
  1. The whole P3R soundtrack got released. Japan sometimes has a strange way of handling licenses. Not sure if this is the case here too but it's a possibility

  2. I really think they were trying to gatekeep the music for a few weeks after release.

  3. Atlus not releasing the songs on Spotify and putting the deluxe edition soundtrack on a DRM .exe program is proof they are doing everything in their power to gatekeep the new music. They ONLY want the paying players to hear the new soundtrack until they decide otherwise.

  4. When the remaster/remake midori mentioned is released, I’m fully expecting the nazi imagery to be removed and Fuhrer replaced with a generic dictator character. We’ve gotten to a point where it’s socially unacceptable to have Nazis in a videogame, even as the villains. Wolfenstein might be the only AAA franchise remaining that has swastikas in it.

  5. Then I hope that a remake never happens. If they're just gonna butcher the story and censor everything I would much rather the game stays as it is.

  6. I completely agree with you. I just foresee a huge "outrage" on twitter and with gaming news companies if a new Persona release had Nazis and Hitler. They love to be dramatic over nothing, but its enough to make many of the AAA companies scared that it will lead to decreased sales.

  7. oddly enough the series was very popular with women when it was airing and being serialized. It is clear that the mokkori stuff was only added as both a satire on typical private eye/noir tropes and shoved in as gags because Japan likes that kind of humour for some reason (the massive sales of the series is proof lol). Oddly enough, Hojo didn;t really have that in his other works. I mean, he did have ecchi elements (he draws beautiful characters lol) but not to the extent of city hinter which was his most popular work. Also interesting that a lot of his works tend to star female protagonists with city hunter being the outlier.

  8. At the risk of sounding like an incel, could CH's female popularity be because Ryo is attractive and it was a sort of "I wish a hot, strong man like Ryo would grope me" situation? The success of franchises like Fifty Shades of Grey have proven that a large audience of women enjoy those kinds of sexual fantasies (at least in media).

  9. hi, I am an italian female fan, and I lead a couple of forums her ein italy centrered around city hunter. many of us were drew to Ryo's appearence and his backstory, but cosndier that many women her ein italy aren't attracted to the anime, but the manga (we have tons of editions here in europe!), and what we love is the evolution of the character, and his relationship with kaori, how it evolves. in fact, the majority of female fans loathe the anime but love the manga :)

  10. Japanese comedy has been and still is deeply rooted in “funny man and straight man” comedy. You’ll find that MANY anime have characters who fit these roles, including City Hunter. Ryo is the “funny man” who constantly gets into mischief, and Kaori is the “straight man” who’s sensible and reins him in (hammer).

  11. Largest drone attack in human history btw.

  12. Just wait until we have the capability of making the Hunter Killer Drone swarm from Bo2... multiplied. Then we will see the largest drone attack in human history.

  13. Huh, so I was right. My first thought was that eagle looks like some Third Reich shit

  14. I'm sure there are people who have never been depressed that love NGE. I also think this show is a magnet for the type of depressed people who enjoy shows where the MC is suffering and fights to overcome overwhelming odds. To those types of depressed people, NGE is relatable and uplifting.

  15. Top middle girl looks like “we have Chie at home”.

  16. In Persona 5 you can see Risette posters up in the subway stations, and even get one in your room.

  17. Also in Persona 5, when you watch the "X-Folders" DVD in your room, it plays the shadow theme from Persona 2.

  18. At my showing there were like 2 people who would just giggle at seemingly random times, and when Shinji's mayonnaise hand was shown someone shouted "WHOO HOOO! VARY NAICE" (Like Borat). Made me want to jump him.

  19. Pas une arnaque. Je paierai partiellement d'avance.

  20. yeah, iirc Yu and Tatsuya are tied for tallest persona protagonist. Being that tall does make him feel older for sure.

  21. First question: Yes, it would be incest. Rei is 100% a clone of Yui who suffers from some form of Albinism.

  22. Damn, It never once occurred to me that Rei is basically Albino. Thanks for pointing that out. Like yes she looks strange but I never made a connection with real world Albinism.

  23. Ikr. I also feel like being against FMC now is it's own kinda weird copium. I feel like I'm going crazy when people are post hoc justifying it with "well actually she was just a gimmick to sell the original portable" or "it's understandable with how much work it'd be"... Like am I crazy or was it almost universally agreed upon that, before P3R, one of the primary reasons to remake P3 would be to specifically unify the content between FES and Portable.

  24. The primary reasons to remake P3 was for direct party control and improved visuals. Adding FeMC to Reload would have been cool but it was not required. Kotone fans can shout and cry all they want but the hard truth is that she WAS created as a gimmick to sell P3P, and clearly ATLUS sees it that way too. Without the female route, P3P would have been an objective downgrade to FES across the board.

  25. If they are just using a stock image like you posted that's not a good sign.

  26. Yeah I thought it was "buying things online 101" to NEVER trust a secondhand listing that uses a stock photo.

  27. To think there is now 2 generations old enough to never know the hype of seeing this, the patience of hearing Peter Jackson was going to direct, the disappointment of him leaving the project for The Hobbit, and the resignation that maybe it was for the best

  28. I'm actually part of that group. I first watched Eva in 2017, I never knew about this until it was already long gone.

  29. It makes me feel old is all, but also is kind of cool that another generation still enjoys Eva

  30. As long as people are still watching anime I'm sure there will be Eva fans.

  31. This one should've stayed in the brain and not made its way to the keyboard...

  32. I once had a conversation with a local gun shop owner who basically argued that most gun owners aren’t law abiding because 1- the laws are written in a convoluted, difficult to understand way 2- the laws change arbitrarily, so your gun that’s perfectly fine one day is in the same category as a rocket launcher by the end of the week and 3- The penalty for a genuine, good faith mistake (ie not understanding how barrel length works when building a rifle) is taken the same as the guys who blatantly break the law.

  33. All three of these points is why I stay far away from modifications, attachments, building, and converting. I'm a more casual owner than most of the people here, and I don't want to worry about rules/laws changing on me overnight.

  34. Episode 26, alternate reality sequence, 18ish minutes in.

  35. Do you mean they weren't for sale yet or is there going to be a sale reducing the price, asking because im about to get lol

  36. When I posted that comment the Regal system wouldn't let you buy the tickets yet. You can now buy them.

  37. I watched .357 Magnum about a year ago at this point, and I have honestly completely forgotten the story. However, I love the credits sequence and keep rewatching it periodically. My favorite opening/ending in the whole series.

  38. "Ew this is disgusting, sexualizing a minor like that..."

  39. Through Showtimes.com I can see that the theater in the middle of downtown Atlanta only has 6 seats sold right now. So I highly doubt that any of those theaters near you are sold out. They must have temporarily removed the Regal showtimes for maintenance on the webpage or something.

  40. Literal TV shows and books about high altitude nuke generated EMPs.

  41. Forget potential EMPs, US electrical infrastructure falls apart when a little rain gets on it.

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