
  1. Ya’ll are playing right? Its one of those salt lights and the image is flipped upside down to make it look more like a face

  2. Some detailed clarification if OP isn't clear: This is in a new hospital in Antwerp, Belgium, called Caddix. It's a cafeteria inside this hospital on the 3th floor, which the hospital calls "restaurant". And the head resembles some kind of salt rock. It's some kind of big hexagonal art piece, hanging above the people eating there (thats why the photo was taking without the ground, to hide unwanted people in the picture). Inside this hexagonal walls, there is a sort of salt rock that has the shape of a human head, and also some hair on top. The shelves and the entire "room" details are upside down.

  3. Uhh guys.. that's no chicken. It's a cockatrice! Run for your li>&&£#%,;:... .. ... .

  4. My mom borrowed Final Fantasy X for 2 days, she never did anything like that. I didnt even knew it was possible to borrow a game where you could borrow movies, back in the day. Turns out I love the entire franchise.

  5. Nice job, this is finally one of those projections I'm like: Yeah this is awesome :D

  6. Imagine ChatGPT+ being able to generate one dalle3 image in about 10 seconds and being limited to what, 40 requests per 3 hours?

  7. I love that part about the sims, makes me laugh at my own misery and sometimes my kids like to watch me play and tell me the kid in the sims needs to make a mess in the game 😆

  8. I love those snakes, looks like a videogame like qbert where you have to keep moving and avoid the snakes.

  9. There are different approaches, inpainting everything one by one.

  10. This is really cool, now I want to make clay animations, and I have soooo much other stuff I want to do already 🥲😁 really nice job!

  11. Normally its used to repeat an image and causes it to make the image more detailed. In this workflow I also use it like that but because of ipadapter, the style from the ipadapter gets pasted on the image of the tile.

  12. I am more interested in the workflow, but I guess its dalle3 and not SD?

  13. Talking about suitors, if I were to marry a lottery winner, do I also get their lottery profits? 🤔😏

  14. Made in Fooocus, using Jo Beth as "image prompt", then using this prompt:

  15. this seems like a B tier shitty movie. Plot doesn’t make any sense, why would the bad guy suddenly turned good when nothing significant happened to him. That’s like if you were watching Avengers and suddenly Thanos, in the middle of the movie, decides to fuck it and help everyone, not because of struggles, but just because. In fact, even B tier shitty movies doesn’t screw up plot like that

  16. Plot twist, all those billions invested in the Metaverse? It paid off, they made the Metaverse and we are living in it without knowing it. That's why they are the good guys now, we are living in their Metaverse. While our true selves lie hooked on some Matrix Metaverse cloud thing. /s

  17. Since I'm starting to play more and more with SDXL I combine all kinds of previous prompts I used with 1.5 and came up with these cute generations

  18. Hi, yes we have submitted it to the asset store but it is still pending review by the Unity team. You can install it with the GitHub URL as shown

  19. Ok thanks, I have it imported, but what Unity version do you recommend?

  20. Good question! I have tested it with the latest LTS 2022.3.17f1 and a 2023 version. If it is important for you to work for 2020 I can add it to the backlog 🙂

  21. LTS 2022.3.17f1 did work out the box thx :D

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