
  1. Not sick of it at all! The 80s were, are, and always will be awesome!

  2. I think it’s a bit misguided, especially in the fashion department. Many of those style should have stayed in the grave. Sometimes dead is better.

  3. My friend and I were talking and when we turned around to talk to our other friend, we noticed that she wasn’t there the entire time. We just bust out laughing and I fell off my chair. The whole time we were talking, we didn’t notice she left. She came back FROM THE WASHROOM to see me on the floor and her confused face made me laugh all over again.

  4. There really is a community for everything, isn't there? And to answer the question, I laughed pretty hard when my friend got me to watch Salad Fingers. It's so weird but it made me laugh.

  5. I can't comment on the effects of missing doses, but did you google/search for emergency pharmacies or pharmacies that are open on weekend? Or maybe a hospital can give you pills for 3 days.

  6. "Does it matter?" is the answer to your question. (Ok, it's a question, but still... It's the ANSWER!)

  7. Thank you for this! Very well written and articulated. Thanks for the support

  8. I mighty work on 5 to 8 ideias at the same time, but there's always one that feels 'bigger' in a sense that it feels like it needs more writing to it. I usually try to see what ideia I can visualize better, so I can outline it and go into it with more detail.

  9. You can write poems, lists, journal, or read/pay attention to the structure of a movie.

  10. THATS what going on with me right now. My sexuality feels revitalized in ways hair hasn’t been in years

  11. Glad someone else is saying it. Listen. I get it. I understand and get why Justin Roiland was kicked off the show… but my god, I kinda lost all interest in the show. JR’s Korvo voice was just so perfect.

  12. I’m 22, have an active social life and I still hang out with my momma in another city 45 mins away just to hang out with her. It’s ALL good. And it sounds like you have other aspects of your life settles pretty well. Maybe go out to a bar sometime and start a conversation? Me and my friends met a guy last night at the bar and literally went out to eat with him the same night. You’ll find your people at your own time.

  13. Started doing ERP and the amount of calm I felt after facing my fears head on felt great. But I’m feeling a bit exhausted from the ERP lol

  14. Thanks for teaching me about an issue I had no idea was going on. I will def be more open minded for people within the disabled communtiy

  15. Same. I was studying extremely hard for like 3 weeks, powered through 2 whole textbooks (mostly review from previous studying), listened to everything in Spanish, etc. And now, for some reason, I just can’t motivate myself. I don’t want to lose what I’ve learned but damned if I can’t get back to my recent desire to keep learning. Ugh, what happened?

  16. I had a panic attack right at the end. I was freaked tf out. But I stayed in the theater and didn’t leave.

  17. Being interested in the bbc category when I watched porn but still enjoying the women. I was so confused 😂

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