
  1. This is one of the best games I’ve ever played I love it

  2. Look up stank rat and learn how he plays

  3. Stop ratting in tarkov your attracting your friends

  4. Is there a displate shop for these posters?

  5. I’d say lower your difficulty just last night I had some fun doing bots and I actually turned off my brain and I won on lvl 6 difficulty. If it gets too hard on a lower difficulty go one level lower.

  6. That guys is taking some steroids for sure

  7. The problem is the solo queue, when your playing a team-based game, it's going to be difficult to find the right people to help you get the win so try to get a group of friends or get in the CSGO LFG discord. When it comes to solo queueing you'll get some teammates that do not know how to use a mic, I had a team that luckily knew how to rebind their push to talk to V turning a 3-8 losing match into a tie.

  8. This is why mosquitos should not be in our eco system, not because their gross it's because their annoying as shit.

  9. Why is this game still being played???

  10. Why are people that hate this game active in its sub? Are you active and commenting in everything you dislike: broccoli, the Twilight series, Jar Jar Binks, the Jersey Shore, Pierce Brosnan’s 007, George Clooney’s Batman nipples, tinted window vans? That must be exhausting.

  11. You're right. I dislike this game so much. it's so broken, and people who still play it are just coping with the fact that it would be a good time in the future. I'm so exhausted right now, I'm going to another sub reddit that revolves around a game with cheaters and do the exact same thing I'm doing right now.

  12. I mean s1mple is not wrong with the way the game is, what Valve needs to focus more on are cheaters and smurfs if they want this to be a competitive game. Other than that, not cool.

  13. But lemme ask the question WHY would you want danger zone though

  14. Just because of the refs I am now an alcoholic. I'm scheduling my aa meeting as we speak.

  15. I'm just checking up on the comments and got a Fentanyl awareness ad, so if anyone is suffering with some kind of pain from cs2, just know that shit is addictive.

  16. After losing many matches, I just go to play skyrim.

  17. Idk about these days but back in 2018 or so i was in a semi pro team, had a core of 3 with friends that we played pugs with, used esea to find rest 2 to fill the spots. There used to be looking for players/ for a team section in esea.

  18. Yeah, I feel like the hardcore competitive scene is a little dead right now compared to back then. I just played a few games (granted it was the middle of the night) and got a win and a few losses but it looked like there were a very few amount of people online. Unfortunately, I got my ass handed to me and I was negative in all the games I played.

  19. Id recommend faceit or esportal premiums, usually much more teamwork involved in those. Premier mode is just a deathmatch, nobody speaks at all.

  20. I haven't had any problems with cheaters honestly, I queue up with my friends and sometimes solo and I win most of my games. I do feel like some weapons need some tweaking but I haven't used a whole lot of them though. I use the AKM though and once you get the recoil learned you can pretty much be unstoppable. I soloed heavies and won those gunfights.

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