
  1. Yes it was your fault but the reaction is stupid

  2. Whenever I get shot by a teammate and they didn't mean to kill me I don't fucking kill them.

  3. In today’s age, this poster would be seen as communist propaganda.

  4. Would be wobbly until glass gets mounted. Maybe even after

  5. I've never got a tattoo but I know this would cost way more

  6. Where are you going to go….? You need to be miles away to survive. Might as well watch the show and enjoy the ride

  7. I agree. Once you're up there you might as well enjoy the show.

  8. You're not wrong but I suppose the difference is between party endorsement and "running for president".

  9. you also don't need to come from a rich family to become a billionaire...

  10. There's plenty of examples of that. Oprah being the most obvious.

  11. He wasn’t even looking omg. Doesn’t he know everyone filming these is in a self driving tesla?

  12. That was my thought as well! I was like there's no way I can lose money from this purchase right lol

  13. You could make a fat profit reselling individually. I'd buy that set from you now for $150

  14. Not in the online 3 player game.

  15. Oh really? I didn't know those were out by default I thought that was just an option for custom games. I figured the basic 3 player game used all the birds and expansions.

  16. I pretty much never play armor but this is why I always try to take engineer at the start of games and build a set of nodes.

  17. Listen man we’re talking about shooting an 18. Reality has left the chat

  18. On a par 3 course it's really not outside the realm of reality just something that would probably never happen

  19. He'll make a confession bear about how he thought about running the red light.

  20. In this housing climate you can't overstate the value of putting 80% down.

  21. Think of it this way. The treatment must leach into the soil very slowly, or the wood would rot really quickly. I suspect most of the leaching in a raised bed will just get washed out. And as others have said, it's generally considered safe to use.

  22. Yea people get carried away but to each their own.

  23. I just popped mine out and filled in any divots with patching cement. Turned out fine. No one sees the floor under carpet anyways.

  24. They pop out easily, will leave a divot but can easily fill

  25. I had a hunch you're going to comment that. People use numbers, not land nor countries.

  26. If you insist on going by population it's worth pointing out that a good chunk of the Indian population isn't even literate

  27. It's absurd to compare literacy rates to understanding numbers. Do you truly believe illiterate people throughout history couldn't grasp basic numeracy? Apparently, you envision a past with no commerce, trade, or economy because most people couldn't read.

  28. In true Shaman form Matt down plays his guitar ability. He’s actually decent, I learned a bunch of songs back in the day, but can’t improvise for shit

  29. He can riff a lot better than me which is pretty sad. I've played off and on for 10+ years

  30. From what I’ve heard is so people take longer to read it, increasing the view time

  31. Nothing to do with fingerprints, they are expensive, and he didn't want to lose it. His fingerptrints will be on just about everything in that store. That doesn't prove anything. Reddit really brings out the armchair detectives.

  32. They ain't busting out forensic analysis for a card skimmer anyway

  33. Dude yes there is the term is just misleading. Besides it's all over the news even recently

  34. I need to see Our American Cousin like I need a bullet in the head

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