
  1. We are going for a squeeze play, not saving a company. Sigh🙄

  2. You mean "were". We "were" going for a squeeze. Unfortunately AA screwed everyone who saved his company with share dilution. No more squeeze, no more moon.

  3. I have a similar problem. Put in a good high-yield sump pump.

  4. They want you on Prime streaming new movies, not going to the theater. If you haven't yet, look up how different major business were targeted by major predatory short-selling as Amazon started to move into their markets, the result being Amazon with effectively a monopoly.

  5. Funny thing is you’ll be called a shill for saying this

  6. I was banned for a week for calling AA's BS out. According to the moderators, criticizing AA is against the sub rules. Who knew...

  7. I have my shop and wood stove in my basement. Really love it! Adds about 30 degrees to the house vs outside temp, e.g. if it's in the 40s outside it's in the 70s inside. Also helps dry lumber I've milled.

  8. Personally I like Grizzly though I don't have experience with Laguna. I have 6 Grizzly tool including a drill press, 12.5" planer, 8" jointer, and a 14" bandsaw. and have been really happy with them.

  9. Joiners are a key tool. I recommend one of two things: First, save up for a new 8" jointer. You'll get way more utility out of an 8" over a 6" especially if you're relatively serious about woodworking. Second, 8" or 6", get the spiral cutting head, it's worth it. I would check if you can get a spiral cutting head for this model. If you can't, don't waste your money. Just save for a new 8" spiral cutting head jointer. I did and it's the best tool I have! (Also in the Valley Forge area)

  10. Gets a positive earnings call and doesnt even wait to let it pop before announcing. Smh.

  11. It didn't pop yesterday because they all knew this was coming today. Retail is the only one out of the loop. Basically insider trading.

  12. Just go in your space suites. They did it in "The Right Stuff", it's fine.

  13. Right? Republicans won’t bail out Student debt but bank and hedge funds that commit crimes, no problem!

  14. That's funny, since we have been under democrat rule for 2 yrs...well never make another 2 yrs under this administration... have another cup of koolaid

  15. "Welcome to Joe Biden's United States! This presentation is brought to you and funded by China."

  16. https://woodlandmills.com/hm126-portable-sawmill/?utm_term=&utm_campaign=PMax:+USA+Smart+Shopping+-+August+2022&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=4748081323&hsa_cam=18743801470&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjaWoBhAmEiwAXz8DBW7gEwsSw0dLe6ybpNz_GhgQOdCRYp_QByLJWHwNcQnjkZkwRX6MwhoCxx8QAvD_BwE

  17. Depends on your budget. Here is what I recommend and there are a great number of other things on the website which would be helpful to someone just getting into the craft which would save them a lot of frustration. I recommend poking around a bit.

  18. I believe that's order's vs volume. You could have 1 order for 1mil and 10 orders for 100 each

  19. What this shows is that retail is buying more, not selling.

  20. It definitely needed some ‘encouragement’ to go together. Lol.

  21. I named my mallet 'encouragement'.... What a coincidence.

  22. The “American Dream”, when a man could make enough — without a college degree — to pay for a stay-at-home wife and three kids, and still have enough to buy a new car.

  23. Fortunately, that one is coming back around because millennials can do or fix anything if it doesn't involve their cell phone. My dad's friend never graduated high school and is a call for service plumber fixing toilets, sinks and the like. He has been making well into the six figures since 2010 and takes two months off a year to go on vacation with his family.

  24. I'm a fan of Arm-R-Seal. Strong finish, excellent protection, integrates with the wood preserving the feel of the wood grain, easy to fix if damaged.

  25. I'm currently making a chessboard with my cutoffs. By the look of that pile you could make a few really nice ones!

  26. Either the press is running in reverse or, more likely, the bit is dull.

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