
  1. you fucking government bots are so obvious. No one is buying your shit

  2. What's the point of holding it if your not looking to spend it when you hit a certain ROI?

  3. It's just a savings account, money sitting in cash or bonds get killed. Stocks are a rich mans game not for the plebs.

  4. The narrative that China is successful because of cheap labor is not really accurate today. There are far cheaper labor markets available such as India or Indonesia. The actual reason is massive automation and China rapidly moving up in supply chains to produce complex goods that other countries aren't able to produce. Manufacturing of green energy tech such as batteries and solar panels at an enormous scale is just one example. China is also rapidly advancing in terms of computer and communication tech. For example, Huawei being position to build infrastructure for majority of the world now.

  5. Its even worse than just labour cost. The American population is simply too uneducated and dont have the skills needed to actually be able to do the advanced work demanded by automated and high tech manufacturing enterprises.

  6. i will always be glad to the neoliberals, thanks Tachcer, somehow you helped to destroy Argentina and the Uk at the same time

  7. Kinda what happens to cancerous cells. They keep 'winning' till the host dies.

  8. Maybe some corrupt officials that are doing this or maybe this a away to scam desperate Palestinians by other Palestinians and said government officials. But to say this is a the stance that the government is taking is ridiculous and even can be labeled as dumb because they rejected more lucrative offers from the us and israel to do exactly what you are accusing them of.

  9. This sub was successfully infiltrated eh?

  10. The people who clutch their pearls over deflation and justify the status quo, what do you expect happens when inflation keeps going up, outpacing economic production? implosion of debt and decimation of purchasing power which leads to the worst outcomes imaginable.

  11. Could it not be built right now? Why wait till this system collapses? Wouldn’t it be better if this system had a better system to collapse into?

  12. It could but the slave masters running the show wont let it because they are the benficiaries of the current system.

  13. Everything is negotiable. There is no requirement that 5% be paid, despite what realtors claim

  14. Everything is negotiable. There is no requirement that 5% be paid, despite what realtors claim

  15. Another way to look at is btcusd / xauusd, which comes out to about 33 Troy ounces to buy 1 btc. The previous all time high was 37 so we have a tiny bit left to go before all time high.

  16. My Pension is NOT a bail out tool for billionaires who have fucked up the economy.

  17. find out where the top leadership lives and go to their houses and take care of business.

  18. are you going to do something about el legan el electronia?

  19. I bought one against my better judgement haha. Mine was delivered yesterday. Once I updated the firmware and got it calibrated appropriately…I was blown away. Slight curve is highly immersive for games, and sorta noticeable for productivity but I don’t work on this PC. Coming from the LG 27GR OLED…I didn’t think it would be much of an upgrade outside of PPI and resolution, but boy was I wrong! AW32 blows it out of the water in HDR performance, brightness, and color volume. Began a new playthrough of Dead Space and it is pretty stunning!

  20. Maybe they're testing an engineered crash with BTC.

  21. its one hell of a situation you are in defending a collapsing system as it is collapsing lmao.

  22. Do you have a counter argument as to why the marxist concept of surplus value is dogshit?

  23. These discussions were semi interesting 10 years ago. Right now, they're absurd. As everything is collapsing, you're running around screaming "can't you see sheeple?! We are not under trueeee capitalism, we need more power and wealth in the hands of the capitalists not less!"

  24. لجنة عشان بقول ان التجار المفروض يرخصوا الأسعار عشان الدولار رخص زى ما التجار غلوا الأسعار اما الدولار غلى؟

  25. lagna 3ashan trying to create the illusion that the dollar got cheaper. It did not. This is all a media war on the people.

  26. Going to be in the same dilemma soon and dont want to sell. What did you end up doing?

  27. it's looking like either dedicating a whole corner desk to my set up, which would be fine if I was planning on using it most frequently in the office where I had my old triple 27 set up. but with the rise of interest from my friends in playing couch co op with me and having 4 functional rigs to let them use as guest PCs, om having issues tryna keep us all on the same side of the table. prolly gonna sacrifice and have a reens facing both directions of the table or else going with a long L desk and spreading my 34 and 32 side by side.

  28. Yeah i was thinking stacked is the way to go just worried about how tall the 32' will be. Well good luck and if you can post a pic of the stacked setup i would greatly appreciate it, otherwise enjoy your new setup!

  29. this is the deep state's newest tactic, try and coopt the revolution and confuse and divide it. It wont work.

  30. Does anyone where the dlc cars are? when i go to the menu it's just blank. Or are they available to buy in the store?

  31. Question is, who was it sold to?

  32. Canadian pensions aka the suckers 

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