
  1. I think add in Biggie and maybe even like Cher. Then you got yourself a list.

  2. You should be so proud of yourself! Amazing work.

  3. You look amazing man! Great choice!

  4. Looking awesome man! I’m planning on starting in a few days. Going to follow your diet!

  5. Wow man! Great job! What was your diet and exercise like?

  6. Currently jumping out my window brb

  7. Amazing!! I would have thought that many km would be over 100,000 steps.

  8. Absolutely. Always down for a new area. That sounds awesome.

  9. I thought about it for a personal challenge and possibly charity, but start from Queen's Quay to the north

  10. That is a great walk. Would love to do that as well.

  11. The burning cabin scene was perfect. Give Bella all the awards.

  12. Congratulations! That’s quite an accomplishment. My DH does walks like that. How many kms was it?

  13. That’s a very impressive pace. What was your mins to Km?

  14. I started at about 5.5km an hour (I think) and then slowed down dramatically.

  15. That's all downhill. Start at the lake next time and go uphill you lazy bastard.

  16. how are your feet today? i did a 32km walk last summer and my feet were not too pleased with me next day.

  17. I’m pretty sore today. Going to catch up on Netflix.

  18. Hey Doc! We got you exactly where we want you. 3-1!

  19. This doesn’t fit my “Freeman to the Blue Jays” narrative that I’m manifesting.

  20. What is the budget for this high schools drama department?!?!

  21. If that's your current on the second then I'd consider continuing the bulk. You are still very lean. Unless that's your goal muscle mass then I understand.

  22. Thanks for the input! Maybe I will bulk a little more! I’ve already slowly gained about 10 pounds in this bulk.

  23. Your current body fat% is where most people actually start bulking. You can definitely go heavier a couple months. If you bulk 2-3 months now, you have time for a pre summer cut and you'll look amazing

  24. Appreciate the advice! I get nervous about gaining weight (understandably if you look at the my first picture). As long as I continue my exercising and routine you are absolutely right about continuing the bulk.


  26. How y’all feeling tonight??? Haha I am not feeling good.

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