
  1. Except you leave out context as well. Back then, it was considered improper to have a man stay overnight before marriage. It's literally a song about both people in a couple wanting to stay the night together but have to wrestle with societal norms just to justify their wants.

  2. What a fuckin joke, been saying we're nuts for years to "oh yeah I want answers to this great mystery!" in like 3 months.

  3. Except all he says is he wants funding to figure out the weird stuff from space. He never says aliens. Because aliens have never been here. Intelligent life exists on other planets, for sure. But they've never visited Earth. Full stop. And yet I agree we should have funding to explore space, and all the weird and scary things that it has in it. Maybe (highly unlikely) we'll be the aliens visiting other planets with life on them. But the scale of the universe just screams impossible.

  4. Hahahaha, hahahahahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha haha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha.

  5. "Is it because you have more respect for a judge than the general public?" I wish I could think of comebacks that quickly.

  6. In Goku. I'm fine with that. Definitely cheating with the dragon balls.

  7. I work at a furniture warehouse and once had the boss tell me that, "What if a surgeon gets home and doesn't have a bed to sleep on because we didn't rush." My response was that he could sleep on the couch for the night.

  8. He had no idea they'd make out. I bet if he had a vision of the twins smooching, he might have told Luke. Lol

  9. Then Doctor Phil pulled a high horse and immediately kicked him off. The hypocrite.

  10. I don't like any fish. Salmon included. I can tolerate it if I put other tasty things on it to smother the fish flavor, but at that point, I'm liking the added stuff and not the fish itself.

  11. I think this is a "When you do things right, people won't know you did anything at all" moment. A thousand people saw that sign and didn't open it. Just one idiot.

  12. Maybe he was the car the worker parked in front of. Maybe he was just going to move the van so he could leave. I'm trying to think the best in people.

  13. Microsoft started the whole pay to play online. Sony was a console generation after

  14. Hate people that just walk in the street when there is a sidewalk right there. I get it if there isn't one, or if it's in terrible condition, but come on.

  15. At least the prequels new where the story would end. Neither the OT or the sequels have that.

  16. Ideally I’d have a fruity cocktail to sip as I accept my fate

  17. I dink alcohol to get drunk, not for the taste. I'd rather just a tasty drink.

  18. 40k for 2 days of work? Hell yeah I would. I'd wear depends while doing it, but that's a good amount of money.

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