
  1. Honestly I'd base on substats leaning towards VV because Furina is C2 and you just got Xiao meaning buffing your presumably already strong Furina is better than buffing your Xiao who you're just in the process of building.

  2. Yeah, I have way better VV pieces compared to NO/SoDP. One more question tho, do I build Xianyun with crit or just focus on atk% and ER substat? Ironically, I only keep crit and EM VV pieces so if she only need atk% and ER, I might need to strongbox some VV.

  3. Crit Xianyun is only good for when she's the dps. If you're planning to buff plunges it's better to give her a lot of atk. Although tbh if you're running a triple Anemo comp you wouldn't even need that much ER on her especially with one or two fav users in the team.

  4. NOOOO 😭😭 That means my ‘better’ VV pieces is also no good haha. Time to strongbox again. Anyway, thank you so much for your help!

  5. Hi, I caved in and pull for Xiao cuz I saw FFXX team and it looks like fun. I need help to optimizing it. I have C2 Furina with GT, C6 Faru with ToM. For Xianyun, is it better to use VV/NO/SoDP? Thanks in advance!

  6. Si bangsat bisa jadi ngetwist apa yg cowo lu bilang out of context. Ketika sahabat gw lamaran ya gw selametin atas engagement nya, bukan nikahan. Menurut gw jawaban "doain dulu" doesn't matter that much from your given context. What's more imprtant is fuck that creepy guy (not literally). Don't let him stir shit up and ruin your happiness. I'd suggest never interacting with him, never even dignified him with any response if he made an attempt at conversation. Kalo perlu, make it clear to your bf kalo si bangsat ini buat lu uncomfortable. Apa dia diundang ke wedding nya? Ini juga perlu dibuat clear karena setelah nikah bf lu masih jadi kolega si bangsat ini dan jangan sampe dia memengaruhi marriage lu OP.

  7. Iya in the back of my mind sebenernya gw pun udah ada feeling this creep just want to stirring shit. But its just a me problem who wanted my BF to stand up for me LOL. I thought if my BF said ‘yeah, thank you’ at least he knows that I’m not ‘available’ anymore so hopefully he will leave me alone. But uh, yeah no it should be me who set the boundaries with him and not depending on my BF.

  8. Iya in the back of my mind sebenernya gw pun udah ada feeling this creep just want to stirring shit. But its just a me problem who wanted my BF to stand up for me LOL. I thought if my BF said ‘yeah, thank you’ at least he knows that I’m not ‘available’ anymore so hopefully he will leave me alone. But uh, yeah no it should be me who set the boundaries with him and not depending on my BF.

  9. I don’t keep track of weapon banner, but i think its been quite some time since watatsumi series on rate up right? I hate that xiphos really makes me FOMO 😭😭

  10. After doing some research, watatsumi series first released on patch 2.2 and their first rerun is on patch 2.5. Hopefully, sumeru 4* series also won’t take too long for their first rerun 🤞🏼

  11. Thank you so much! Really appreciate this 🙏 I’ve got one more question if you don’t mind?

  12. No problem. We got about 125 wishes for cyno. Let's use it as reference for kusanali's imaginary funds (and 3.1).

  13. Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your effort to breaking it down for me. Now i can plan my pulls. So whats left is for me to win 50/50 on cyno’s banner 😭 (i’m gonna need all the luck T-T)

  14. OK so lantern right is back to 3.4. SYP has made some incredibly bold claims that have all been panning out. Their contact is incredible. My personal predictions including reruns just for what I think makes sense

  15. Hey genuinely curious, forgive me if i sound ignorant. Why do you keep calling haitham as haithem? Is it how local pronounce his name?

  16. Wow your self control is amazing. Any upcoming character you plan to pull? Are you going for constellation?

  17. Hi! What is the best rotation for hutao double hydro (ZL/XQ with sac sword/Yelan C1/Hutao)? Thanks a lot 🙏

  18. ZL -> Yelan E/Q -> XQ E/Q -> HT. You want to maximize Yelan A4 passive for Hu Tao

  19. I do use elegy on yelan. My yelan is C1 so.. do i need to use both of her skill or is it making the rotation way too long?

