
  1. These activities were done through separate company that has some kind of partnership with the resort. We didn't know about any of these activities before we arrived. We both agreed on the destination and the resort, but we only decided to try the activities once we arrived.

  2. Still YTA the dune buggy is something you can control the speed of and you didn’t even bother. It’s even worse that there won’t probably be another vacation he would even wanna take with the way this one ended up. Also how do you go about going on a plane to a resort without talking to a doctor about nausea medication or treatments for this vacation? Like if it’s that bad and you aren’t reaching out for help then that’s a cop out dude. Very selfish way to limit things your partner would ever want to try with you. I feel bad for him.

  3. Telling him she didn’t like kissing him when she dated him? This is a guy who had just told her he loved her. Kindness would have gone a long way.

  4. This is also the guy that confessed this to his cousins GF you don’t confess that to a family members partner and expect anyone to be okay with that. He needs to learn first is not and will not always be best. He sounds like a horrible person for constantly bringing up things that happened over a THREE month relationship that is not long enough to know anything deep about a partner. That is long enough to know the basic level things very basic.

  5. NTA your mother is a horrible person and your father is spineless

  6. Be careful she might “lose” tony OP. People who don’t like animals tend to be cruel so they can be “free” of them. Never trust a person that doesn’t like animals.

  7. NTA tell him he’s giving up on you for a woman that can’t learn to cook

  8. YTA. How hard is it to send a file over? You said you'd send it in the morning last time and forgot, maybe don't leave it to the last minute this time too? How much of an inconvenience is it for you to open an email and hit send?

  9. How hard is it for their friend to do their own work and read the rubric? OP does not have to do anything outside of the assigned parameters outlined in the project and rubric. Just cause their friend decided not to pay attention or actually work does not constitute an emergency on OPs part.

  10. Slight very slight ESH here mainly you being an AH because when you are taking care of someone else’s child you better be sure you are reachable at any and all times. You realize you lost any and all future chances of taking your grandchild out for the foreseeable future right? Sure they may reacted harshly but you 100% knew how anxious they were. How do you not make sure everything is ok when anxious parents don’t call for over an hour or at least text message? You mainly suck for that and feigning ignorance. If you really wanted more time with your grandkid you would’ve made sure that everything in your control was under control. You just ruined the trust your own child had in you.

  11. No because you are a heartless brat who thinks that an inanimate object is more important than a living breathing being. Most people sure as hell wouldn’t go to get care if the one freaking person that is supposed to care about them didn’t give a single care. Tone is everything. Imagine someone cheerfully telling you “I’m so sorry for your parents loss” and smiling. That’s the same as laughing at their loss to their face. I hope you get as little sympathy and empathy for the rest of your life as you give.

  12. Jesus failed with you obviously did you forget Jesus also flipped tables and whipped people? He doesn’t sound very kind so if you’re living in his example you need to actually practice what you preach.

  13. Read the scripture in context. They were selling and trading in God's temple. They were trying to make a profit out of religion. It was righteous anger that Jesus displayed. Jesus is merciful and kind. He fed the poor, healed the sick, and raised the dead.

  14. And religion is still the same today they make a profit off of people. He may be kind but he is not tolerant of using one’s religion to insult others like you have. Saying some absolute bs “I hope Jesus puts love in your heart for others” the only thing he should do is put common sense in your head.

  15. NTA but the bf is how can he be friends with people who basically made you throw the party then bail? How can he say he cares for you going to horrible people like that? That should’ve been a deal breaker for him and you. He held you while you cried!

  16. YTA better get to work looking for a job to take care of your three kids. Your soon to be ex husband only has one child to take care of. Being a stahm isn’t going to provide for the additional two you selfishly chose to bring in and MAKE YOUR HUSBAND PAY FOR. You are the exact type of person that makes their spouse depressed combined with PTSD. Which is why we lose so many veterans and military men. You should be drown right ashamed of yourself and I hope he can do whatever he can so the government takes you over the coals during the divorce and you don’t get access to your daughter ever again. She doesn’t need a monster raising her.

  17. How is BIL just ok to let her slander his own brothers wife?

  18. YTA and a horrible spoiled entitled brother. How anyone married you is astounding really.

  19. You sir are the worst father and bigger AH than any father of the brides I have read. You chose one daughter over the other keep in mind these were ONLY Ashley’s in-laws. You didn’t even bother to name your other daughter so yes obviously you chose sides. I hope when you realize how much you hurt your daughter you understand why she won’t want to be around you or her selfish sister anymore. Not only are you TA but so is Ashley her sister already invited STRANGERS who RSVPD for ONE kid and brought all 5 and you chose their side! YTA through and through and I feel so sad for your daughter to have a father and sister like she has. They can’t even be selfless one day for her wedding. One day.

