
  1. America accepted abortion as a "slippery slope" in gradual steps. If we're going to walk it back practically, we're going to have to do the same. Start with a 20 week ban except for life of mother, then walk it back over time. I wish they were all done tomorrow, but without education, time, and steps, I don't see that ever close to happening

  2. Abortion has become every much a staple of modern life as slavery was before the war. We didn't just slowly walk that shit back. Evil is evil is evil. Accepting a little bit of evil as trade, as capitulation in fear of greater evils is how we got in this mess in the first place.

  3. I agree with you in spirit and in truth. I'm not sure that's practical though. I hope you're right, and I'm wrong.

  4. NTA - she insulted your kids to their face. Your response was very tame by my culture. I wouldn't go either

  5. They had peace until October 7. It's not like Israel started this conflict

  6. All you need to know about their IQ level are their face diapers.

  7. They wear them to avoid being identified by others. Covid is just an excuse to do that

  8. Fantastic Four should be the new center of the MCU. They fit far better with the avengers vibe than X-Men do. Plus Dr Doom is one of the best characters in comics. They really need to land that one

  9. I assure you the people waving other countries flags and sending our money elsewhere do not represent 3/4s of america

  10. I don't want flags of other countries being waved. A small percentage of our defense budget going to allies abroad so they can fight bad guys instead of us is fine with me.

  11. Thankyou, however every time I try to talk to him he yells at me and walk away

  12. NTA - good grief. Crying because someone said your name wrong? Especially someone with an actual reason to say it wrong.

  13. Ahhh…remember when Democrats said “it’s only sex” when Clinton cheated on Hillary in the WHITE HOUSE with Monica? It was no big deal to them at the time.

  14. YTA - your parents help you out a ton financially and they are looking for a HINT of "give a crap". If they're throwing tons of cash at you two out of the goodness of their hearts, then he should jump at the chance to cover a meal as a small thank you.

  15. If I lose, I get trolled. Then I'll fight harder to get better. No need to hide "mean dances" from me

  16. Dunno. Snake Eyes is in it and I don't see kids going nuts for G.I. Joe.

  17. Gi Joe isn't the same type of property. I'd compare it to how many kids I know who are watching Avatar due to the new Airbender content they're running right now

  18. Or are they watching it because the live action just came out?

  19. Could be both. You can use Fortnite to investigate interest or use it to cobrand with a new project.

  20. Have you heard of Lord Drakkon or Shattered Grid? That’s all Kyle Higgins. Melissa Flores is doing the current run of the comics.

  21. She was also an editor during the neo Saban era for the brand. Involved in hyper force and other stuff from the time

  22. YTA - I am an adult, and I've never wanted or been comfortable in that situation. It's awkward and not for me at all. Let her at least wear a bathing suit to shower in if she feels awkward

  23. I love people, but it's nice to have a day to myself every once and a while. A healthy person in a healthy relationship understands that. NTA

  24. ESH - you could have deescalated the situation very easily, but you went for yelling and indignation.... Just like her

  25. Yup. Making the price of everything more expensive by taxation will surely not get passed on to the consumers. Great plan! /S

  26. NTA - sell them. They're doing no one good sitting in the closet. Whoever loved you enough to give them to you wanted your life made better by the cards. Selling them makes your life better. Take it

  27. Yeah.. I’m not a fan of our Islamic regime… but obviously Iran was going to retaliate. What was Israel thinking ?

  28. That you don't back down from the bully who funds the war against you?

  29. YTA - there's a compromise to be had here. You are close to your friend, and YOUR people are getting to be in the room, at the hospital, and at your home constantly for weeks. During that time, his family gets a zoom call and has to stay away for weeks? That's very one sided.

  30. ESH - having him pay going forward makes sense. But holding this huge financial burden over your son's father's head is likely to go badly. It'll build resentment with the other parent. Or it'll make him leave again.

  31. The students report that the "furries" bite, scratch, and bark at them. They also highlight the double standards regarding wearing face masks in school: while students are prohibited from wearing masks on Halloween, "furries" can wear them daily without consequences. Furthermore, the students note that they are required to keep a distance from "furries," whereas the same rule does not apply to them. Additionally, the children expressed their disagreement with cat litter being placed in the girls’ bathroom.

  32. I can't imagine going into the office at school and demanding kitty litter in the bathroom so I can crap on the floor. That's insanity and shameful

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