
  1. It tends to be in the same area of the cage usually. Either becuase they like to do it there, or more likely they just have areas of the cage they prefer to be in and therefore spend more time there

  2. Guinea pigs tend to poop wherever they eat. Adorable little shit factories.

  3. You could get your girlfriend in on this one. In the event your BF starts complaining.

  4. Anytime I see someone holding their hands up to convey the size of something I often quote "are you trying to tell me you once caught a fish this big?"

  5. Wasn't there a way to get to him right away from the beginning? I think I did and got obliterated lol.

  6. In new game plus mode you can fight Lavos right from the teleporter in the millennial fairgrounds.

  7. Guru; "Did you tell him to work the shaft?" Nail: "Yes Lord Guru!" Guru: "Good Work Nail!"

  8. Even a partial unlock will lessen the effect of the enemies prepared attack. That's why there's a percentage above the lock symbols.

  9. Literally got this achievement on my first attempt at using it. You can keep it going if you time it well enough.

  10. Jeezus, the republican bot network is working hard to spam the shit out of reddit with links to that leak. Typing in her name or any conceivable misspelling results in dozens of links popping up. Talk about desperation.

  11. US Postal service. If the stamp location on the envelope says "Presort Standard" or the abbreviated "STD" this is bulk mail (often called junk mail). It's never anything important even if the envelope is designed to look important.

  12. This was after Kojima insulted Coach Kamogawa if I remember right. I think that Ippo has a raw nerve when it comes father figures. His own dad has been out of the picture for a long time and Coach has been kind of like a surrogate father to him. Ippo has a long history of being bullied and he can take that in stride. But the moment that nerve gets rattled it flips a deep rooted switch in Ippo's personality. I think given that context this is a genius panel.

  13. My cousin drove his mustang at 140mph once in high school and we threw a TV out the window and it surprisingly survive partially in tact so I honestly think a human that has a brain and can find a way out might actually be able to do it especially if they are just one of those people that is crafty and quick on there feet.

  14. I came here to post the demon core. Glad I didn't need to scroll far to find it.

  15. Kyle Hill's YouTube channel is fantastic. Highly recommend it to anyone with even a cursory interest in science.

  16. Goon is such an underrated movie.

  17. I'd argue Charlie is potentially one of the most intelligent in the gang.

  18. Not to mention he can flawlessly read/write/speak in Gaelic. An incredibly difficult yet beautiful language. He's far more intelligent than he's given credit for.

  19. what if they went through with and finished the 3rd game in the series? it was supposed to be called Chrono Break and, as per Wikipedia, it was planned to be a true sequel to CT. as far as i can tell there's very little info on what the actual story/setting/plot for this game was, but there have been some speculative projects that explore what could have been. most notably, an exploratory saga that seemingly uses all available information to posit what the events of Chrono Break could have been. believe me when i tell you that this story is fucking incredible!

  20. That fan trailer is goddamn amazing. It's an absolute travesty we never got Chrono Break.

  21. Can't convince them to take turns? You could phrase it as "hey man sometimes you gotta give one for the team."

  22. You know what. The reluctant leader thing isn't really true, at least in our world.

  23. Jon Stewart taking on the republican led congressional committee to secure funding for the continued healthcare of 9/11 first responders is a prime example of someone of his altruistic caliber doing a job out of a sense of duty. Compare that to Trump who doesn't have an altruistic bone spur in his body, you're going to get vastly different results.

  24. It’s kind of a cliche, but in my experience, guys who freak out screaming, stomping around, and trying to be intimidating aren’t the ones you need to worry about (unless you’re in a relationship with them—in which case, LEAVE).

  25. We call that "peacocking" where I'm from.

  26. "That is going to kill somebody when it lands in Boston"

  27. Story is a few years old at this point but overheard this conversation that absolutely told me what an asshole he was. (Background: Local machine shop and asshole in question is a Hallmark white guy in his early 50s) walks up to another co-worker listening to music at his station "I don't get rap music. I mean what do all these black people have to complain about after all we did for them?"

  28. No it's a wait and see all the facts before making a judgement. Jumping on the bandwagon of either side is wrong at this point.

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