
  1. shadowmere died but you didn't? i'm guessing god mode?

  2. nop, i just loaded the game, and got on shadowmere, then he started glitching around. also i don't use mods, not sure how to install them

  3. Hey Peter, Brian here. A common statement in many cultures is “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” which is meant to say that beauty and looks cannot be judged objectively and one person can value different things compared to someone else. This picture features the word beauty written in the eye of a person holding a bee, making a literal translation of the statement - The word “beauty” is in the eye of the bee holder.

  4. Never mind, my blind ass didn't even see the word beauty, thanks for the explanation.

  5. People like you are the exactly the point of Morocco becoming like this, any criticism or other point of view is considered algerian or traitor. Lah y3fo 3likom. You know what you deserve everything that happening to you and you shall receive no mercy in the future and trust me it’s really dark. As I said enjoy

  6. I’m not defending them in fact I hate the control of the French economy ideology education … Morocco, it just there is a different story behind this and it’s not about Morocco has become a superpower and will no more rely on France.

  7. man I'm getting more and more confused now, so you hate France (as any sane person would do) but then when they break the law and get punished for it, you blame Morocco ???

  8. Im a grown man, but Im pretty close to cry like Baby right now.

  9. yeh man me too, i live pretty far from the epicenter of the earthquake and our whole house was shaking, i can't imagine what these poor people went trough

  10. man i lost all my fingers watching the first 10 sec of this vid

  11. man i'll never understand why American don't use trains

  12. sorry non American here, can someone tell me what the hell is going on in this vid ???

  13. bro am i going crazy or does he sound like Eminem

  14. It does look super fatty I’ll agree with you there but I was annoyed he kept slicing it thinner to cook it through. Medium rare is perfect. I’m also bothered that the size of that dish wouldn’t even qualify as a light snack

  15. man i'll never understand this medium rare thing

  16. is it just me or does this just looks like a raw/undercooked peice of fat ?

  17. Holy shit Reddit. This post is immediately after one with a picture of someone who looks like they were beat with a cord on their back and neck. Wtf.

  18. damn, well my luck suck, i laughed my ass off when i watched this on facebook, maibe my subtitle translation didn't cary the sarcasm behind it, man why is my luck so bad these days

  19. of course incase it wasn't clear from the vid, this is just a funny sketch, i do not support beating yo children

  20. I swear to god these islamophobes will use ANYTHING to attack Islam

  21. That makes more sense. I think the difference is a lot of places use precooked rice so it's already clean and free of contaminates. Sorry for calling it stupid as that seems like a serious problem.

  22. No, you can get above 40% currently. But nobody can get to 100% for the entire Sumeru region yet. You are missing a lot of what currently is out if you are at 19%.

  23. It requires quite a bit to raise it by 1%. You likely just need to do a lot more. Doing the Aranara quests in particular opens up a lot.

  24. i see thanks you so much, i'll just keep grinding then

  25. I think that’s been happening a lot for people, some people were complaining about it yesterday

  26. Updating the GPU driver seemed to fix it for some people.

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