
  1. For a long time I’ve only played DH2 as Corvo, before trying the other side out. DH means Corvo to me

  2. It took me 10 minutes to understand that was supposed to be thirty

  3. number 4, yeah 9 has the evil guys and stuff but let's assume everyone here isn't murdering each other. Unless if you were a lunatic killer like the other three it wouldn't be great but they're more into physical assault than verbal but number 4... you're getting your ass beat. More than 3 or 2, the mercs would fuck with you and the guys at 3 have sticks up their asses but 4 has a man betrayed by his clan (and sitting next to two members of it), a violent revolutionary, and god damn zhin. They would make each other worse and there's no kind of person who could stand that god damn table with no history with the clan, who's to say what they'll say to you. Also what table would even be tolerable? 1 is aico only, 2 is girl mercs night out, 3 would be boring if gone perfect, 4 we know, 5 is just watching divorce 2: electric boogaloo, 6 is pretty much the only option that's open to a general normal person, 7 is second best but since it's girls only it limits the openness, 8 is just 7 but animals, 9 is you think you're tough enough. What a hellish lunchroom.

  4. You leave my Vatu alone! I would actually prefer the 4th table :D

  5. I’m confused, didn’t you create an account? In any case, my condolences then

  6. Thank you for the work you've already put into this, it's an interesting read.

  7. Funny story, while you say the Rhalâta are taught not to be attached to the physical world, in my first playthrough I went through the pockets of everyone in the Sanctum, and stole the clothes off of their backs :D They also are required to hide their bodies, cover up as much as they can, but after I was let inside, they had to walk around naked! Funny how you can make them break their own rules but there won’t be any repercussions for them… Oh well at least in a roleplaying sense it was hilarious.

  8. Right now I tried finding it and it wasn’t a gamemode anymore? Is it still active? I think I might have missed it…

  9. I’m on my way to all the achievements as well! Good job! Also I agree, can’t praise this game enough. Such a one in a lifetime experience.


  11. I appreciate you very much, thank you for the link, my face hurts

  12. Any ranged build is easier than a melee. You can have a summoned creature, and you can have a second soul summoned with the Phasmalist tree. While you are staying in the background you can let your minions tank the dmg - later if they are more leveled up they can even kill everything without you needing to do anything.

  13. Interesting to see this problem from the other side. As a PC player I’ve had it with controllers who abuse the aim assist to never miss and only hit headshots. With hitscan champs this is a big problem, as we can’t react in time because we can’t dish out that much dmg as a never missing aimbot under seconds. It really is impossible to play against good controller players. I wish I didn’t have to.

  14. about crystals: logging everyday (6th and 7th day of the week you get a total of 25 crystals) or by doing the trials of the realm specific missions

  15. It’s waaay too long, boring and bad. Was not worth my time. Zack is a talentless hack anyway.

  16. How's that talus/koga hitting all headshots going while it's next to impossible to even keep hitting bodyshots on pc.

  17. No, that’s not at all why I hate skye and you even found a way to get the reason why people hate sombra wrong as well.

  18. 100% agree, it’s not that hard to “watch” for skye, it’s the unfairness of fighting against her

  19. Literally. Half the replies that attempt to dismiss how bullshit she is to fight against basically just amount to “just shoot first it’s not hard to watch out for her” when that’s not the problem.

  20. Let’s not even think about the aim assist… I guess that’s the thing that makes or breaks her. A player who technically ever misses a shot cannot be defended against, they will be quicker to deal out more dmg than even a tank can tank

  21. I just want to understand the mentality of players purposely staying in spawn instead of quitting and becoming a bot, why do they go out of their way to run around in spawn rather than quitting (which is still lame af)

  22. Because leaving a match gives deserter, and possibly -elo points

  23. Makes sense, must have left their matches so much that they have hour penalties. or however it works

  24. To be honest, even me, someone that never purposely leaves my matches, with the random crashes I’m afraid to get deserter for however long it would give me next time. It’s kind of silly

  25. Holy fucking shit I can’t breathe! This is pure gold! Thank you for sharing it!

  26. If I’m not on another stealth archer playthrough then I’m letting my minions do all the work. On the off chance I can be bothered I throw some lightning at the closest one.

  27. There are people who do not have an internal monologue. I was like WTF.

  28. Today I learned there are people with inner monologue. It must be so busy, does the voice never shut up? Can’t imagine

  29. Welcome to the club! It’s my fav storyline in the game, it’s just so well written! I sided with Tharaêl as well, so the ending was a punch in the gut. Ah man I was spamming E on that cliff to try to interrupt him somehow…

  30. Funfact: He has the same voice actor as Sirius, Aixon and Tharaêl. Now try walking past him and not imagining Tharaêl spouting the poems. XD

  31. Fuck I didn’t know that. Noooo how do I unlearn things…

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