
  1. This would be HUGE for solo/duo Q-ers in Rumble. Having comms is a huge advantage in Rumble, this would make it so much easier for those who aren't partied.

  2. Just wondering how you've determined "obvious smurfs" because it's a very well known fact that unless you grind one's ALOT then your ones rank is going to be much lower than 2s and 3s

  3. No, that’s why I commented I used rocket league tracker / very low win count on 4 of the accounts. They were new.

  4. Just wanted to double check, the post only said that you checked their tracker it didn't mention low wins. This shit is tilting sorry it happened to you my guy

  5. I think in general he's got the right idea about stuff but I don't really like trying to boil it down to "clock, double clock etc". This likely will be enough to start some people off though so hats off for the video.

  6. Okay I kid, I only put ttv in my name when I'm live, and I don't care if it's cringe because it works, it brings people to the stream all the time. When they realize that I also know I'm bad, it tends to make more friends than enemies

  7. You wouldn't need AI for this, realistically you'd get 95% of the same result by taking the surrounding 8 pixels, averaging the array and filling in the missing 9th with that result, would it be 100% accurate? Of course not but neither would AI. Furthermore considering the small sample size it could be computed on the scale of milliseconds even for full length video since it's a rather simple equation.

  8. What I'd do? Route a SRC for it. "Respectfully request to attend medical appointment at x location on DDMMMYY."

  9. I'm C2 and it took me about 3 years to drop from GC2

  10. If you take the boost, go for the ball/challenge, you turned back which was a mistake

  11. Came here to say this. It's fine if you take boost but if you then don't challenge just know I'm going to be next to useless for God who knows how long and they're going to have possession.

  12. Fuck I came here to say that thinking surely I was the first

  13. You can future proof to an extent, but it's more like: "I'll need to upgrade this component in 5-6 years instead of 4."

  14. Let me know how you're going in 2027. :P

  15. Got it in 2017, going on 7 years now still running everything at 2k 144 hz

  16. I cannot wear my gc title period doesn’t matter what game mode because if I do I get called boosted, whether I’m losing 1-10 or wining 10-1 I can’t escape people deciding they hate that i have a title and they don’t, I am currently gc1 and if I’m having a bad day I’ll still get called boosted so I just have chat off unless I’m on with friends because then I don’t have to worry about my tm8 being a dick.

  17. Yeah, although I know that the main reason people are so toxic about it is that they're jealous that they have never hit it, it doesn't really make it easier.

  18. Not an ideal solution, but it might be time to just disable non-quick chats, or all chat.

  19. I met alot of my current friends by just chilling in chat, and we play all the time

  20. I still love the classic cuz it catches people off guard. " I have to see a man about a horse"

  21. Not any extra gamemodes, those give special tags like RNG Champ, Blizzard Wizzard, Dunk Master and idk the dropshot one

  22. You can get regular titles from extra modes too why does everyone get this wrong

  23. The skill you need to hit GC doesn’t vanish overnight or with a long break, They could easily sit c2 or at least c1 minimum

  24. I quit playing for 2 years when I have a kid, now I'm back and in c2, about 400 mmr lower than my peak. It absolutely happens... Not only did I get worse but everyone else got better.

  25. I left the red pill environment I was born into and almost immediately wifed up. Coincidence? Probably.

  26. It's very doable. I'm full time and also in the military. You'll have difficult weeks and you'll have weeks with not much to do, use those to get ahead, I do my work one week ahead and turn it in the week that it's due.

  27. After not playing ranked for like 3 seasons I got placed in diamond and I can tell you it frustrated me to no end.

  28. I think it depends. I see some people are saying you can. You have no idea what kind of degree they working on. Some stuff can be very time consuming, you would be better to figure out by class how hard it might be.

  29. I work 12 hour shifts, and I work about 3.5 shifts a week (7 every two weeks) in the military. With travel time included I work 14-15 hours a shift, and I work out 3x a week.

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