  20. Kick out your brother and his family they don’t appreciate the roof over their heads. As guests you literally do not get to change anything in the hosts house, especially with someone or something that live there’s before and after them. If you want to give them a chance fine with that but tell them if anything happens to the dog there will be police involvement and they will be dead to you since they can’t be bothered to respect you, your husband or your house. YTA if you allow them especially a teenage brat to make your husband feel uncomfortable enough to want to stay with someone as bad as his own dad. Is there marriage more important than your own? Think about that very hard.

  21. YTA you sound like a person to give a gift just to keep reminding how much you spent. Also “tolerating”? How is anytime with your spouse doing things together tolerating unless it’s dealing with work dinners or family dinners. If your family are anything like you idk how she managed to stay with your self centered AHness. The present may have been bought but when she was asking you it’s because she has done these things before and was trying to help. You however couldn’t even be bother to concern yourself enough to make sure this one night, one. Freaking.night. Could go smoothly enough. The fact she had even picked something you yourself would’ve even loved to go out to in disregards with what she would’ve liked speaks volumes of how much she cares and tolerates you while you couldn’t seem to be bothered to try to care for one night. I hope she sees this post and realizes that even after you ruined the night you wanted to finish it at your place. That’s absolutely disgusting. She’s not someone you dump money on then expect to end a night at your place after you’ve been a horrible person all night. If you don’t feel ashamed I can guarantee she does. I truly hope she finds someone that will actually love and care for her, because that someone is not you. You can not make this up you had one chance to be there when she needed you to make her feel better and you couldn’t get off your high horse to even remotely try to be there other than to “tolerate” being with her at a concert you couldn’t have cared less about. I’ve gone to concerts with my husband that I’ve absolutely hated but he loved and you know what I did? I went and got the merch, waited in the lines and got everything settled so he could have the time of his life. I can tell you waiting in line for anything Megadeth is an hour a both at least and that’s during the freaking concert not even afterwards. Ever gone to warped tour? You have to line up hours before the stand even opens. He doesn’t like Twiztid or ICP but our BIL does and we waited in line in warped tour to bring him a SIGNED TWIZTID SHIRT. When you love someone one day of listening to music you don’t like and getting everything together to make it memorable isn’t troublesome , it’s something that is a basic concept and absolutely a necessity to make a relationship last. It’s called give and take for a reason.

  22. YTA for just not refusing it and getting your own if you can’t even be bothered to make sure it won’t grow mold. That is an unsaid agreement at least with every single adult within the 1000 mile radius I live is, if you borrow something you return it in the same condition it was loaned to you. Especially if it means a lot to people. He let you borrow that because he had felt he could trust you with something so close to him. Is it stupid it’s a coaster? Yes. But the fact you didn’t respect it and had the audacity to get mad he was disappointed is mental. It was in your control stop acting like you can’t be bothered to wipe it down after every use or at least every other use. How would you like if you lent something out and it was returned abused and visually not taken care of? You don’t get to choose what meant a lot to him. You disregarded how he cared for it and acted like it wasn’t a big deal. Let me know when your “I wanna talk to a manager” hair cut grows out. The audacity of you getting upset that he was upset.

  23. OP, this is someone trying to gaslight you. You are n.t.a. this may well be the BF himself.

  24. Nope I’m someone that values others sentimental things, and not disregarding their meanings.

  25. If he doesn’t respect you and makes you feel guilty for having boundaries is that even a healthy relationship? I’m not saying leave him but I am saying you both have to respect each other’s boundaries and being each other’s significant others doesn’t give either an excuse to violate those. You both need a thorough sit down.

  26. NTA he is definitely not a friend nor a nice person let him be alone and figure out why no one wants to be around him.

  27. NTA it’s rude to cancel plans with your partner last minute for something else they clearly aren’t invited to and are tossed a pity invite for afterwards. How is she even ok with that? That’s mad disrespectful.

  28. NTA I’d send those tik toks in response and say this is what happens when someone knows they were being a nasty brat but got embarrassed by being yelled at in the class. Don’t apologize if anything respond “maybe if you cared beyond your selfish existence you’d understand how meaningful hand crafted images are from a deceased loved one are” but she can’t see past her nose apparently so you might just be wasting your breath.

  29. You would be one if you continue to let your daughter live with an abuser that clearly doesn’t care about anyone but herself.

  30. NTA you are funding her living and she is taking you for a ride you should’ve left the minute she complained about not having money and trying to get more.

  31. NTA if they truly look up to you they would not have done such a sick and twisted thing! OP you can’t let this slide at all because this is beyond cruel and traumatized your wife. There is literally nothing they can do now to fix the damage they’ve done. Maybe in a few years of doing everything under the sun to get forgiveness from your wife they might be able to be allowed in your wife’s presence but for now what they did is absolutely unforgivable.

  32. NTA I’d report her for yelling when you had a valid request and concern and she couldn’t even be mature enough to get it done for you.

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