
  1. My newest co worker showed up in wrinkled clothes and a huge stain on his shirt for his first day. He continues to wear clothes that look like they’re picked up off the floor. Our dress code is business casual but no one has mentioned it to him.

  2. Not a movie, but a show. The Boys. People would talk about it and when I went to watch it there was a naked person everytime I blinked. Ok maybe not that much but it was enough to take me out of the show.

  3. I was on my way to work and was going to take an exam for a promotion at work. I was on a 2 lane highway. 1 lane going in each direction. The road was at the top of a levee and had small pedestrian / bike lanes on the outside of the road. 3 people were walking towards traffic pushing a shopping cart. 2 men and 1 lady. The lady was pushing the cart and was also halfway walking in the traffic lane. As I approached she stumbled into my lane and I side swiped her. When I went to check on her, her ankle was broken and flopping around. The other 2 guys grabbed the shopping cart she was pushing and took off running away. When the police arrived they said it was her fault for being in my lane and sent me on my way. I couldn’t even concentrate that day and left work as soon as I got there. I ended up day drinking and feeling like shit. That was about 10 years ago. She did get an attorney and try to sue me for $300,000 but nothing happened.

  4. Saw the vid. Very sad. I couldn’t tell if the girl got scared and shot herself on purpose or if the gun just went off by accident. The most heartbreaking part is hearing the family realize 2 kids just died in the bathroom during the party.

  5. All the stories in the Bible. God always sounded like a vengeful immature piece of shit.

  6. Do the hard work in your younger years. Not so much that you don’t enjoy life. But set yourself up to be able to take it easy and retire at some point.

  7. My son loves pancakes with syrup and ketchup. He puts the syrup on them and then will dip the pancake in ketchup before each bite.

  8. “I love you, but I’m not in love with you”

  9. That everyone has a therapist or lawyer on hand that they can just call up and get in right away.

  10. This is the only context we have and for me this is the sign of a cheater. Not saying she’s cheating for sure but this behavior is definitely a red flag

  11. Mine usually hits the day before payday. This last time it came around 9pm for me.

  12. Not to go outside during an eclipse. You can go outside, it’s just not the best idea to look directly at the sun.

  13. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Gym fees, gi and no gi gear, tournaments, medical bills, it all adds up but it’s so much fun to do. I’m injured right now but I can’t wait to recover so I can get back to pajama wrestling with the boys.

  14. Went hard on a new guy who was also a wrestler. He roughed up my son so I put a nice beating on him. Everything was within the rules of bjj but all the Reddit softies came out and said I assaulted the guy. It’s ok to rough someone up as long as you keep it within the rules and don’t take it off the mat. Also as long as you didn’t injure anyone you’re probably all good. Maybe next time offer the guy an alternative to the head holding?

  15. Glad to see I’m not the only one waiting. Still nothing for me

  16. Go to delivery instructions and put “please leave room for me to open the door” since doing this I’ve only had this happen once. I think the drivers might just drop the food and move on without thinking about it.

  17. Changs is probably going crazy over this right now lmao.

  18. Kurt Cobain. I loved nirvana and would have loved to hear more of anything by them.

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