
  1. Oh really? Just out here encouraging people not to vote for Biden, but still gonna vote for him.

  2. Read any comment I've made here. If you want to pressure Biden into no longer arming Israel for its genocide then I will happily vote for him.

  3. Careful, the West is trying to frame that Netanyahu is the sole cause for this which is incorrect. It is Zionism as a whole that's the problem. Unless the whole of Israel is dezionised, this Jewish supremacism problem WILL persist.

  4. Nah, I'm one of many Anti-Zionist Jews doing what we can to make sure people don't associate real Jews with Zionists bigoted perversion of our faith and culture.

  5. I wish the industry was less of a black box when it came to the financial side of things. They want to sell new #1s in every upcoming fiscal quarter for the rest of the year. First issues make money, the X-men line can sail into 2025 riding on a high.

  6. She is not a victim of the system, she is a violent enforcer of the system. She willingly agreed to forcefully remove this man from his home to serve the capital of his landlord. She willingly chose a job that exists to protect the wealthy ownership class and consistently puts people into a prison system designed around slave labor and further disenfranchisement to ensure they come back for more slave labor as soon as possible after release. She wouldn't have gone to jail if she refused to do this, at maximum she would have had to apply for another job.

  7. She's also a human being who's going to be deeply affected by this for the rest of her life.

  8. You're right about all of that but I still don't feel empathy for those who choose to do evil. That's probably a failure on my part

  9. We don't all need to personally forgive every bad actor!

  10. this is so true. as a trans person i can say i've never felt excluded or hated in folk punk spaces. can't really say that about anywhere else lol

  11. how is it exceptionally queer? i keep hearing about folk punk being gay and stuff. but most of the folk punk i listen to doesnt really show that. or is it more of a regional scene type thing? i dont belong to a folk punk scene so i wouldnt know much about it. not trying to be rude, genuinely asking

  12. Depends on which parts of the scene but it's a pretty common occurance.

  13. I liked the first a lot better tbh.

  14. Well, to sum it up, I really loved the first movie because of stuff like its world building, twists, and how varied/impactful every plot point felt. I only really took two main issues with it (the Harkonnens and Dunkan).

  15. In Dune's defense it was the original for lots of those troupes 😅 but I hear you.

  16. All of this is utterly depressing. I need to keep laughing at Zionist idiocy to keep from sobbing or resorting to violence.

  17. I got banned They were talking about terrorists in al shifa hospital and I pointed out there weren’t any until the Israeli army got there They had a meltdown

  18. I hope one of those freedom fighters you love so much rapes your western ass until it bleeds

  19. But hey, at least you know they're actually freedom fighters!

  20. I'd suggest reading Black Marxism by Cedric Robertson. You can't properly understand and dismantle the capitalist system if you can't understand it's many intersections with imperialism and the oppressive systems imperialism spread throughout the world to serve their capital interests such as the spread of patriarchal religion of Christianity as well as the codification of distinction racial classes as a justification for slavery, as opposed to earlier forms of slavery which served more as punishment rather than the identification and subjugation of a "lesser" race.

  21. They are millions. I am part of the community and ostracized by my own people. I can't even grasp how it is in Israel proper.

  22. What are your views exactly on Zionism? Do you support a 2 state solution? Or do you support Palestinians getting the Right to Return?

  23. Bonnie Ross wanted Halo 4 to be a launch title for the Xbone but Micro$$$oft wanted it out the holiday season BEFORE they launched their new console with ZERO killer app or AAA exclusives 🙄🙄🙄

  24. What does misogyny have to do with anything? It is indeed possible to dislike a woman without being mysogynistic.

  25. You're just wrong about this on every point. Israeli's have done nothing but benefit from the occupation of Palestine and the oppression of its people. Israeli citizens, not all but enough that it's a problem, attack and kill Palestinians and build illegal settlements on their land the the government protects them.

  26. I think it's disingenuous to ask how it should be done before acknowledging that it must be done.

  27. I want to help people and from own personal experiences and the studies I’ve read I have come to the opinion I have. I am always happy to learn more about an issue and change my opinion. That post came across as someone making up a person to prove a point. I hope I am wrong. I asked the questions as a way to learn more and convey that more information is needed for a statement to be trusted. I am done arguing about it. Just trying to learn more about people’s experiences at this point. Can’t grow without more knowledge.

  28. You said you were done arguing. Is that true? Or.......?

  29. You have to listen to both to be able to form a real opinion. I asked for more information and instead you are just trying to argue more. Boring.

  30. Dumbass, I'm telling you who should try seeking your information from.

  31. Yeah I don't think Americans self reflect like that (I say this as an American).

  32. Some do, exceptionally few though. This is specifically how I've been viewing it and honestly I'm still shocked at how much support there is for Palestine considering how long I've been following it and rarely see it represented well if mentioned at all.

  33. I feel like it's the other way around really? It was stuff like Pacifc Rim and Cloverfield and other smaller kaiju movies plus the rise of big budget cgi driven spectacle movies like the MCU that created a perfect storm for Godzilla to make a comeback.

  34. How about Palestinians apologize for decades of terror against Israelis and other countries citizens?

  35. Nah. It doesn't. Because you aren't taking this seriously. All of this shit starts with the British and European Zionists. Don't pin the bullshit that's happened since on people who were invaded, massacred, and driven out of their homes.

  36. I just want to be able to talk about systems of oppression that are foundational to a society. You can't, or shouldn't, talk about American culture and society without acknowledging the history of white suprecy and racism on which the country was built. You need to see how it has infected every aspect of our political, economic, and social systems and is reinforced in every political walk of life including the overtly racist right and the more tolerate and well meaning left.

  37. I asked for references for that stuff because I had a look and couldn't find what you were referring to.

  38. No, I'm not. Because I've been following the most basic facts since October. They started bombing civilians in the north, forced them out of their homes, and now they are in the south as Israel commences it's final assaults.

  39. Glad to see you admit most Palestinians aren’t interested in a compromise that leads to peace and a state, or rather the elimination of Israel precedes those interests.

  40. Disappointed to see that you don't care about the humanity of Palestinians enough to oppose their oppression or support their liberation.

  41. Right this is how well adjusted adults understand personal responsibility. It's not the person who actually does the murder, it's the person who offended their sensibilities enough that they HAD to murder that we should blame. This is how civilization works.

  42. Palestinian mobs, regional states, and Islamic powers would like a word with you over a few centuries.

  43. What were they all so mad about again......oh yeah, western imperialism, the denial of Arab human rights or Palestinian self determination, and a century of military, economic, and political oppression and exploitation!

  44. Come on , it’s the only democratic country in the area . They are just defending themselves from extinction.

  45. And they dare to call hamas ''terrorists''. And then use hamas' word for eradicating jews as a valid reason to eradicate palestinians.

  46. Hamas doesn't even call for the eradication of Jews in their charter. They specifically call out the political ideology of Zionism as a form of colonialism and THAT is what they oppose.

  47. They're fighting people who use child soldiers. It's shitty, but it makes more sense here.

  48. Israel is the one sending their 18 year old into the meat grinder to kill other kids.

  49. A bunch of 18 year old kids being thrown to a meat grinder - a watershed moment of technology and killing.

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