
  1. Space ship in space crashes, now under water, then eaten alive?

  2. Well since the sentinelese’s are besties with Atlanta’s, I would it’s a fair fight

  3. I think starfield is by far the most egregious misuse of punk. Fucking nasa-punk like wtf its literally government organization punk thats like 2 steps away from 3 letter agency punk

  4. All guns except some of the old earth guys are pretty bad in this regard.

  5. Maturing is realising I’ve got too many hours in Stellaris

  6. In defence of the commonwealth, the institute has sabotaged any attempt at a local government or stability

  7. Nah Australians got over the emu war and we actually kinda forgot about it lol

  8. You guys are boarding starships? *laughs in nuke every first, then ask questions

  9. Warriors don’t use tactics or strategy it’s DISHONOURABLE!!

  10. Simple, we just decreased the speed of light to 80km/h

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