
  1. How could anyone forget the greatest god of all time!?!?

  2. Also, if you're using the wrong size and really into it. My ex's dad didn't believe that I needed magnums and I lost so many because we got into it and it popped off.

  3. I was 18. She was 18. He bought us condoms so she didn't get pregnant. We used them. I don't see why this is weird.

  4. Probably Waluigi. The entire internet is thirsty for that lanky purple mustachioed drink of water.

  5. Driving down the road, about 3 in the morning, and suddenly the trees start swinging their branches at me. Pulled over and did some jumping jacks to get the blood pumping as best i could. Got going again and the road started moving like a snake. literally slithering all over the place. the only time it sat still was when my car was on top of it, but i couldn't predict where my car was supposed to go to stay on top of it. I stopped and slept after that.

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