
  1. IFVs avoid getting into fair combat with actual tanks, since they usually lose. Deployed infantry or the vehicle itself carries AT-missiles to deal with heavier opposition, being hidden out of sight. Bradleys' main gun is in general not meant to challenge MBTs, while AP-rounds can theoretically cause lucky, disabling hits. In this case, Russian poorly trained conscript crew without combat experience is likely to panic, giving precious time to score those disabling hits. It's still very stupid game, exotic in a sense that we remember those occasions when it is successful.

  2. Lmao Russian conscript crew without experience driving a t-90m sure

  3. I knew it, I f*cking knew it, I laughed out loud

  4. Je ne pense pas que la terre puisse s'arrêter brusquement elle peut ralentir jusqu'à l'arrêt par contre...les jours et les nuits seraient plus longs ilby aurait un impact sur la gravité du coup les masses de gaz s'échapperaient de la force centripete qui les compriment et la on peut faire plein de suppositions mais..faut voir..la réalité Quoiqu'il en soit si il n'y a plus d'atmosphère il faudrait pas longtemps avant que l'on claque tous mais pas les tardigrades

  5. En réalité c’est l’inverse, la rotation de la terre exerce une force centrifuge nulle aux pôles et maximum à l’équateur où son expression est la suivante F=mRw2 où, m est la masse de l’objet, R la distance de l’objet au centre de la terre et w la vitesse angulaire de rotation de la Terre. Cette force bien que prise en compte dans les mises en orbites de satellites etc est en réalité négligeable la plupart du temps, tout comme le reste du gradient gravitationnel lié à l’altitude où aux variations de composition géologique.

  6. Oui mais si tout tourne à la même vitesse on ne taperait rien. Notre vitesse diminuera avant qu’on arrive aux alpes par example.

  7. Ça dépend, proche du sol certains objets peuvent rester fixes accrochés au sol, de plus par viscosité de l’air nécessairement le champ de vitesse sera plus faible proche de la surface de la terre qu’en altitude, on peut donc facilement se retrouver avec un freinage brutal de l’air en basse altitude et des vents chaotiques en plus haute altitude… pour les ordres de grandeurs ça devient déjà plus compliqué 😅

  8. Don’t bother discussing with the US fanboy over here this guy is mentally ill, completely brainwashed by US propaganda, he probably spends too much time on NCD

  9. It’s not that unpopular, I’m a big carti fan but I can see why you don’t like him and I understand why he is so antagonizing

  10. Your account is just over a month old and you’ve commented over a thousand times

  11. Please give us that KOpium since Carti is definitely not dropping 🙏

  12. Somewhat. Nukes aren't quite as scary as is the popular opinion about them right now.

  13. This take is one of the most retarded I’ve ever heard, most of the population lives in high density areas like cities, sending 10 nukes on the top 10 US cities would pretty much erase the US out of history, creating millions of deaths in a few seconds and pretty much instantly sink the world economy, the following days would be absolute chaos and a logistical nightmare, everything would be down and we are not even talking more than 10 nukes.

  14. Ton argument est stupide, Israël occupe, colonise et pratique une politique d’apartheid en Palestine, le Hamas n’a pas les moyens militaires de combattre de manière conventionnelle le Tsahal, ils utilisent donc des stratégies de guerre asymétrique et de terrorisme pour semer la terreur en Israël et infliger un maximum de dégât à leur ennemi… cela passe par des attaques surprises, l’utilisation de commandos suicide, des attaques sur des civils et des prises d’otages. La situation est atroce mais est alimentée par une continuité des actions d’Israël sur la Palestine, si aujourd’hui un commando Ukrainien fait un attentat en Russie et tue des civils volontairement tu observeras les mêmes débats politiques et civils même si la classe politique se ralliera derrière l’Ukraine puisqu’elle est alliée stratégique.

  15. Si si ingénieur logiciel double diplômé avec un bac+5 et sorti d'une école sur concours post prépa

  16. Quelle école? Parce que si tu sors d’une CCP/E3A et que les mecs que tu gères sont Centraliens ou des Mines (plus généralistes comme tu dis) certaines différences peuvent se comprendre, c’est un peu le but de faire ces écoles et c’est très difficile de les atteindre…

  17. I don’t even understand the debate on this?? Speed is relative so you might as well consider the blue portal as your referential and then the problem is just a question of what happens when you throw an object in a portal… since we know that it then comes out the same speed out of the other portal we just have to remember that now from the entry portal referential the way out also moves. Thus we add the speed of the object to the speed of the moving portal and hop it’s done, now from the original referential we see the object flying out of the portal.

