
  1. Awww you're right. We should all just cower and let racism prevail. Solid plan, for a coward. The fuck are you even doing in this sub?

  2. Kids today don’t know we didn’t used to just let racists and facists hang out at our shows. Dudes got shown the door or the boot. It’s what they deserve. 

  3. Yeah, you're not stopping "instantly" if you're actually jogging. It's gonna take 2 or 3 strides and carry you a few feet. Also, I've had plenty of almost collisions in my life with people stepping out a door, around a corner or just stepping backward while I've just been walking.

  4. What’s your point? Unless you think people are spawning onto the sidewalk like NPCs then any jogger will have plenty of time to slowdown before they run into someone. 

  5. Nah, covering up for your boys doing vile shit is waaay more cop mentality than just doing the right thing. 

  6. Me as a person who has never and would never BASE jump was watching this thinking: Shouldn’t the wind be carrying him forward?

  7. God, I really hope it’s just a big rock you hit things with. I’d love it, it’d be so stupid. 😂😂

  8. I think that was the real "you have never seen a girl in real life" moment.

  9. Acting inappropriately? He just said that he didn’t think he needed to do therapy before meeting the kids! AND implied that he was disappointed he wouldn’t get to meet the kids.

  10. That doesn't matter though. If he already had been in therapy, he could have just said that and everything would be fine. The fact he hasn't been and refused to showed her everything she needed to know to decide that at least right now, reconciliation is not a healthy thing for her or her family.

  11. Honestly she was probably hoping that he would reply with “Oh, yeah I’m totally already in therapy.”

  12. Don’t worry bud nobody doubts that you could have a stimulating conversation with a wall.

  13. Op comment history seems like a person who got his brain shook up at a young age.

  14. Then he’s probably the skinny kid because he’s about to have his lights shut off lol.

  15. Having a small figurine is fine, but that size is hella sus.

  16. Genuine question. How in the heck did you hit ng + and only get to level 50? What were you spending your Runes on?

  17. He didn’t he used the Belfry waygate. You come down a staircase from the other fogdoor when you fight it the first time. 

  18. I had the same thought. How does Amazon hit a home run here and completely whiff on ROP?

  19. Simple, Fallout didn’t have to write around the fact that they don’t own the rights to 80% of the source material. 

  20. All of the sources of misinformation that infected this woman are still alive and well fucking up other people’s lives.   

  21. Well Beane has yet to draft a “really good” receiver in the 5 cracks he’s had at it. I’ll believe it when I see it. 

  22. Yo I had to stop at the on that said 40 hrs a week… It will be under $10000 a year. Bro get fucked.

  23. You have zero idea if the bad actors are actual bills fans or not.

  24. She didn't say bad. She said "not the greatest". if you have to be the best she's ever had, you really don't get what's actually important in relationships. 

  25. In what world have you heard someone use the phrase “not the greatest” and mean: not the absolute best, and not saying meh/bad in a diplomatic way?

  26. Probably Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate 3, and CK3 for when I need a change of pace. 

  27. if you believe the lawyer "they loved their daughter to death" which I don't believe for a second, any parent who loves their child wouldn't let them live suffer like this

  28. That Albinauric underneath volcano Manor near the grace before the abductor virgins. 

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