
  1. Could I ask what some of your symptoms are? I’m concerned I have UTCD or something going on but I can’t get taken seriously even with my positive ANA and abnormal lab results because my rheum panel was relatively normal besides X-rays showing some arthritis

  2. my main symptom was bright red, swollen knees and ankles after walking/standing. but along with that i have general joint pain in basically every joint, headaches everyday, face flushing/rash, and sun induced rash on chest/face. those are my main symptoms as i know im forgetting some. my ANA was positive, but low at a 1:80. it was also a speckled nuclear pattern which is associated with SLE. all my other panels after the ANA were normal and all my other labs were normal.

  3. That’s spot on with my symptoms plus 1:320 with a reticular ANCA pattern- I even showed my rheum the rash I get from the sun and he just shrugged and told me to take Benadryl?? Okay but why’s it happening??

  4. All unsweetened too. I love iced tea.

  5. Hold up, ice tea causes kidney stones?? Shit, is that why I’m getting them every other month lol

  6. At my restaurant if that happened, your check would’ve been comped and considered a walk out on our behalf and the other table would’ve paid their check as usual, and we would’ve gotten a write up. Drives me nuts because we use the ziosks to pay and kids often are playing with them and putting them on the wrong table so I’ve had a few very close calls with wrong checks.

  7. Interesting. Are your neutrophils too high or too low if you don't mind me asking?

  8. Too low, consistently so for over 2 years now

  9. Are you able to get a second opinion maybe? I saw two rheumatologist myself and both had a bit of different opinions on what was going in. It never hurts (maybe financially depending) to speak to another doctor and get their input too.

  10. I’m definitely going to depending on what my next results are at my appt. I’m sleeping 15 hours a day, getting infections every other month and my chronic pain is getting significantly worse so I’m not going to keep listening to “you’re healthy.” If that’s all I get with my current one.

  11. I’ve got those in my home. Pest control company said it was a smoky brown nymph. I see one or two a month and there’s never been an invasion, large breed roaches don’t usually infest- they’re just gross and annoying. I’d put out some combat roach traps though.

  12. Thanks for the feedback. How often do you put the combat killers? I placed some about 3 weeks ago. So hopefully this is a rare occurrence 🤞

  13. I keep them out 24/7 as I live in a very wooded area and those shitheads are everywhere. I replace them every 2-3 months- it’s also important to not leave food out. Anything open should go in a container if you live in a roach heavy area, and if you have pets don’t leave their food out. I saw a reduction in the kitchen after I stopped letting the cat graze overnight.

  14. actually. all your tests are looking similar to mine. "connective tissue disease" sticking out the most. As that's what signaled for a full body scan and found that I had Systemic Sine Sclerosis, a connective tissue disease.

  15. If you don’t mind me asking, what symptoms did your systemic sclerosis cause and what treatment did your doctor recommend? I’m currently in the diagnosis process for it alongside a liver disease both of which my doctor is pretty confident I have, and honestly I’m just kind of scared and wondering what comes after the diagnosis.

  16. I forgot to mention what they recommended. Unfortunately for my specific autoimmune disease, there is not cure or even known cause. The general outcome is immunosuppressive therapy. I however cannot take them due to not being able to fight a single infection that comes my way.

  17. I appreciate your comment back. I’ve been dealing with basically all the same symptoms minus the Raynauds, it’s just infection after infection lately and with the possible liver disease needing immunosuppressants to prevent failure, it’s scary that I might just continue to decline because I can’t take the proper meds. I’ve got my next two appointments and test lined up for next week so I’m just trying to stay positive right now that if it is indeed the systemic sclerosis, it’s a milder case 🤞 Best of luck to you.

  18. I have no issue with customers asking for advice on what to get- I’d hate if they said surprise me though, I’d be so stressed on what to pick lol. If they want advice though, it helps to narrow it down for your server like “I’m in the mood for seafood tonight, what dish would you recommend?” Because while I love salmon, you might not and it can save me from recommending dishes you automatically hate.

  19. Ah thanks good point, have any advice for the interview?

  20. Don’t stress yourself out about it- it’s basically the same as any other job interview. I’d read up on some of Dardens values for the “why are you interested in working here?” question. I answered along the lines of I really admired the Darden Dimes and Harvest program they did and appreciate a company who looks out for those in need and would love to be apart of it and my manager seemed to really like that answer. Other than that, if you haven’t served before think of skills you’ve acquired at other jobs or throughout life and how they can help you in this job. Enjoying a fast paced environment and being very efficient will save you a lot of stress; this restaurant probably has twice the amount of work of others due to the unlimited stuff.