  18. Yeah pretty much but it’s crazy how scientifically illiterate people are, people are going to respond « bUt PoRtALs aReN’t rEAL » it’s a question of referential, it’s not even a question of momentum like you can consider the object to be massless it would work the same way…

  19. It is tho as it is implying that French people have to be white somehow?? So fuck this Nazi piece of German shit and you too fascist Italian y’all should ally again so that we can kick your asses once again

  20. You kicked no-ones ass in a long time. Also, losing your shit over a meme is kind of embarrassing.

  21. We should have kept your country in pieces, too bad the nukes couldn’t land on Berlin in times

  22. Je ne pense pas que ça fonctionnerait, comme tu dois le savoir le milieu académique poursuit une course aux points sur les classements QS et de Shanghai afin de rayonner internationalement, de faire valoir nos diplômes et d’attirer les cerveaux étrangers… malheureusement le système français reposait jusqu’à présent sur de petites promotions comme à CS, aux Mines ou autre. C’est pourquoi de grandes politiques de fusions commencent du type groupe Centrale, IP, IMT, INP etc, de la même manière les universités comme Paris Saclay forment de grands groupes et cela fonctionne! (cf classement mondial de l’université Paris Saclay) Ainsi le groupe Centrale réussi à rentrer en coopération avec des universités prestigieuses comme Georgia Tech, l’Imperial College ou autre mais ce n’est pas encore suffisant! En effet certaines écoles comme CS rêvent encore de pouvoir obtenir une coopération avec le MIT par exemple, coopération qui est pour le moment négligeable quand on voit le nombre d’échanges…

  23. I think it's both, it seems to be more which leaders the artist likes; Lenin and Gorbachev seem pretty positive, but Stalin and Kruschev have barbed wire at the bottom, a huge luger in Stalin and a missile at the bottom of Kruschevs.

  24. Little detail but Stalin seems to have a lot of barbed wires installed while on Khrushchev’s poster the barbed wire mostly disappeared and appears to be cut, it might be a symbol of the suppression of the Gulag

  25. Real talk, is there any really nice city in France that's not facing racial or religiously motivated issues at the moment? My girl and I like to travel and France's pretty high on my list, but seeing such reports about Paris kinda doesn't give me hope.

  26. I’m French, don’t believe the news this place is filled with racists that confort themselves in their ideas by showing videos of riots (this one for exemple was limited to the Senegalese embassy and caused by the Senegalese gouvernement arresting political prisoners so I kinda support them). I’ve never witnessed in my life any riots so you very certainly won’t, of course be careful where you go, it’s like visiting big American cities maybe you don’t want to go to the hood and stuff like that also in Paris especially in public transport beware of pickpockets so for that just look around you and put your hands in front or in your pockets but again never happened to me or my family.

  27. Bruh there is a big difference between MMA and combat training, even if martial artists are really good in rules sets the military is trained to kill without rules this means aiming for the eyes, the neck, knees, genitals and such… okay a good fighter could probably keep them at bay and might KO a military guy but saying a bit of training is an exaggeration and even them for a good fighter it could still be dangerous

  28. Holy shit this sub needs to get off copium already like it’s a loss okay it happens on both side I understand that’s it’s not pleasant to see your side losing some equipment or troops but no need to be like « oh yeah but akthually this one will be repairable and no one died » when it’s clearly not the case, no tank is invincible.

  29. Bro gonna be real mad when he realize he can’t listen to Utopia without eardrums 🤯

  30. Bro I’ve got 32gb of ram on mine, it was designed for professional 3D rendering and shit and this monster of a pc still can’t handle this game… well ok it loads fast even for massive cities near 700k or heavily modded/« asseted » 100k cities but at those points it just becomes unplayable because it can’t handle all the traffic and simulating the population so everything is super slow and it feels like cars are going at 30km/h on the highway even with good fps…

  31. Je ne sais pas... une histoire de generations... de mon temps on envoyait des lettres... mais il n'y a plus de saisons...

  32. I'd kill to look even half as good as this guy.

  33. Wtf is this trend that started like 3-4 years ago, now everybody wants to do bodybuilding and sport=gym like how do you even find this attractive?! It looks like plastic, it’s disproportionate and ridiculous… I can’t believe social media has fucked up this much

  34. Maybe just accept that people have different tastes.

  35. This shit is a 4yr old trend max like y’all are sheep that’s crazy lmao stop watching to phonk/gigachad edits and do something with your life

  36. Beautiful, if I can give an advice check the workshop for some bridges like Detroit bridge or Delaware bridge, they can be used as massive props to create beautiful and more realistic bridges!

  37. That’s weird because I also felt that people in the pit looked at me in a strange way when I was singing (if we put aside my disastrous voice). Fun fact : I felt terribly alone during Reminder. I was the only one around to scream IF YOU AINT XO THEN YOU GOTTA GO when Abel stopped so we can continue the lyrics and people looked at me like if I were an alien…

  38. Istg people knew almost nothing, there was only like one girl in the front of me that clearly knew the OG XO songs but she spent the whole concert filming herself for social media lmao, there was one that smiled at me when she heard me sing by heart everything but most people were not singing most of the time. I guess the language barrier doesn’t help either

  39. Yeah I have been a fan for years but I still have difficulties to remember and sing his lyrics, especially when he is rapping (he always lost me at the Reminder’s second verse or low life). It tried my best lol. Some would say a certain moments I was exactly like Jacques Chirac the 98´s world cup final

  40. I gotta be honest I was lost at popular because I had not really listened to it because I didn’t like it (donc c’était un peu du yaourt) but since the concert I’m loving it, also at some point in Remainder I was a bit lost too but it’s okay everyone can have their Chirac moment lol

  41. I’m a 19yo guy with 2 years of experience on me, from what I’ve read in the comments you are a 37 yo woman with 4 days worth of experience… this means a few thing, first of all you don’t have technic, second of all you don’t manage stressful situations in sparring and lastly you are very likely to be paired with much stronger or heavier partners.

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