
  1. Не знаю почему, но люблю называть котов "Жопа", любя конечно 🤭

  2. If I understand it correctly, which I hope I am lol Try to go to the Trigger Viewer first, the ? on the right upper side of the Trigger section. This will show you all the triggers. Now check for the Twitch Cheers trigger, there are most likely Triggers where is says (Any), which are for all. Go to these action by double clicking them. Now when an Any trigger is marked as blue then it will always run, meaning like you said it will catch anything of the cheers. Rightlclick the trigger and then click on Always Run Trigger, this should disable it and make it as you had it before

  3. I appologize for a late response! I have checked the options you suggested and I have to say that I already have "Always Run Trigger" disabled in every bit alert I have. I wish I could fake twitch actions to fully test alerts and experiment :(

  4. Neither happened to me nor to anybody from my circle. I was born in 1993 and I have heard of some cases like this during the 90s and early 2000's, but considering today's safety levels all of this feels like a bad fever dream. Right now its much safer here than in many other countries.

  5. To be honest especially with everything that's going on right now, I don't think this planet has any sweet spots. I'd love to VISIT many places tho!

  6. Yeah, before they fix OBS Studio, you might want to look into OBS Tools plugin, saved me for now...

  7. I mean, is there a country where this isn’t frowned upon?

  8. I wish I was bs-ing but throughout the years I've heard a whole lot of Americans and some Europeans (a lot of French dudes by the way) burping with no problem in VC with me. Like god damn dude

  9. Холодец, голубцы, рассольник, солянка, щи из крошева прекрасны(чисто новгородская тема), блины со сметаной и с вареньем. Все это 10/10

  10. Ну я живу в Иркутске (600к) и общественный транспорт по идее покрывает большинство моих потребностей, хотя в паре районов автобусов не хватает в раннее и позднее время.

  11. Отучился в иркутском инязе несколько лет назад и должен сказать, что в вашем городе отличный общественный транспорт! Может конечно я и не использовал какие-то лохматые маршруты, но редко когда я ждал автобус дольше 10и минут!

  12. Jesus man thank you so much! It's indeed the sennheiser md 441-u mic! The price tho 0_0

  13. Russians who know bad English or don't know English at all won't really come here lol. Also master's degree in linguistics and a professional twitch streamer here, English speaking channel too! 😜

  14. Here's a link to my most recent VOD: twitch DOT tv/jeanclodvanshot/v/1692894242?sr=a&t=0s Haven't streamed in a couple of weeks as I'm in a process of moving to Moscow atm

  15. I have never heard anybody do this in my life lol, I guess I live under a rock?

  16. I worked in UPS Russia, I can certainly say that 90% of food shipments were instantly marked as "return to sender"

  17. In the last 5-6 years I've received like 10 packages from my brother in Sweden, always with some snacks. Never once they've returned or opened it.

  18. Dude, its impossible to even say what's gonna happen in a year now

  19. As soon as the government and the people decide that murdering people is okay when the reason is good enough, they become no better than those they want to execute.

  20. 29, twitch streamer, haven't been doing so good since we all got demonetized in march.

  21. Это влажность и ветер. Я "европеец", но отучился в Иркутске, и лучших зим я в своей жизни не видел! Всегда солнце, НИКАКОЙ слякоти и гололедов, -30 ощущается как -15 тут у нас, ветра почти нет. Красота!

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