  20. Hi! What is the best rotation for hutao double hydro (ZL/XQ with sac sword/Yelan C1/Hutao)? Thanks a lot 🙏

  21. So yelan doesn’t need to do her second charge skill in this rotation? Is it making the rotation too long?

  22. Hello, I plan to visit KL looking for my father prostate cancer medication (Xtandi, to be exact). Does anyone knows if I could buy it without prescription? Or if not, can someone give recommendations on which pharmacy should I check? Thanks in advance!

  23. If i cleared certain commission co op in other people world (for example like miraculous medicine), does it counts towards my achievement progression?

  24. It doesn't, only the ones you do in your own world count. If it did, there would be plenty of people broadcasting they have so and so achievement commission to help others get the achievements.

  25. Dang, thats disappointing but yeah makes sense 🥲 thanks for the answer

  26. Do i need to level amber at all if i’m just using her as elegy + instructor bot for vapetao?

  27. His personal dps is not that high because he is supposed to be an enabler (albeit not as good as childe). I’ve tried taser with jean (because i don’t have kazuha) and found it quite underwhelming as well, but i like him in the soup team (ayato/venti/bennett/fischl) and overvape (ayato/bennett/xiangling/fischl). You might want to give it a shot.

  28. Should I go for Venti and hopefully get Sucrose on this banner or wait and get Ayaka next banner? I have a guarantee now at 74 wishes with 40 saved up. Problem is, I have no anemo characters yet except traveler and looking at ayaka, I probably won't be able to get her a good team either. I have no limited 5-stars, only C1 Qiqi, no Sucrose yet, but with her I will be able to build National and Overload Yanfei while I wait for Kazuha and Childe. Ayaka needs Mona and anemo to work optimally as well, so I won't be able to use her from the get-go...

  29. I suggest just save up your guarantee for ayaka. For new account, you should prioritise dps rather than support. Of course you can’t straight away make her best team. It takes time to collect all the necessary character (unless you are a whale) but luckily, ayaka is considered versatile as main dps. You can use xingqiu as hydro first until you get mona in the future. You also have enough time to save and grab kazuha next as your anemo support.

  30. i cannot for the life of me 3 star 12-3 this time. everybody is saying this is a super easy abyss but i’ve never struggled like this at ar57 :(.

  31. Do you have xingqiu built? I find ayato’s hydro application is not enough for pyro lector. I use ayato/venti/bennett/xingqiu for 1st half. Second half you can go zhongli/itto/chongyun/hydro (barbara can do as well)

  32. My well built characters are the ff (best to least):

  33. Team 1: Venti, Bennett, Xingqiu, Raiden (try to infuse pyro on venti burst)

  34. 12-2 2nd half :( by the time i get there i only have 7 mins left so 3 stars is not possible for me

  35. So the whooperflower floor? If you have venti i think its quite doable actually. Save your burst before starting the floor will definetely help

  36. So the general consensus if you have bad ping, just give up farming for echoes set? Will mihoyo ever addressed this “problem”?

  37. in same position as you, but im not planning on farming for echoes since my glad pieces are way enough for what he needs that im pretty sure i wont get anything better (85/194) and 145 er.

  38. I see, i think i’m gonna do the same. But for the love of God, i never get glad Atk sands after exchanging in strongbox T__T.

  39. I’m wheezing with the shower head part 🤣 but i totally can relate. I’m a day one player and usually i’ve got nothing to do after i finished with my resin. Since i got ayato, i found myself login more often; just to admire his idle or doing random things. I CAN’T NEVER GET ENOUGH OF HIM.

  40. How do i build rosaria (C2) for ayato freeze team? Should i use favonius or the catch?

  41. Asking ayato haver with haran, is it still worth to farm for echoes set? Saw some reddit post talking about how the artifact set not proccing like intended (proc rate depends on your ping). Right now, i have him with decent 4pc Glad build. 68/201, 140%ER.

  42. If its me, i would rather R5 serpent spine first. They got the highest value out of all BP weapons. Btw, if you use electrocharge team on ayato, you can use lions roar as well, but preferably in high refinement.

  43. I also have excessive boss mats but I’m still gonna do 3 weekly bosses for chance of billet and solvent.

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