  21. If I had to guess, I’d think they meant to do a $ before it and just did a shitty job. I would’ve done the $5 but eh, it can be disputed anyway.

  22. I understand how rough financial times can be nowadays- personally, when I’m short on money, I get takeout instead, because I don’t feel right going out to eat and essentially making the server pay to serve me, because they’ll still have to tip out on my table whether I tip or not.

  23. Or when they use a gift card and it pays the entire check and has like $4 left on it and that’s your tip despite it being a $70 bill.

  24. I get shit like that almost on a daily basis- I promise, it’s really not far fetched.

  25. If it’s a large order, I think you should tip. If it’s just a small takeout for you and maybe a partner, then I think you’re fine.

  26. Yeah I had notifications turned off for the sim- if you have mods installed, those too can be messing up the pack.

  27. I sleep about 10-12 hours at night and then usually have an hour or two long nap mid day. I still don’t feel rested on this lol, gotta love chronic fatigue from medical issues.

  28. It means that your estrogen and progesterone levels are elevated, and your serotonin levels that are responsible for mood regulation in your brain might change- it’s not exactly clear the link between these hormonal changes and being agitated. I think that anyone experiencing how painful a period can be would be annoyed regardless of hormonal changes, but these changes can make you more susceptible to a more negative mood than someone without the hormone changes.

  29. Yeah I don't have painful periods but I definitely get very extreme mood changes due to hormones. Every month I have 1-2 days where I go into extreme "panic-rage mode" and get super overwhelmed. Then like 4 days later I start my period and am like oh that's why.

  30. Me too; I get really painful periods but the week leading up to it my anxiety is at a 10/10 and it felt debilitating. Thank goodness for birth control so I only have to deal with it every few months.

  31. I went to a jimmy John’s by my work the other day for a soda. Just a soda. When he turned the thing around, it prompted a tip—15%, 20%, or 25%. I had to press extra buttons to tip zero. I’m all about tipping well for good service, but I’m sorry, I’m not tipping you for handing me an empty cup.

  32. I can’t speak for every Jimmy Johns, but I used to work at one and those tips just went to the owner anyways. Only drivers got their tips. 🙃

  33. Hard to say. Your level of income and savings can go a lot farther depending where you live. I think if you’re able to pay your expenses every month and can still save a bit, and if your car broke down or an appliance broke, it wouldn’t cripple your bank account, you’re probably doing pretty good.

  34. It always devolves into "my lazy server doesn't deserve ", or "these burn outs get paid too much" or some other such thing. A lot on Reddit are pro worker, oh, except for us. We can go to hell.

  35. Yep. I don’t see them attacking their favorite sports star or music artist to make less than the teacher who works 50+ hour weeks to give their child an education. Maybe instead of shitting on a field who doesn’t need to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet, advocate for those who aren’t making a fair wage to make one 🤷🏻‍♀️

  36. Two things. There’s one part where we actually understand mental disorders now and more people are getting diagnosed. There’s the other part where a person sees a tik tok of someone with adhd, relates to it, and now claims they have it.

  37. but are there people who do not have it? Or everyone is underdiagnosed?

  38. Absolutely there’s people who don’t have it/people who are wrongly self diagnosed.

  39. What are some fun interesting traits? Is herping interesting? It’s not what it sounds like.

  40. Sure. If you meet a girl who’s also a reptile lover. Typically, the most interesting trait will be a person who comfortably embraces their hobbies, quirks, and can overall be themselves. I can list off like funny, adventurous, charismatic, etc, but everyone’s looking for something different and trying to adopt traits that aren’t true to you isn’t really a good idea imo.

  41. Honestly not liking frogs is a red flag. You don’t have to be a totally reptile lover but if you see a frog out and about and don’t say “aww” in passing that’s kind of sus.

  42. This kind of depends. I’m diagnosed adhd and have a skin condition and it has had zero effect on my dating life. However, if you have a debilitating condition that requires your partner to be a caregiver, or will kill you in a year, I can’t imagine it not having any effect because those are much bigger things to deal with.

  43. No. People see a tik tok about someone with adhd and relate to one or two things that most people would, and self diagnose themselves.

  44. I went to a cocktail attire wedding last week and actually saw two ladies wearing this style- I think it looks great, the green pops on you so much! I think maybe with nude shoes and a bracelet or two and dangle earrings would be a gorgeous pairing.

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