
  1. Legionnaire Armor. Defender SMG. Grenade Pistol. Ballistic Shield. Impact grenades. Anti-Matierial Rifle.

  2. If you say the Q - word you are likely to have a collapsible baton pelted at you from across the room.

  3. Spending a shitload of money on gear for a job you might not keep.

  4. I’m not in law enforcement - ER nurse - I’ve always wondered how you determine that. I’ve heard it’s easy to mix up the victim/perpetrator, do you agree?

  5. Sometimes, it's not always clear. Sometimes it is. Often, it's a bit like watching daytime trash-TV.

  6. Maybe I’m confused with what you’re saying. But 100% you can arrest (and some states “shall” arrest) DV offenses outside police officer presence.

  7. It's a little complicated. Investigation and prosecution of DV cases is where I see the widest range of deviation in laws between states. My partner in the other comment is from a "shall arrest" state. He is bound by law to make an arrest when the context of the call is DV. I work in a "pro-arrest" state, where a physical arrest is encouraged, but state law only requires a full and complete investigation.

  8. He’s still out there, AFAIK. He was a small town cop last I heard.

  9. So he's probably not super passionate about DUI enforcement. Just a guess.

  10. I think the problem with DMR is balancing in the eyes of Arrowhead. They've shown they aren't afraid to nerf weapons, but Diligence, the first DMR, already two head-shots Devastators. (just to drive home how much damage 112 actually is) Sure it's terrible against bugs, but the weapon isn't designed for bugs (just as Arc Blitzer is terrible for bots), so we'll focus on the Automatons here.

  11. What primary best compliments the AMR, say for crowd control on a run-n-gun map when we are committed to a position?

  12. At this point, with the trainees I've been having, I bet they're hiring anyone that can button their pants.

  13. There's a barracks at my academy, in the barracks there are books, ping-pong tables, an Xbox with CoD, and a pool table. It's a dayroom. The Staties had to earn theirs.

  14. My first Helldiver was a woman who survived training, dropped solo into a trivial difficulty protect civvies bot mission and died during extraction.

  15. Really? I dove into the machine gun pit, stood up, and got cut in half by the sentries. That felt pretty authentic.

  16. Wild to me that this fairly common sense statement is bathed in downvotes. The state of this website sometimes.

  17. This "common sense statement" is feeding into the stereotype that all veterans are violent, unpredictable time bombs.

  18. I would posit that both the statement and my reaction to the statement were reductive in nature.

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