
  1. Der defekt wurde seitens Asus bestätigt, leider ohne genauere Infos. Danke nochmal an alle.

  2. Tjo, dann wird dir keine klassische diagnose helfen können, tut mir leid. Jetzt kommen wir in den Bereich von Testbench und austauschpc und einmal jede komponente testen. Ohne klare fehlermeldung/fehlerbild fällt mir ohne ein hands on kein test ein.

  3. Reste PC ist auch abgeschmiert - Montag geht sie zu ASUS

  4. This is a great song. I really enjoyed the transition from her sing into the breakdown and nasty vocals. Probably one of the most unexpected switches I've ever heard during a song!

  5. I love the part when he screams next to her singing, gives me shivers

  6. One of the best songs in 2023 for sure. I also constantly relisten to it.

  7. Same, there is like 3-5 days every month I listen to it on a daily basis.

  8. Would take the key, free is free

  9. Looks like a black metal album cover, beautiful !

  10. liegt sehr wahrscheinlich an HDR, bei 2 Kollegen ist genau das selbe Problem

  11. Dito, bei BFV hab ich das Problem immer.

  12. Thank you ! Yes with the mod - sometimes it's a bit buggy but it works most of the time.

  13. Is he fat? He is pretty heavy for age only 9 month old

  14. I don't think so when I see him - how much does he weight ?

  15. Hatebreed - Destroy Everything

  16. I didn't know that wz2 favors and gpu's. I simply can't believe that his EFT performance is so bad with that kind of GPU, it's probably one of the best we can buy and it works not that well. He gets like 60-80fps in Tarkov.

  17. Tarkov, like I said, is an unoptimized mess. The limiting factor in his system for tarkov isn’t the GPU the vast majority of times.

  18. Do you have an idea what could be the limiting factor ?

  19. Haben wir doch alle gewusst 🐝

  20. I’m fine with 60-70 fps but I can’t get rid of stutter or even play streets

  21. 60-70 is okay, but it sucks when u had 80-100 fps bevor the patch..I haven't played streets yet..I will try it tomorrow & will write a comment how it runs on my system.

  22. So I deactivated the binaural audio option and I got 10-20fps more on woods... also I tried fsr 2.0 with binaural audio activated and it did nothing. A friend with the 2060 or 2080 (idk exactly) activated dlss and got +20-30 fps. Bevor the patch it didn't work for him.

  23. Because no one wants to watch introverts in a tv show who do not talk to others or doing stuff like that..

  24. When I was to school we had win 98 and used it for Microsoft

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