
  1. It all comes down to mental toughness. Mentally you need to be able to be alone in such a small space for so long. And the moment anything creeps into your mind you have to e to push it out. (I spent a long stretch in solitary, 23 hour lockdown and no direct sunlight is miserable). But guys for sure can’t handle it and crack.

  2. I read a case study on isolation. It claims that people who adapt well to long-term isolation are more likely people who have anti-social disorders.

  3. No, not in my experience. Using myself as the example, I’m a very social person and if anything after having spent so much time in the hole it made me want to be around friends/ family even more. It’s one of the few things from prison that has stuck around, I still dont like spending long periods of time alone. I don’t like the quiet.

  4. The Chin, no question. The family is still operating smoothly nearly 20 years after his death. No internal wars, the leadership is firmly in the crew where all the power has come from. And no upper echelon rats.

  5. They all lie when it comes to kicking up. All depends on how good their standing is.

  6. Easy way or not who cares? Lose the weight and get healthy. In general we are all better off if we weigh less. Why would “taking the hard way” somehow be better? People should mind their own business.

  7. Carlo never would have given up the Boss spot while still alive.

  8. No it’s not. It’s in Lloyd Harbor NY. It’s a private residence.

  9. This is very old school but check out pictures of Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy. He had such a baby face way into the 1950’s or 60’s but was a real bad-ass in WWII.

  10. The biggest, little bad ass there ever was.

  11. Actually use semaglutide to change the way you eat and your behavior when eating. While on it, it should be very obvious that we habitually overeat. Don’t go back to old habits. Actually make new ones.

  12. Screw all those people. Anyone who would prefer to see you struggle with weight issues and ultimately health issues is a horrible person. Get the weight off and get healthy.

  13. I have often wondered why he hasn’t gotten into mining in Nome doing the Bering see aspect of mining.

  14. Probably not enough potential for him to get involved.

  15. Almost makes it seems like the Feds want people to think he’s a rat. Like when Massino thought it was weird that Sal Vitale wasn’t getting indicted.

  16. The way Leftie spoke to Donnie, I could understand why. Zero respect. Seems like Leftie was just taking out his life frustrations of being a constantly-broke degenerate gambler on Donnie.

  17. I don’t think it’s a zero respect thing. A lot of made guys, if you know the life, treat non made guys that way. That until you’re made you’re beneath them. Other made guys see each other as men and so you res

  18. And Paul, based on everything I ever read about him, never even should have been a mob guy.

  19. If he didn’t become Boss he probably would have died of old age. He would have been better off staying as a captain.

  20. Move into a house like that, then complain when the feds wire it. High level intelligence these guys had

  21. When the only requirement to be a member is your last name ends in a vowel…..

  22. His nose looks like it’s starting to collapse from drug use (ie Arty Lange style). He didn’t “lose” his money, he spent it.

  23. He got sentenced to 12 years and I think he did like 7/8 or something.

  24. He did 1.5 roughly. Gut released early and then was quickly arrested for selling coke to an undercover agent.

  25. Like how everyone is making fun of me. I never said 35% or college people did it. Was throwing out a random #. I’m just curious how common it is now in society. If majority or minority number of people do it.

  26. Easiest way for you to know is how many of your friends have an SB? My guess is none.

  27. Unless you’re using anabolic steroids (and even then you’ll still be losing but losing less) you won’t be able to hold onto as much muscle while dieting. With a loss of calories every day the muscle doesn’t have the needed building blocks. Keep doing what you are doing. Worry about adding muscle when you get down to your target weight. Weighing less overall is always better.

  28. Get clean now but definitely follow RDAP. Keep your head down and you’ll get out in 30ish months

  29. Have taken multiple on excelsior and have passed every time. The faintness of lines doesn’t mean anything. If you can see the lines you passed. Doesn’t matter the strength of color.

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