
  1. Been getting more comfortable with TOA, with a couple 150 clears. Sold off most of my bank for bofa, but still have decent midgame setups in melee/mage (fang, bp, trident). Where am I going to find the most value/improvement? Just pushing invo level or starting to learn the advanced mechanics (red x, butterfly, skull skip, etc)?

  2. I'd suggest to just keep pushing up the invo. Red x Ba-ba is less dps than just fighting normally so it only becomes worthwhile at higher invos when the damage you take through pray melee is too much to tank normally. Butterfly method isn't great without a shadow since mage is probably not your highest dps combat style by a decent margin. Skull skipping is worth learning, especially if doing insanity.

  3. This is exactly what I was looking for!

  4. Used it throughout college and doing alright, didn’t use it for everything though. One time the answer online was wrong, couple people got busted (prof didn’t report anyone luckily), so just be wise with it and make sure you’re still putting in the work.

  5. Cool account! What are your fishing options? Only thing I can think of is Barb village spots but that’s on the other side of the river

  6. Are you confident on only Karamja Volcano? That sounds pretty restricted and not sure on a feasible path to even Jad, let alone Inferno. Mount Karuulm is also a volcano, and Fossil Island volcano could help to open up some more content. Wilderness volcano wouldn’t do much but may be overlooking something!

  7. 100% agree with you on the actual fight, I found it kind of fun and it was a really great step up to bossing from Barrows/Mole/Archaeologist. I don’t think the drops by themselves are the issue, I think it’s more so just with how profitable Gargoyles are as an alternative for way less focus, unless you’re going for pet or really need that extra 5 damage for some reason.

  8. if i hold a chicken under water long enough, it is weak to water. hello, jagex?

  9. You could also drop a boulder on it, so they should be weak to Earth spells, obviously.

  10. The trades on the beta worlds are being reported as real trades to the wiki, and so it is affecting the live price data. These trades aren't real. We are looking at fixing it atm.

  11. You should move the positioning so that you get rid of the extra layer of grass on the 2 sides. It’ll reduce load times, I think if you shift everything 1 square Southwest it’ll do it

  12. .. contract? What contacts? Lol I'm two months in after a 10 year break.

  13. At the farming guild, Guildmaster Jane (right by the front door) will give you a contract to plant a specific thing in the farming guild and then after checking the health or gathering, you can get a Seed Pack. Emphasis added to in the farming guild before you run around pre-planting the expensive trees at the other patches, like I did (post 99).

  14. Quests would be a great start. Knight’s Sword would boost your smithing nicely. Varrock museum, rune mysteries + the GotR mini game quest, Daddy’s Home. Check out the diaries and work towards those skills.

  15. I've always liked dropping in on people's Zulrah sesh without them knowing. Fun seeing how other people go about it :D

  16. Wait what? You can watch someone do Zulrah??

  17. I think these might be poles for pole vaulting rather than homemade bumpers, but those do sound like an interesting idea too!

  18. Any reason you used amethyst darts vs dragon bolts? I would compare dragon for both, or amethyst and regular bolts (e), since the price ranges are comparable as well.

  19. Blowpipe with Amethyst Darts, super anti fire, pray mage. I think Karil’s would be better than normal void, as well. Make sure you use salve (ei), not just (e).

  20. I agree as an early player. Earlier puzzles had so much overlap with multiple words fitting multiple categories, making them very clever and giving them charm.

  21. Do you use a Jagex account? Visit the forums recently?

  22. It’s not so much the clicking staff vs in the spell book, it’s the targeting of the spawn for me. Honestly, I’m not very good, so being able to land that second click and be casting rather than race to spell book and then spawn after a misclick is worth an inventory space for me + it’s a nice action interrupter to make sure that I don’t have any delay in casting/waste an extra shot during immune phase

  23. I do that now still lol I reclick trees after speccing Chop! Chop!

  24. What the hell? 77WC, 1968 total and TIL spec doesn’t interrupt your action? What else?

  25. Is sq'irkin' terrible without a group of people doing it? I need to train thieving but is there a reasonably fun or afk way to do it?

  26. One click summer garden solo is super easy and decently AFK. Only downside is if you miss the cycle you have to wait 45ish seconds to not mess up the guards.

  27. We have a narrow door, reckon i could safespot giant mole with a kitchen knife on a string

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