
  1. That totally won't have repercussions for public institutions trust

  2. yeah trust in institutions in a country that has 2 highest courts which consider each other illegitimate is currently at all time highs and nothing should be done to reform any institution ever

  3. The Holodomor being an intentional genocide is a lie first created by the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda.

  4. Source? Not trying to be combatative but that just seems questionable, would love to learn more either way

  5. Okay - I’ll let the federal reserve know they got it wrong lol

  6. Please tell me how price levels can change without changes in aggregate supply or aggregate demand

  7. Change in money supply, which is specifically what isn’t modeled in the game. If there’s 10 trillion dollars circulating in the economy this year, and next year there are 11 trillion dollars, but no changes in total goods supplied or demanded, prices will increase regardless.

  8. The Axis being absurdly evil doesn’t give carte blanche to respond however you want. Even campaigns against Germany like the Dresden bombings were considered overkill once the dust had settled. It’s also not a certainty that the only options were firebomb or nuclear. Not to act like there was no justification for the bombs, but in hindsight they were probably too far

  9. Dresden was completely justified and virtually all arguments against the bombing stem from Nazi propaganda

  10. As Iowa goes in primary contest status, so goes the fire hose of farming subsidies that have mostly been captured by major corporations.

  11. Do they go to agrocorps because they own the most land or because the subsidies are designed to disproportionately benefit them?

  12. Im starting to think that Hamas doesn’t care about the Palestinian people.

  13. I will get downvoted for this, but polish farmers and truckers really have a hard time, and our government really does the bare minimum to help them. Ukrainians are privileged in the current situation, and any type of normal competition between polish and ukrainian farmers is almost nonexistent as ukrainians are flooding the market with their cheap grain from farms operated by international corporations. Meanwhile, 90% of polish farms are small farms run by one family.

  14. Can't wait for the Mongol restoration tree with a fair and balanced +2000% cavalry speed and attack

  15. That's pretty much the US. Just change "ruling party" to "2 ruling prominent parties."

  16. Some may say there's quite a bit of a diffwrence between not having an opposition party and having an opposition party

  17. They would have destroyed the heathen Muslims and Gays too so yeah, lbgtq wouldn't be a problem either if Nazis had won, they'd all be d.e.a.d. Instead....

  18. Yea? But when you get it, and its worthless, you cant return it.

  19. Most degrees are not worthless, which is even more true for the degrees most people actually do

  20. I would argue a degree is almost never worthless. It may be unmarketable, but the two are not the same.

  21. Inequality adjusted HDI is also quite interesting for this stuff, US ranks pretty noticeably lower

  22. Housing shortage is really just a simpleton/media scapegoat for "pay-that-affords-housing-shortage".

  23. This seems to be the popular opinion, and I'm not saying I disagree that we should, but it's not an end all solution.

  24. Yeah that's fair. Comparing tax rates is complicated. I'm assuming their 71% figure isn't including things like VAT, though, which while analogous to local sales taxes is also much higher on average. They also seem to have something analogous to property taxes (council taxes).

  25. its definitely protectionist to only apply to non-EU countries..gross

  26. ITT everyone forgets that when aiming for reasonable solutions, you must first propose something from which to negotiate towards something else.

  27. There's no natural law saying pensions need to be tied to workers income tax. A government can fund pensions however they want. If population decreases, but productivity and corporate gains keep growing, they just need to switch focus and use corporate taxes to fund pensions.

  28. No, the Allied soldiers fought to defeat a murderous regime bent on exterminating people. Freedom of speech is very much an anglo centric thing, maybe even US centric. Even segregation was a thing until the 60s.

  29. How low is your opinion of democracy and the general populace if you uniornically believe that if you don't censor media Hitler 2.0 is inevitable?

  30. I'm more impressed than you but even a third of the globes shipping was good for a tiny island.

  31. True enough. I'm not nearly as left wing as this subbreddit, but it is quite sad to see such blatant tax avoidance and labour law abuse

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