
  1. Begonnen op Havo/VWO, na 2 jaar naar Vmbo geswitched. Ik was meer van het doen en leren dan van droge les stof van nog veel drogere leraren moeten krijgen.

  2. Reported: Apparently the 09008844 is the right phone to call.

  3. After many years of playing minecraft it pains me to see that my worlds still look like your original.

  4. It’s very rough at first but it grows on you, you do learn to deal with everything. Although the terrain never stops being annoying as hell lol

  5. This is kinda surreal. Growing up during the time of the LotR movies everyone gushed over how cool Elves were. I thought I was weird being the only kid that thought Gimli was the GOAT. Now dwarf popularity has skyrocketed and elves (especially male) are now associated with femininity and being unmanly, which appears to be a bad thing now.

  6. You played 3 complexity mining mission without a scout? That’s gotta be annoying af, those caves are huuuuge, and you can’t see anything up above those walls without scout’s flare.

  7. I know what fatboy can do, but you only have 5 nukes, if you use them to light up the cave and mine minerals, then you're gonna be dead when haz5 swarm hits.

  8. Every character can be ammo efficient and combat effective. Even a scout with a GK.2 or engi with LOK. I’m not gonna pretend that OC’s aren’t important though.

  9. Multi millionaire here. Just a few cores left to go and that will be all she wrote for my finances.

  10. And some yellow dude telling you get in his bunkie

  11. You don't. Any friends who need to be convinced this shit is awesome should be smitten with the almighty banhammer of life.

  12. If you are not blasting Wind Rose - Diggy Diggy hole on every goddamn mission you are a leaf lovers loving shame of a dwarf.

  13. On Star Trek : Picard at the moment so .... I guess the Rival Incursion guys are the Borg ?

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