
  1. There both as bad as each other. Please just stop killing people already!!!

  2. Once the party is over we will see what Javier can do?! Will it be an economy that grows or goes into free fall???!!!

  3. Everything looks spot on. 10 ⭐️ I would have held the bp but thats my preference.

  4. Because there absolutely full of shit. The only thing they care about is money, control and unlimited power! NOTHING else is even a consideration! Everything they do and say is to guard these 3 things.

  5. But the oil, gas and coal lobbies aren't in it for power and control? Elites bad. But how is that the basis for a sound criticism when there are just as many, if not more elites in favor of the traditional positions?

  6. This is where i stand on it. Business doesn’t care about the environment period. The priority is, money, control and power. EV cars, solar panels and batteries exist only because business makes money. Every ev or Gasoline powered cars produce a lot of pollution. The only way to make a difference is digress and dont travel. Thats not going to happen. No matter how upset we get about it, business doesn’t care!

  7. 🙌 The great China sell off! All your energy to China in the name of “environment”. Huge pollutants with a huge CO2 footprint you may never get back!

  8. Surly its just more in losses to have security. Cant these low life scum just get tazzed every time they try to steel?

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