
  1. I got a green cybunny morphing potion recently, when they were selling for over 10 million! It was a shocker because those are botted to hell. Restocking is great.

  2. The lab ray changed one of my pets into a red cybunny like a month ago and I had no idea that a red cybunny MP is worth like 20 mil. Your comment made me learn something.

  3. I recently got back into the game after about 19 years away and started restocking for some draik eggs out of nostalgia. After hours and hours I finally saw my first Draik egg pop up and it was a pirate Draik egg. I frantically punched in a little over a million NP to purchase my first Draik egg ever only to find out they’re selling for like 200k in the shop. Now we learn prices before we spend a million NP.

  4. I absolutely test drove a Z06 C7 before I went to another dealership and bought the Carbon 65 Z06 sitting in their show room.

  5. Because it’s lab ray exclusive color. So people with burlap krawk or burlap draik sat there and zapped their krawk/draik constantly until the lab ray blessed them with burlap, rather than turn their krawk/draik into a red kacheek

  6. Where can one find a tremendous load of hallucinogenics? Asking for a friend

  7. Congrats! I zapped my 140,000 hour old petpet this morning and he got zapped into oblivion. I haven't played this game for so long so I didn't remember that was a possibility. Sad Easter day :(

  8. Which ideas does he perpetuate? I've never heard the guy speak, so I honestly don't know.

  9. He’s never said anything about white supremacy, but it’s so much easier to just hate him like half the country does. The other half loves him. Just shows how hopelessly divided we are on fucking literally everything.

  10. Someone give this to Schmoyoho and get this masterpiece auto tuned

  11. Just ask why Joe's DOJ has not arrested anyone from the list?

  12. Because they’re focusing all their efforts on someone they believe is worse than Hitler and the antichrist.

  13. As someone who spent over 20 years in the US military, I can 100% confirm there are quotas for race and sex. It wasn’t so bad in the early 2000’s but became far, far worse around ‘08-‘10. I saw it being pushed during a short stint on recruiting duty. By 2020 it was no longer the “best qualified” being promoted or given certain duty stations. It was all based on race, sex and political bias. This was especially true the higher your rank, regardless if you are Enlisted or Officer.

  14. I served from 2007-2015 and I still remember extremely hard working airmen losing out on BTZ simply because they were going up against a woman.

  15. If he's gonna lift that heavy then why not go for the record while at a sponsored event? It'll prove all the nay sayers wrong. It's almost like he didn't do it the first time if he didn't want to here....

  16. It’s been a while since I checked but I’m pretty sure he’s already got the record at 501 kg. He crushed it too, definitely could have gone for 505 at least.

  17. There have been millions of instances of that feeling “oh we got them now!” Just in the last 10-15 years… I gave up hope that the right had any kind of backbone when Hillary Clinton was allowed to walk free after being subpoenaed to turn over her highly classified emails and saying nah, I’ll just delete em k thx.

  18. Why do libs live in conservative subs? GTFO.

  19. Same reason that they live in red states. They’re a fucking disease and they spread like one hoping to infect more people to their side. They love to be as miserable and loud as possible no matter where they are.

  20. Just like Trumps last term, we have entered the era where every couple years, one side will impeach at least once every single fucking term. None of it will matter because you need 2/3 vote to actually remove from office. But hey, yay, we voted along party lines to impeach. So impactful

  21. it severely restricts and reforms the amnesty laws, this is greatly overdue, trump wanted this in 2019 when he was president

  22. Trump enforced Remain In Mexico and wanted to build the fucking wall, something that 100% of border agents want every single fucking day. Democrats are almost a worst plague to our civilized society than anything else. That’s really saying something.

  23. border agents wanted the border bill passed, trump had to beg congress for money to build the border wall, biden could reinstate remain in mexico but he wont, why not pass some stuff in congress that forces action, insteaad of relying on biden?

  24. There’s literally NO trying to reason with you guys. All of the “border deals” that democrats try to pass have a ton of stupid ass democrat shit bundled into the “border deal”. Why do you think they all get rejected? Just because republicans want to be vindictive pricks? NO

  25. Why did the Holy Border Crusaders get to the border last week and declared they aren’t seeing anything?

  26. Keep your head in the sand, the rest of us actually have eyes

  27. Then show me the video so I can see the millions of illegals you so vehemently want to be there.

  28. You truly don’t want to know if you are this unaware of the crisis at our southern border. Here’s an article from 2021 by the New York Times stating that nearly 2 million immigrants were encountered at the border in 12 months. That number has grown every month since then. We are at almost 500,000 illegals every, single, month, and braindead buffoons like you are in denial of it. I will not continue this conversation further because it’s like talking to a fucking wall. You’re either completely inept, or a troll fishing for more negative feedback, either way you’re not worth my time.

  29. We are 50 states. It’s the reason the electoral college elects the president and not the popular vote. It’s the reason that you have to appeal to the entire country, and not just New York and Los Angeles which have more people in a single city than 10-15 entire states.

  30. Is this the same Oakland where all the stores are closing?

  31. Because it’s sterile and she likes the taste

  32. Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well. He’s living rent free in so many fragile minds.


  34. To those unaware of how he’s doing that, it’s prop glass/sugar glass, they use it in movies and breaks easier (and is edible since it’s mostly just sugar)

  35. I honestly just thought he was eating glass, because some people actually do that.

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