
  1. What does that have to fo with anything? What I mean is that in 150 plots I found not a single remove non-X add X or augment craft, every single attack, life, defence, speed, crit, chaos, fire, lightning and cold craft I found were reforge crafts. And I only found one reforge keeping prefixes and 0 reforge keeping suffixes.

  2. Cause most builds have items that are easily crafted using targeted reforges, im not defending the shit show that is harvest right now but to say that harvest has 0 influence on your gear must mean you dont know how to use basic crafting methods like fossils.

  3. In legion I sold my HH to fund a build and all my friends thought I was crazy. Ended up being the strongest build I've ever played. I solo'd uber elder in about 2 min with my eyes literally closed the entire time. No regrets.

  4. Not only that, but it's mostly an extreme dedication and min maxing purely for profits.. Idk - maybe some people see fun in this, I don't. If I had to give example - I play smth like Mathil, I don't push for profits, I do variety of content, I don't go over my head for insane time efficiency and speed - basically to maximize fun and avoiding tedious routine of doing one thing repeatedly for days.

  5. These patch notes aren't going to buff anything and they'll announce that they're nerfing every meta skill that large numbers of people played - and people are going to lose their minds, the sub will burn down for two days and widespread fighting will break out. Toxicity will rise to new levels as the Atlas passives that everyone was having fun with get nerfed to oblivion, useless skills will stay useless and Cadiro will stay fat, probably in a cage in Betrayal.

  6. Went to get food after game 4 ends, came back to Storm for the 5th game in a row and Enigma. Prepared myself for disappointment.

  7. Lion and Pheonix has fucked them over and they still dont draft around those/ ban them. Fucking bulba drafts ladies and gents. I will still bleed blue but Bulba is EG’s kryptonite

  8. Bulba was also egs kryptonite when they were smashing IG 2 0, bro get over yourself

  9. What the fuck is this stupid decision to still 3rd pick storm when they dont have an answer to egg?? Dont get me started with this fucking Enigma pick, fucking absolute deluded fucking drafted on EG

  10. Blademail damage doesnt go through BKB anymore so spec is ded if he even thinks about standing there...

  11. I started off leveling my character with Ethereal Knives. Put in all kinds of added Elemental damage and Phys as extra elemental.

  12. Heavily doubt ggg gives a shit about your essay, doubt Bex would even reply despite all the real concerns being highlighted in your post and the comments.

  13. Uhh, not sure why you want to argue. I didn't say I made perfect gear at the start of the league, but I was making perfect jewels day 1 with lvl 31 seeds. I don't cont my first toon, it's always just a filler. I barley remember what I was playing. You want it core and will defend that no matter what I say. All I'll say is, it's too easy and makes the game boring. I've never been bored of even the shitty league. I usually always play till the end. It really feels easier to gear than Diablo. I have several tabs full of crafts to make anything you want., but I don't want to because it's just clicking a button over and over till you get it. As much as I hate trade, it's more fun to search and buy an upgrade than to just click the same button over and over.

  14. How does Harvest stop you from just buying upgrades instead of crafting one?

  15. It doesn't but when you search for that upgrade, there's 20 of them all rolled perfect. Then you realize you have all that you need to craft the same thing sitting in your stash. There's no upgrade after that. Why won't people admit getting these top tier items is too easy? I've

  16. Doing a cold conversion raider flicker build, if I go above 100% phys to cold conversion is it wasted?

  17. Do you have any tips on how to boost my damage as a cold conversion flicker toon?

  18. I will have to try that. However, I still feel like the 4 ex I spent buying seeds and the rest that I farmed should have still been enough on their own to produce a single top end mod on a single item.

  19. I too had that sentiment cause I have done what you have earlier in the league, bought a ton of seeds and expected alot of crafts to use, was pretty salty my 10ex investment into seeds only yielded like 4ex returns.

  20. You would only need to remove the phys as lightning before you awakener orb'd it since that's the other crusader mod, which yes can be removed with remove lightning from harvest. Then you can awakener orb the Explode and Attack crit mods and pray for a decent chest

  21. This would have been very crucial information that would have helped me before I spent all my exalts on a elder/crusader base.

  22. Well if your item was Hunter/Crusader you could force both the explode, the way I described and the attacks critical, by augmenting attack once with an open suffix (so probably this first). It is the only mod with the Attack tag.

  23. I guess i messed up by buying an elder/crusader base, didnt know that hunter also has attacks crit and % life.

  24. If you can get comfortable with uberlab it's even more profit.

  25. Eternal Burgonet, Lion Pelt, Hubris Circlet, Nightmare Bascinet, Bone Helmet, Praetor Crown, Deicide Mask for non-unique bases. I think you'll want them ilvl 83 at the minimum but shoot for 86+

  26. Bane occultist cursebot can solo content and is a useful support in a party.

  27. I’ve had Rowan on my wishlist for the past 4 months and I have yet to pull him

  28. umm what's so hard to understand about this item?

  29. Gotcha, thank you for the very noob friendly explanation. I was able to understand the concept and I’ll try to study the details like the specific prefixes and suffix that are top tier.

  30. I can't wait to customize bundles I'm too broke to afford!

  31. Only 6? I have 9, I'm Lv155 and I did tons of mistakes when I was learning how to play the game.

  32. Im also f2p and have been playing for almost a year but I have 13 ascended units, mabye you guys just have bad luck

  33. Depends on your other heroes but I say ascend lyca fodder will come along with more eironn copies

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