
  1. SS: there's also a 666. Because they worship the devil and are shitty humans

  2. I can’t believe I didn’t see it, until I saw your comment. I stared at the image looking for other stuff specifically with the Os.But I’ll be damned if that isn’t exactly wtf that is. Right in front of us. 🤯

  3. It's not really a sale when they pay for it from US aid money, Israel technically getting them for free.

  4. The money still goes to the manufacturers and investors. The American tax payers just foot the bill. Business as usual.

  5. It made the statement from Kat Williams “I’ve turned down 50 million (to party with P Diddy) four times” make so much more sense to me.

  6. Women. Weird af. Sadly, I can’t help but find myself extremely turned on in their presence.

  7. “The line isn’t drawn at race. There are two sides; God’s side and the other” - Kat Williams (same interview)

  8. I let a lot of shit that I see on this sub slide, but mf im from GA and I live in the left lane. Gtfoh. 🙄

  9. “Both adopted from California San Bernardino”, implying separated twins at birth but both has coincidentally also pink dyed hair.

  10. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/twins-separated-birth-find-each-28960150

  11. Broke isn't middle class. But shoot for the stars, bud.

  12. What rock are you living under? The middle class was crushed by inflation. I don’t know anyone below upper middle class that isn’t living paycheck to paycheck. Even if they were thriving 2 years ago… my rent went up 50% Insurance up 50%, groceries 60%, gas 40%. None of our wages raised with the increase in cost of living.

  13. There is plenty of middle class Americans. You just aren't one of them. And no, they are not all broke.

  14. According to this article, I’m not only middle class, but towards the top of the middle class based on income. But I’ll take your word for it my guy…

  15. I watched the only form that was as it floated through the void until out of sheer loneliness/boredom morphed into the world that we know today and flowed its consciousness through everything existing in order to experience life itself.

  16. No one has air dropped cats. Are you fucking kidding

  17. Holy shit… yet only us tin foil hat wearing mfs will see this… and we will slip further and further into a state that the sleeping will be certain is lunacy. Why was Mugatu’s plight real?

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