
  1. The fallacy is hasty/faulty generalization: you base a conclusion on insufficient evidence. General format copied from wiki:

  2. I find the question kind of difficult to pin down because of the example given. However, here I go:

  3. Thanks I guess I meant more the former. I.e. you didn't phrase or word things properly therefore your argument is invalid.

  4. Ah yes. It doesn't fit perfectly but I think tone policing comes close. Sent me down a rabbit hole of syllogistic logic for 20 minutes, lol. I need to sleep.

  5. I don't make small, baby step goals. Rather I make what I call "stretch goals", things that kind of seem impossible to me but are technically doable.

  6. I've turned into an occassional lurker here (this wasn't a goal) but congrats on the 405lbs squat! When did you hit that?

  7. They were a glorified crew with redundant upper management.

  8. Damn, that's pretty cool. I wish he had been that friendly towards me when I met him.

  9. Somehow this is hilarious every time.

  10. It originated as 'I saw Flying Lotus at the grocery store' and has been copied since.

  11. Agent Grasso's "your ass" stands out as the most intimidating piece of vulgarity in the show and indubitably was the point that heralded the show's descent from the precipice into the darkness of the later seasons.

  12. These are so nice. Unfortunately shipping across the Atlantic's a bit expensive. Also, favorite Frusciante song/album?

  13. Currently, The Empyrean (2009). When I made this account years ago, it was Inside of Emptiness (2004) which is where I got the username from. I didn’t realize at the time how the username could be interpreted as something else…

  14. gzcl says:

    I too am afraid of the 185x75 set. 500x3 is close. I paused that weight for a single last week.

  15. Just do 185x75 and put it in a 1rm calculator, multiply that number by .9 and do that for 3 reps.

  16. gzcl says:

    Nah. I've done 500x2 before so I just wanna do it for a 3RM.

  17. I was just joking -- unsuccessfully. You got this!

  18. He's a Dutch professional kickboxer. He never appeared on-screen because he was afraid Noah would punch his lights out.

  19. People adding an H to everything Tony “shays”. “Jesush Chrisht” it’s played out and Tony’s accent isn’t even that exaggerated in the show

  20. This is mostly a Season 6 accent and they act as if it's the entire show. Some people are so far behind, etc.

  21. I guess you could call that a repost.

  22. Whack this storyline, whack that storyline, never enough editing for OP!

  23. I wanted to watch it, because Physios dont get enough love in strength sports, but then the guy opens with "Dont get shut off because someones a chiropractor".

  24. You make being a conditioned, bulbous horse of a man sound pretty appealing.

  25. You "discovered" this quote like Columbus "discovered" America.

  26. He looks so uncomfortable. Wish he could just go out and not be noticed when he chooses to. At least Im sure out of any fanbase Conan's is probably the least problematic

  27. On the podcast he always asks for people to yell stuff at him on the street. Pretty sure he likes the attention.

  28. It used to be "Ketakai... as god made her!" (I think it was about a nude portrait of James Lipton's wife)

  29. Looking strong and lean! Can you run 4horsemen in a commercial gym?

  30. Thanks, this sounds pretty impractical then. I'd say it sounds like fun but everyone is always suffering on Alsruhe's programs.

  31. I love the ending of that episode when Chris goes home and fixes the fallen tree. It’s a very sweet moment, even tho the viewer knows it’s over for Chris.

  32. It's a very propane metaphor: his fixing of the tree is superficial, the tree's roots have been destroyed, just like Chris's roots have been severed. Its death foreshadows his own. The center cannot hold.

  33. Half of my family is Finnish, and I agree. Finns are just so nice, don’t bother anyone and have a hilarious language. Their cities are very beautiful also, as I have been to Tampere, Oulu, Turku and Helsinki, loved the experience.

  34. I hate Paulie. He has some funny wise cracks but his character is the slimiest in the whole show (besides maybe Ralph)

  35. I'm with you on this one, alwaysbreakinballs98. He he

  36. Hope they don’t all get to one side of the island and tip it over!

  37. I heard the C-17 had a 95 pound mole removed from its fuselage

  38. More food and more sleep should do it!

  39. Yeah, this is just a misunderstanding coming from the different ways in which we've encountered the word and the meaning it has taken on as a result.

  40. I am no longer profrsssing. That’s why I’m ready to optimize. My 1RM are on Mr.Days level so I don’t see why people don’t think I can try and optimize

  41. No longer progressing indicates the need for optimization.

  42. Gotcha. In that case, you have a good list of sources of reliable info. More is not going to be better. You could pick one like SBS and have more info than you'll ever need.

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