myself.

  27. Our neighbor came to show us her new baby and I was terrified! Sati lover all Hooman s, but she's a powerhouse! Of course, she made a liar out of me and was so very gentle. I have no doubt your pups will be even more careful since this is their baby, too.

  28. It doesn't agree with my stomach? You can't drink with a medication you take. Or tell them it makes you break out...break out doors, break out windows,.dumb joke I heard at a meeting, but it stayed with me. You could also say you don't want to end up having to go to meetings. Seriously, this was a huge concern for me when I got sober but I quickly realized very few people care or even pay attention.

  29. An answer to the age old question...where the hell do Redditors come up with these questions!?

  30. My very first thought/impression is Husky. She has such a an ACD face it's hard to see past that, but my first thought seeing the picture was "What an beautiful coat, an ACD with Huskey coloring.

  31. What a beautiful gal! And she knows it! Pleasure to meet you, Bodhi. I think you've found a very good home for a very good girl.

  32. My car died 18 months ago... I've only left my house 6 times, give or take. That's a "What NOT to do".

  33. Eastern seaboard of North Carolina. Far enough north you don't get too many hurricanes, far enough south you don't get too much snow, close enough to the sea that the weather is more temperate. And just the right distance from cities - close enough to get there if you need to but not right in your face.

  34. My daughter lived in Snead's Ferry, took me to the beach...I've been landlocked for so long, I forgot the power of the ocean beast. I got a bit dizzy at one point, I felt like I was drunk in the best way. But, the heat! Dear God, the heat!

  35. Alexandria VA, next door to my granddaughters. But[, if I could bring the whole family, Ireland. I'd love to see where my people come from, Limerick and Donegal.

  36. My first dog was a cockapoo, Frodo Bilbo Baggins. I don't know if it's a breed thing, but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the drawer. But he was the cutest pup EVER, and would take a bullet for any one of us.

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