
  1. ?… Skynyrd, fentanyl deaths, swisher sweets, more football

  2. Tampa Bay is cursed by indians and thats why there have been so many accidents on the sunshine skyway and in the bay itself, as well as why the Buccaneers suck.

  3. How many times a week do you go? I’ve gone 2-3 times a week for 6 months and haven’t seen any results.

  4. Personally/currently going everyday, if not, at least 6x per week. It helps me mentally to have that time for myself. Also, I am focusing on what I eat as well.

  5. Part of a normal eye test. You’re actually lucky if you do know what it is because that means you have healthcare.

  6. That’s disgusting. How do you not feel anything about letting a living animal starve to death? Starve. The saddest death is slow neglect.

  7. I’ve been going to a Pilates studio (not club Pilates) for a year and it’s mostly senior ladies, some college age girls who come once or twice, and sometimes older men.

  8. but why does it stink, I know you know what I mean

  9. He may have been drawing a line in the sand and this was his way of letting you know he has no interest in having children. It’s not weird for it to be a turn off, but if you like him otherwise and you truly don’t want children, maybe it’s not worth breaking things off over.

  10. Seriously? I didn’t think people actually used MSG at home…

  11. I was in high school and a lot of us thought it was a domestic attack because the Oklahoma City bombing was our main point of reference.

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